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The mission itself involved driving the bungees to a damaged research outpost and ending up performing an evacuation as storm was incident.  After the storm a second group was sent and Seja found it difficult to be left behind and putting others in danger instead of herself.  She spoke to the captain about this and learned a lot about the role of command she had recently taken on.
The mission itself involved driving the bungees to a damaged research outpost and ending up performing an evacuation as storm was incident.  After the storm a second group was sent and Seja found it difficult to be left behind and putting others in danger instead of herself.  She spoke to the captain about this and learned a lot about the role of command she had recently taken on.

During shore leave Seja got a chance to get to know [[Alex Blair]] more after working together on the research outpost to rescue one of the engineers.  Seja also finished working with Relk on her holographic visualisation of her dreams left behind by the alien vessel.  This allowed Relk and Seja to grow closed again and after Saveron advice will be passing the work onto Starfleet archaeologist in the hope she will get more information.
During shore leave Seja got a chance to get to know [[Alex Blair]] more after working together on the research outpost to rescue one of the engineers.  Seja also finished working with Relk on her holographic visualisation of her dreams left behind by the alien vessel.  This allowed Relk and Seja to grow closed again and after Saveron advice will be passing the work onto Starfleet archaeologist in the hope she will get more information.  Seja and Ed went on a second date that started off well visiting an interesting art exhibition but ended with them both in the brig after the exhibition was interrupted by protests.  The experience made them closer.

Seja and Ed went on a second date that started off well visiting an interesting art exhibition but ended with them both in the brig after the exhibition was interrupted by protests.
Seja found herself back at the academy confused about why it was different unbeknown to her she was in a dreamscape.  As the dreamscape went on they realised that they weren't still cadets and that they had graduated and now were officers on a Starship although their full memories didn't return until they were back a while.  The experience caused Ed and Seja to discuss their past and to define their relationship.  Seja opened up to Ed about Relk and a difficult memory of nearly drowning from her past.  Seja had always troubled to open up to people but with the events over the last couple of years she is determined to change that.

Seja found herself back at the academy confused about why it was different unbeknown to her she was in a dreamscape.
The next mission was a trade mission to a sky city for a precious gas that if the stories were true could one day replace Dilithium.  Seja went one of the investigate teams to a mining ship and soon found out how dangerous and bad the work conditions were to extract this gas.  Unfortunately Seja was strung by a insert that had come with them from the Conny and was soon unconscious.  Seja missed the next events as the city was attacked by a large creature called the Razaar that lived in the gas giants atmosphere.  Seja was unable to help in the initial rescue but worked with their police department afterwards to find out the attack was caused by an neighbouring city unhappy about the Federation's trade talks.
As they returned to the station the captain was arrested.  Seja joined her friends ( Ed, Sav and Laz ) for her first experience of playing keyboard as part of a group.

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