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Wejwa' (Klingon for flavor) is a Klingon restaurant located on [[Deep Space 3]], that opened in mid 2398 to much acclaim.
Wejwa' (Klingon for flavor) is a Klingon restaurant located on [[Deep Space 3]], that opened in mid 2398 to much acclaim.
<ref>[https://groups.google.com/g/sb118-arrow/c/gp6phkeN4VA "The Spices must flow."], PNPC Tro'k, {{USS|Arrow}}, 239808.12</ref>
<ref>[https://groups.google.com/g/sb118-arrow/c/gp6phkeN4VA "The Spices must flow."], PNPC Tro'k, {{USS|Arrow}}, 239808.12</ref>

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