Lael Rosek/USS Veritas Service Jacket: Difference between revisions

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'''Notable Relationships'''
'''Notable Relationships'''

* {{n|Alex Blair}}:  
* {{n|Alex Blair}}: When they initially came aboard the {{USS|Veritas}} together, their friendship was just beginning to recover from the obstacle of Lael and Chythar's unexpected telepathic bond. However, over the course of a couple missions working closely together, they have developed a strong trust and mutual respect for one another. Lael has come to value Alex's friendship nearly as much as she values Chythar's. 
* {{n|Chythar Skyfire}}:
* {{n|Chythar Skyfire}}: Their friendship went through a rough patch. As a result of his desperation to bring her back when she flatlined, the two formed a telepathic connection. This led to the revelation that Lael harbors non-platonic feelings for Chythar. They barely spoke for months. After a nearly-deadly experience aboard their previous assignment, Lael and Chythar arrived on the {{USS|Veritas}} in the process of repairing their friendship. Though it's still awkward between them at times, they have managed to regain the majority of what they'd lost in those months of silence.
* {{n|Dassa Alexander}}:   
* {{n|Dassa Alexander}}:
* {{n|Jonathan Cumar}}:   
* {{n|Anjar Thoran}}:  
* {{n|Anjar Thoran}}:  
* {{n|Madeline Young}}:
* {{n|Madeline Young}}:

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