User:Rich/Characters: Difference between revisions

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File:Rahman3.jpg|{{nrank|Dr.|Roshanara Rahman}}
File:Bakari.jpg|{{nrank|Lt. Cmdr.|Msafiri|Bakari}}
File:Bakari.jpg|{{nrank|Lt. Cmdr.|Msafiri Bakari}}
* '''{{n|Roshanara|Rahman}}''': The impish former chief engineer of the {{USS|Garuda}}, now unexpectedly the ship's first officer and a project manager for the [[Starfleet Corps of Engineers]].
* '''{{n|Roshanara Rahman}}''': The impish former chief engineer of the {{USS|Garuda}}, now unexpectedly the ship's first officer and a project manager for the [[Starfleet Corps of Engineers]].
* '''{{n|Msafiri|Bakari}}''': A human criminal investigator and security officer who led the Federation Resistance during the [[Vaadwaur Occupation]] of DS17. Now, he finds himself wearing the infamous redshirt of command as adjunct to {{n|Cassandra|Egan Manno}}.
* '''{{n|Msafiri Bakari}}''': A human criminal investigator and security officer who led the Federation Resistance during the [[Vaadwaur Occupation]] of DS17. Now, he finds himself wearing the infamous redshirt of command as adjunct to {{n|Cassandra Egan Manno}}.

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File:Kadosh.jpg|{{nrank|Marine Cpt.|Eitan|Kadosh}}
File:Kadosh.jpg|{{nrank|Marine Cpt.|Eitan Kadosh}}
File:ZhouTS.jpg|{{nrank|Lt. Cmdr.|Zhou Tai-Sheng}}
File:ZhouTS.jpg|{{nrank|Lt. Cmdr.|Zhou Tai-Sheng}}
File:Csampi.jpg|{{nrank|Dr.|Charles Sampi}}
File:Tenzin_zhou.jpg|{{nrank|Dr.|Tenzin Zhou}}
* '''{{n|Eitan|Kadosh}}''': A veteran marine assigned to the {{USS|Drake}}.
* '''{{n|Eitan Kadosh}}''': A veteran marine assigned to the {{USS|Drake}}.
:''My first secondary PC, brother of {{n|Ayelet|Kadosh}}.''
:''My first secondary PC, brother of {{n|Ayelet Kadosh}}.''
* '''[[Zhou Tai-Sheng]]''': Former chief of security of the {{USS|Tiger|A}}.
* '''[[Zhou Tai-Sheng]]''': Former chief of security of the {{USS|Tiger|A}}.
:''My third PC, cousin to Tenzin Zhou.''
:''My third PC, cousin to Tenzin Zhou.''
* '''[[Sampi, Charles|Charles "Charlie" Sampi]]''': A young human doctor.
* '''[[Sampi, Charles|Charles "Charlie" Sampi]]''': A young human doctor.
:''My second PC, now completing a fellowship on [[Medical Starbase 253]].''
:''My second PC, now completing a fellowship on [[Medical Starbase 253]].''
* '''{{n|Tenzin|Zhou}}''': A human/Trill medical doctor.
* '''{{n|Tenzin Zhou}}''': A human/Trill medical doctor.
:''My first PC, now happily stationed on Betazed.''
:''My first PC, now happily stationed on Betazed.''

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File:Jess Webber.jpg|{{nrank|Lt. JG|Jess|Webber}}
File:Jess Webber.jpg|{{nrank|Lt. JG|Jess Webber}}
File:Daniellevistain.jpg|{{nrank|Lt. JG|Danielle|Vistain}}
File:Daniellevistain.jpg|{{nrank|Lt. JG|Danielle Vistain}}
File:Chaun.jpg|{{nrank|Lt.|Dre'lith Chaun}}
File:Lidia ivanova.jpg|{{nrank|Lt.|Lidia|Ivanova}}
File:Lidia ivanova.jpg|{{nrank|Lt.|Lidia Ivanova}}
File:Xio.png|{{nrank|Crewman First Class|Xio}}
File:Xio.png|{{nrank|Crewman First Class|Xio}}
File:Montanez.jpg|{{nrank|Lt. Cmdr.|Javier|Montanez}}
File:Montanez.jpg|{{nrank|Lt. Cmdr.|Javier Montanez}}
* '''{{n|Jess|Webber}}''': An {{age|2309|11|16}}-year-old Human/[[Gideon]] operations officer who keeps {{n|Nick|Falls}} young.
* '''{{n|Jess Webber}}''': An {{age|2309|11|16}}-year-old Human/[[Gideon]] operations officer who keeps {{n|Nick|Falls}} young.
* '''{{n|Danielle|Vistain}}''': A human engineer who loves shuttles, even if they don't always love her.
* '''{{n|Danielle Vistain}}''': A human engineer who loves shuttles, even if they don't always love her.
:''My first NPC whom I later adopted into a PNPC.''
:''My first NPC whom I later adopted into a PNPC.''
* '''[[Maravosh]]''': A Risian pilot previously stationed on Starbase 301 and close friend of [[Zhou Tai-Sheng]].
* '''[[Maravosh]]''': A Risian pilot previously stationed on Starbase 301 and close friend of [[Zhou Tai-Sheng]].
* '''{{n|Dre'lith|Chaun}}''': An Andorian helmsman who needs to learn some new pick up lines.
* '''{{n|Dre'lith Chaun}}''': An Andorian helmsman who needs to learn some new pick up lines.
* '''[[Reez]]''': A Denobulan engineer, whose life was saved by Roshanara Rahman during an accident aboard the {{USS|Tempest}}.
* '''[[Reez]]''': A Denobulan engineer, whose life was saved by Roshanara Rahman during an accident aboard the {{USS|Tempest}}.
* '''{{n|Lidia|Ivanova}}''': A human security officer and a close friend of Tenzin Zhou.
* '''{{n|Lidia Ivanova}}''': A human security officer and a close friend of Tenzin Zhou.
:''She was previously posted to the {{USS|Pioneer}}. In a message to Zhou, she mentions meeting a "kid doctor" aboard that vessel who later is revealed to be Charles Sampi.''
:''She was previously posted to the {{USS|Pioneer}}. In a message to Zhou, she mentions meeting a "kid doctor" aboard that vessel who later is revealed to be Charles Sampi.''
* '''[[Xio]]''': A Rodulan engineer.
* '''[[Xio]]''': A Rodulan engineer.
* '''{{n|Javier|Montanez}}''': A decorated human engineer working at Starfleet R&D who served as chief engineer of the {{USS|Tempest}} during the accident in 2383.
* '''{{n|Javier Montanez}}''': A decorated human engineer working at Starfleet R&D who served as chief engineer of the {{USS|Tempest}} during the accident in 2383.

===Retired/Inactive Starfleet PNPCs===
===Retired/Inactive Starfleet PNPCs===
File:Ayelet_kadosh.jpg|{{nrank|Lt. JG|Ayelet|Kadosh}}
File:Ayelet_kadosh.jpg|{{nrank|Lt. JG|Ayelet Kadosh}}
File:MacNeil.jpg|{{nrank|Lt.|Graham MacNeil}}
File:DoctorMol.jpg|{{nrank|Dr.|Grishols Mol}}
File:Jessop.jpg|{{nrank|Crewman|Veralise Jessop}}
* '''{{n|Ayelet|Kadosh}}''': A human nurse from [[Deep Space 17]] who transferred to the USS ''Independence''-A after [[Operation Bright Star]]. She later left Starfleet to remain on Earth in late 2388.
* '''{{n|Ayelet Kadosh}}''': A human nurse from [[Deep Space 17]] who transferred to the USS ''Independence''-A after [[Operation Bright Star]]. She later left Starfleet to remain on Earth in late 2388.
:''Ayelet eventually become my primary PNPC for much of 2011 and one of my favorite characters to sim. Ironically, she was meant to be only a minor side character for a mission-specific PNPC, namely {{n|Msafiri|Bakari}}.''
:''Ayelet eventually become my primary PNPC for much of 2011 and one of my favorite characters to sim. Ironically, she was meant to be only a minor side character for a mission-specific PNPC, namely {{n|Msafiri Bakari}}.''
* '''{{n|Graham|MacNeil}}''': A human assistant chief engineer of the USS ''Mercury'', killed in action in 2389.
* '''{{n|Graham MacNeil}}''': A human assistant chief engineer of the USS ''Mercury'', killed in action in 2389.
* '''[[Pok]]''': A Ferengi medical student who completed a clinical rotation aboard the USS ''Tiger''-A.
* '''[[Pok]]''': A Ferengi medical student who completed a clinical rotation aboard the USS ''Tiger''-A.
* '''{{n|Grishols|Mol}}''': A seasoned physician and observer from Starfleet Medical. He was sent to evaluate Charles Sampi.
* '''{{n|Grishols Mol}}''': A seasoned physician and observer from Starfleet Medical. He was sent to evaluate Charles Sampi.
* '''{{n|Veralise|Jessop}}''': A human medic who was killed in action in 2387.
* '''{{n|Veralise Jessop}}''': A human medic who was killed in action in 2387.
:''My first PNPC (and the first character I killed off).''
:''My first PNPC (and the first character I killed off).''

File:Dajhul.jpg|{{nrank|Gul|Tolas Dajhul}}
File:Reza_Kardgar.jpg|{{n|Reza Kardgar}}
File:ProfCowens.jpg|{{nrank|Prof.|J. Cowens}}
File:Peress.jpg|{{nrank|Dr.|Peress Dolsan}}
* '''{{n|Tolas|Dajhul}}''': The Cardassian co-commanding officer of [[Creshan'na Riyas]] (also known as [[Deep Space 10]]).
* '''{{n|Tolas Dajhul}}''': The Cardassian co-commanding officer of [[Creshan'na Riyas]] (also known as [[Deep Space 10]]).
* '''Yasmin Ibrahim''': Tenzin Zhou's wife.
* '''Yasmin Ibrahim''': Tenzin Zhou's wife.
:''Yasmin holds the distinction of having my first sim written in the first person voice: [[SIM: From DS17: Prelude to a New Chapter|"Prelude to a New Chapter"]]''
:''Yasmin holds the distinction of having my first sim written in the first person voice: [[SIM: From DS17: Prelude to a New Chapter|"Prelude to a New Chapter"]]''
* '''{{n|Reza|Kardgar}}''': A human journalist for the [[Federation News Service]] and survivor of the [[Vaadwaur Occupation]].
* '''{{n|Reza Kardgar}}''': A human journalist for the [[Federation News Service]] and survivor of the [[Vaadwaur Occupation]].
:''Reza holds the distinction of having the second: [[Federation News Service/Special Report: The Face of Treason|"The Face of Treason"]]''
:''Reza holds the distinction of having the second: [[Federation News Service/Special Report: The Face of Treason|"The Face of Treason"]]''
* '''{{n|J.|Cowens}}''': A human professor and astrophysicist aboard the USS ''Mercury'', on sabbatical from the Orion Institute of Cosmology.
* '''{{n|J. Cowens}}''': A human professor and astrophysicist aboard the USS ''Mercury'', on sabbatical from the Orion Institute of Cosmology.
* '''Pasht-Nos''': An Orion who served as first officer of the FTU K'Tarkin.
* '''Pasht-Nos''': An Orion who served as first officer of the FTU K'Tarkin.
* '''{{n|Peress|Dolsan}}''': A Romulan scientist and refugee on [[Bilire VI]].
* '''{{n|Peress Dolsan}}''': A Romulan scientist and refugee on [[Bilire VI]].
* '''Ivorsk Ketas''': A (not quite) retired Romulan Tal Shiar agent on Bilire VI.
* '''Ivorsk Ketas''': A (not quite) retired Romulan Tal Shiar agent on Bilire VI.
* '''Eres''': A Bajoran freedom fighter/terrorist and member of the [[Scarlet Brotherhood]]
* '''Eres''': A Bajoran freedom fighter/terrorist and member of the [[Scarlet Brotherhood]]
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Though I created the following NPCs, I highly encourage other writers to use them in their SIMs as they wish and to expand on their back stories and characterizations.
Though I created the following NPCs, I highly encourage other writers to use them in their SIMs as they wish and to expand on their back stories and characterizations.
File:ReniaLenai.jpg|{{nrank|Dr.|Renia Lenai}}
File:Faryul.jpg|{{nrank|Lt. JG|Faryul Nishal}}
File:Faryul.jpg|{{nrank|Lt. JG|Faryul Nishal}}
File:Mitul_Shah.jpg|{{nrank|Lt.|Mitul Shah}}
* '''{{n|Renia|Lenai}}''': A Haliian research assistant aboard the USS ''Mercury''.
* '''{{n|Renia Lenai}}''': A Haliian research assistant aboard the USS ''Mercury''.
* '''[[Faryul Nishal]]''': The Bajoran head nurse of the USS ''Tiger''-A.
* '''[[Faryul Nishal]]''': The Bajoran head nurse of the USS ''Tiger''-A.
* '''[[Karaav]]''': The EMH aboard the USS ''Independence''-A and USS ''Tiger''-A.
* '''[[Karaav]]''': The EMH aboard the USS ''Independence''-A and USS ''Tiger''-A.
* '''{{n|Durrell|Taylor}}''': A human engineer and friend of Danielle Vistain.
* '''{{n|Durrell Taylor}}''': A human engineer and friend of Danielle Vistain.
* '''{{n|Mitul|Shah}}''': A veteran human nurse in his late 40s.
* '''{{n|Mitul Shah}}''': A veteran human nurse in his late 40s.
* '''Bhavin Vyas''': Another human engineer.
* '''Bhavin Vyas''': Another human engineer.
* '''Franklin Hsu''': A human security officer.
* '''Franklin Hsu''': A human security officer.

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