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1,890 bytes added ,  15 January 2019
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<b> Shore leave after the Dream state. </b>
<b> Shore leave after the Dream state. </b>

<i> (To be added) </i>
Leaving the dream state initially was very odd. When he got back to check on Jang he found him watching Cartoons and eating pizza. which let Groznin know he was okay. Afew days after leaving the dream state, Groznin booked Jang a counselling session with the Gorkons new counsellor Ensign [[Corliss Fortune]]. while Jang was in this session Groznin went to Sto'Vo'Kor for a drink by himself. when he arrived he met [[Nova O'Rien]] a Human science officer who he shared a drink with. They talked about Jang and how Groznin came to adopt him. after a while they both left to go their duty posts for the day. Before they left they planned to meet to go out at some point and they planned o message each other when they could meet. Groznin then had to go to the Security and Tactical office aboard the Gorkon to meet the Temporary Secruity and Tactical chief while Sera was away on a Klingon exchange mission. The meeting went well and he planned to create a simulation team building exercise for Security & Tacitical which since yet hasn't come into fruition. Later on in Shore leave he and Nova met up and decided to go down to the moon of Panolon. While there they went to a small restaurant and ate some Bajoran dishes. They also saw [[Jo Marshall]] & [[Erin Reynolds]] while getting their meals which was a short but nice encounter. After they ate their meal they went to watch some fireworks at a festival being thrown on the planet. They also ate some Uttaberry ice cream. After the fireworks finished They returned to Nova's quarters to watch a movie.
A few more days later Groznin went for a check up with Lieutenant [[Genkos Sim]] Genkos discovered raised Dopamine levels. which gave an indication that Groznin was in love. although he let his friend know about Nova and that hey'd recently been on a date. The pair then shared a drink in Genkos' office.
<b> End of Shore Leave party </b>
Too be added.

<h3>{{LCARS-bar-left|Service History|50|COLOR=darkgoldenrod}}</h3>
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