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They use to be a people who expressed themselves in a number of creative and artistic ways. Music, dance and visual arts being some of the most widely known. However after 2 centuries of intense drug addiction none of them remember how to make or play any instruments. For that matter all of the various artistic art forms have been abandoned and what little art they have left is that which the Brekkians deemed to be not good enough for trade.  
After two centuries of intense drug addiction, very few old traditions and productions of art and music survived. For that matter all of the various artistic art forms have been abandoned and what little art they have left is that which the Brekkians deemed to be unfit for trade. All creative pieces are new, produced by young Ornarans during the last few decades. Creative and artistic expression through music, dance and visual arts is slowly returning.
In fact, many Ornaran cultures are being lead forward by younger Ornarans whom were only considered secondary victims to the dark age, witness to parental felicium addiction but saved from such pain themselves. With this experience, they are generally an accepting culture, happy to provide what assistance they can for reforming addicts from all species and cultures - the planet itself has become somewhat of a retreat from such lifestyles.<ref>[https://groups.google.com/d/msg/sb118-invicta/TyBxq6PJN6I/EZiEVD8kBgAJ ''"Running out of paddles."''], LtCmdr S.Blake, {{USS|Invicta}}, SD 239309.27</ref>



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