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638 bytes added ,  13 October 2018
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Then 2 year later Seja was born.  Seja spent her early childhood on aboard long distance transport vessels with her parents and two brothers.  During the dominion war, the transport vessel was in starfleet convoys.  She spent hours looking out of the window at the federation ships in awe and played games pretending to be the uniform officers she saw when they stopped at Starbases.  This was the start of her dream to join Starfleet.
Then 2 year later Seja was born.  Seja spent her early childhood on aboard long distance transport vessels with her parents and two brothers.  During the dominion war, the transport vessel was in starfleet convoys.  She spent hours looking out of the window at the federation ships in awe and played games pretending to be the uniform officers she saw when they stopped at Starbases.  This was the start of her dream to join Starfleet.

Seja mother tried her hardest to teach Seja and brothers Bajoran culture.  She taught them Bajoran histor, about the occupation, about the Prophets and the Bajoran language and gave them the food and drink of her people.
Seja mother tried her hardest to teach Seja and brothers Bajoran culture.  She taught them Bajoran history, about the occupation, about the Prophets and the Bajoran language and gave them the food and drink of her people.

When Seja was 9 they moved to her mother’s brother farm on Bajor.  Seja and her brother Relk didn’t settle. After a year, they moved back to transport vessel, leaving her eldest brother Birnath who was 17 behind.  Then when Seja was 12 her mother left.  At 15 her mother requested Seja to live with her and her new family. Seja was angry but reluctantly agreed she continued to visit her father during holidays.  She spent 2 years living on the colony before moving back to her fathers transport.
When Seja was 9 they moved to her mother’s brother farm on Bajor.  Seja and her brother Relk didn’t settle. After a year, they moved back to transport vessel, leaving her eldest brother Birnath who was 17 behind.  Then when Seja was 12 her mother left.  At 15 her mother requested Seja to live with her and her new family. Seja was angry but reluctantly agreed she continued to visit her father during holidays.  She spent 2 years living on the colony before moving back to her fathers transport.

At 18 Seja applied to Starfleet, but was rejected.  She spent the next 2 year working on her father’s transport vessel. Life was fun aboard the vessel and she saw a very different side to it that from when she was a child.  They drunk Cider, Beer together after work in Rec room and engaged in pub games.  When they stopped at planets during the day they would do adrenaline activities and night frequent the bars. Her elder brother Relk always watched out for her. During long voyages they would play pranks on the new crew members and Relk taught Seja some engineering tricks.   
At 18 Seja applied to Starfleet, but was rejected.  She spent the next 2 year working on her father’s transport vessel. Life was fun aboard the vessel and she saw a very different side to it that from when she was a child.  They drunk Cider, Beer together after work in Rec room and engaged in pub games.  When they stopped at planets during the day they would do adrenaline activities and night frequent the bars. Her elder brother Relk always watched out for her.  Sometimes things got a little out of hand for example Seja had to rescued by her brother when Jet Skiing after falling in and being unable to swim. During long voyages they would play pranks on the new crew members and Relk taught Seja some engineering tricks.   

At 20 with much persuasion from her father, she reapplied to Starfleet and was accepted.
At 20 with much persuasion from her father, she reapplied to Starfleet and was accepted.
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Seja struggles to come to terms with what happened on the Geneva at first keeping secret what had happened to Tam.  In the gym she refused to open up to [[Shar'Wyn Foster | Doctor Foster]] which severely damaged their friendship.  Later she opens up with the truth to [[Jalana Rajel | Captain Jalana Rajel]] and starts a long road to recovery.  Seja was also left with severe damage to the nerves in her left arm making it inoperable at first caused by the tainted distributor that nearly killed her.  She  worked on rehabilitation therapy with [[Edward Spears | Doctor Spears]] which she has found a slow and frustrating process.  During this time spoke with [[Saveron]] and she explored other non physical areas of security with [[Edward Spears | Doctor Spears]] providing simulated murder to expand on her investigative skills.  By the end of shore leave she had gained majority use of her left arm, still struggling to do finer movement with her fingers like playing the piano but was cleared for duty.   
Seja struggles to come to terms with what happened on the Geneva at first keeping secret what had happened to Tam.  In the gym she refused to open up to [[Shar'Wyn Foster | Doctor Foster]] which severely damaged their friendship.  Later she opens up with the truth to [[Jalana Rajel | Captain Jalana Rajel]] and starts a long road to recovery.  Seja was also left with severe damage to the nerves in her left arm making it inoperable at first caused by the tainted distributor that nearly killed her.  She  worked on rehabilitation therapy with [[Edward Spears | Doctor Spears]] which she has found a slow and frustrating process.  During this time spoke with [[Saveron]] and she explored other non physical areas of security with [[Edward Spears | Doctor Spears]] providing simulated murder to expand on her investigative skills.  By the end of shore leave she had gained majority use of her left arm, still struggling to do finer movement with her fingers like playing the piano but was cleared for duty.   
The next mission which involved rescuing a Lineran scout ship from Lembatta Cluster. It was quiet in comparison of the previous mission for Seja as she was assigned escorting the Linaran Minister Ohain with questionable ethics around the ship.  But as she watched the creature being born she re-realised why she had joined Starfleet, to protect creatures like these. She went on investigate and find out the truth of what the Minister planned to do to the egg and baby and to report it.

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