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===Player Characters (PCs)===
{{LCARS-bar-heading|Player Characters (PCs)|290|COLOR=#6699cc}}
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* '''{{n|Msafiri|Bakari}}''': A human criminal investigator and security officer who led the Federation Resistance during the [[Vaadwaur Occupation]] of DS17. Now, he finds himself wearing the infamous redshirt of command as adjunct to {{n|Cassandra|Egan Manno}}.
* '''{{n|Msafiri|Bakari}}''': A human criminal investigator and security officer who led the Federation Resistance during the [[Vaadwaur Occupation]] of DS17. Now, he finds himself wearing the infamous redshirt of command as adjunct to {{n|Cassandra|Egan Manno}}.

File:Chesna.jpg|[[User:TZhou/Chesna|Cadet Chesna]]
File:Chesna.jpg|[[User:TZhou/Chesna|Cadet Chesna]]
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* '''[[User:TZhou/Jomm|Jomm]]''': A Bolian cadet.
* '''[[User:TZhou/Jomm|Jomm]]''': A Bolian cadet.

File:Kadosh.jpg|{{nrank|Marine Cpt.|Eitan|Kadosh}}
File:Kadosh.jpg|{{nrank|Marine Cpt.|Eitan|Kadosh}}
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:''My first PC, now happily stationed on Betazed.''
:''My first PC, now happily stationed on Betazed.''

===Personal Non-Player Characters (PNPCs)===
{{LCARS-bar-heading|Personal Non-Player Characters (PNPCs)|450|COLOR=#6699cc}}
File:Jess Webber.jpg|{{nrank|Lt. JG|Jess|Webber}}
File:Jess Webber.jpg|{{nrank|Lt. JG|Jess|Webber}}
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* '''{{n|Javier|Montanez}}''': A decorated human engineer working at Starfleet R&D who served as chief engineer of the {{USS|Tempest}} during the accident in 2383.
* '''{{n|Javier|Montanez}}''': A decorated human engineer working at Starfleet R&D who served as chief engineer of the {{USS|Tempest}} during the accident in 2383.

=====Retired/Inactive Starfleet PNPCs=====
===Retired/Inactive Starfleet PNPCs===
File:Ayelet_kadosh.jpg|{{nrank|Lt. JG|Ayelet|Kadosh}}
File:Ayelet_kadosh.jpg|{{nrank|Lt. JG|Ayelet|Kadosh}}
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:''My first PNPC (and the first character I killed off).''
:''My first PNPC (and the first character I killed off).''

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* '''[[Efili]]''': An AI of unknown origin running loose within the Mercury's computer. It uses an Arkenite crewman as its holographic avatar.
* '''[[Efili]]''': An AI of unknown origin running loose within the Mercury's computer. It uses an Arkenite crewman as its holographic avatar.

===Non-Player Characters (NPCs)===
{{LCARS-bar-heading|Non-Player Characters (NPCs)|330|COLOR=#6699cc}}
Though I created the following NPCs, I highly encourage other writers to use them in their SIMs as they wish and to expand on their back stories and characterizations.
Though I created the following NPCs, I highly encourage other writers to use them in their SIMs as they wish and to expand on their back stories and characterizations.
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* '''Franklin Hsu''': A human security officer.
* '''Franklin Hsu''': A human security officer.

===Quick Reference Table===
{{LCARS-bar-heading|Quick Reference Table|260|COLOR=#6699cc}}
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My condolences...
{|cellspacing='0' class="whitemarble"
!  colspan="6" style="width:800px;" |<font color=black>Character Morgue</font>
{|cellspacing='0' class="fleetbook"
! style="background:#343434; width:300px;" |Name
! style="background:#343434; width:100px;" |Portrait
! style="background:#343434; width:150px;" |Occupation
! style="background:#343434; width:250px;" |Assignment
! style="background:#343434; width:190px;" |Time of Death
! style="background:#343434; width:190px;" |Cause of Death
! style="background:#343434; width:300px;" |Sim Lifespan
![[Jessop, Veralise|<font color=lightblue>Veralise Jessop</font>]]
! style="background:black" |{{Crewimage|Veralise Jessop||Jessop.jpg}}
!<font color=#ffffff>Medic</font>
![[USS Independence-A|<font color=lightblue>USS ''Independence''-A</font>]]
![[SIM: Crewman Veralise Jessop: The Home Stretch|<font color=lightblue>SD 238708.13</font>]]
!<small><font color=#ffffff>Asphyxiation; Exposure to Space; Penetrating Trauma</font></small>
!<font color=#ffffff>3</font>
!<font color=#ffffff>Unnamed</font>
! style="background:black" |[[File:Roster-blank.jpg]]
!<font color=#ffffff>Henchman</font>
!<font color=#ffffff>FTU ''K'Tarkin''</font>
![ SD 238802.24]
!<small><font color=#ffffff>Blunt Force Trauma via [[Kadosh, Ayelet|<font color=lightblue>Ayelet Kadosh</font>]]</font></small>
!<font color=#ffffff>3</font>
![[Dolsan, Peress|<font color=lightblue>Peress Dolsan</font>]]
! style="background:black" |{{Crewimage|Peress Dolsan||Peress.jpg}}
!<font color=#ffffff>Researcher</font>
![[Bilire VI|<font color=lightblue>Bilire VI</font>]]
![ SD 238805.23]
!<small><font color=#ffffff>Lethal Injection</font></small>
!<font color=#ffffff>6</font>
!<font color=#ffffff>Tiradora</font>
! style="background:black" |[[File:Roster-blank.jpg]]
!<font color=#ffffff>Soldier</font>
![[Vaadwaur Occupation|<font color=lightblue>Vaadwaur Occupation Force, DS17</font>]]
![[SIM: LtJG Ayelet Kadosh: Brutality|<font color=lightblue>SD 238707.29 (Retold SD 238809.30)</font>]]
!<small><font color=#ffffff>Blunt Force Trauma via [[Kadosh, Ayelet|<font color=lightblue>Ayelet Kadosh</font>]]</font></small>
!<font color=#ffffff>4</font>
!<font color=#ffffff>Charles "Charlie" Sampi (Mirror Universe)</font>
! style="background:black" |{{Crewimage|Charles Sampi||Csampi.jpg|30}}
!<font color=#ffffff>Terran Laborer</font>
!<font color=#ffffff>Klingon-Cardassian Alliance vessel ''Gav'ot toH'va''</font>
![[SIM: MIRROR Ayelet: The Stars Aligned|<font color=lightblue>SD 238809.28</font>]]
!<small><font color=#ffffff>Thermal Decomposition via [[Ayelet|<font color=lightblue>Ayelet</font>]] (Mirror Universe)</font></small>
!<font color=#ffffff>1</font>
!<font color=#ffffff>Eres</font>
! style="background:black" |[[File:Roster-blank.jpg]]
!<font color=#ffffff>Freedom Fighter/Terrorist</font>
!<font color=#ffffff>Bajor</font>
![[SIM: MIRROR Ayelet: Above Us, Only Sky|<font color=lightblue>SD 238811.10</font>]]
!<small><font color=#ffffff>Asphyxiation; Exposure to Space via Ayelet (Mirror Universe)</font></small>
!<font color=#ffffff>8</font>
![[MacNeil, Graham|<font color=lightblue>Graham MacNeil</font>]]
! style="background:black" |{{Crewimage|Graham MacNeil||MacNeil.jpg|40}}
!<font color=#ffffff>Assistant Chief Engineer</font>
![[USS Mercury|<font color=lightblue>USS ''Mercury''</font>]]
!<font color=#ffffff>[ SD 238910.22]</font>
!<small><font color=#ffffff>Thermal Decomposition</font></small>
!<font color=#ffffff>1</font>
![[Cowens, J.|<font color=lightblue>J. Cowens</font>]]
! style="background:black" |{{Crewimage|J. Cowens||ProfCowens.jpg|20}}
!<font color=#ffffff>Astrophysicist, Professor</font>
!<font color=#ffffff>Orion Institute of Cosmology,<br>on sabbatical aboard</font> [[USS Mercury|<font color=lightblue>USS ''Mercury''</font>]]
!<font color=#ffffff>[ SD 239012.16]</font>
!<small><font color=#ffffff>Investigation Pending</font></small>
!<font color=#ffffff>8</font>
''Hmmm... I had no idea Ayelet was so violent. [[Tidari, Zeet|Zeet]] better watch out!'' :O

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