Ayiana Sevo/History: Difference between revisions

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Added notable sims. Formatting fixes.
(Changed headings to LCARS template. Added Gorkon history.)
(Added notable sims. Formatting fixes.)
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At the age of 23, she spent a few weeks being evaluated under a Joined field docent. She was given a good recommendation and was accepted for Joining. It took nearly a year find a suitable Symbiont to match her with. In the meantime, Ayiana continued her studies at Starfleet Academy. The symbiont Sevo shared a similar interest in the sciences - one of its previous hosts was a chemist. Upon the death of Sevo’s third host, it was transferred to Ayiana at the start of her final Academy year at the age of 24.
At the age of 23, she spent a few weeks being evaluated under a Joined field docent. She was given a good recommendation and was accepted for Joining. It took nearly a year find a suitable Symbiont to match her with. In the meantime, Ayiana continued her studies at Starfleet Academy. The symbiont Sevo shared a similar interest in the sciences - one of its previous hosts was a chemist. Upon the death of Sevo’s third host, it was transferred to Ayiana at the start of her final Academy year at the age of 24.

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'''Notable Relationships'''
'''Notable Relationships'''
* '''Nizo & Jana Yorval''' - Ayiana's parents, being a librarian and a teacher, respectively, instilled an interest in science in her at an early age. They would often take her, and her sister to museums and planetariums.
* '''Nizo & Jana Yorval''' - Ayiana's parents, being a librarian and a teacher, respectively, instilled an interest in science in her at an early age. They would often take her, and her sister to museums and planetariums.
* '''Aleesia Yorval''' - Younger sister to Ayiana, the pair were, for most of Ayiana's childhood, inseparable. However, once Ayiana was Joined, Aleesia became somewhat jealous of Ayiana's change; more out of a fear of no longer understanding her sister. The tables flipped when it was revealed that their parents did not tell Aleesia that Ayiana was in a coma following [[Ayiana_Sevo_Disjoined_Arc|an injury]] aboard the ''Victory.'' Aleesia now refuses to speak with their parents, but maintains a cordial relationship with Ayiana.
* '''Aleesia Yorval''' - Younger sister to Ayiana, the pair were, for most of Ayiana's childhood, inseparable. However, once Ayiana was Joined, Aleesia became somewhat jealous of Ayiana's change; more out of a fear of no longer understanding her sister. The tables flipped when it was revealed that their parents did not tell Aleesia that Ayiana was in a coma following [[Ayiana_Sevo_Disjoined_Arc|an injury]] aboard the ''Victory.'' Aleesia now refuses to speak with their parents, but maintains a cordial relationship with Ayiana.

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'''Childhood Timeline'''
'''Childhood Timeline'''
* '''236607.25:'''  Born to parents Nizo and Jana Yorval in Najana City, on Trill.
* '''236607.25:'''  Born to parents Nizo and Jana Yorval in Najana City, on Trill.
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She had not yet decided on a major by her second year at Starfleet Academy.  During a practical exam, her team's experiment went wrong.  Ayiana had to take charge of her team and quickly fixed the problem.  Afterwards, one of her favorite professors, Professor Inaki - himself a Joined Trill - urged her to study multiple science degrees, knowing she had a knack for math and science; even suggesting command someday, based on her budding leadership skills.  He also pointed out that more degrees under her belt was a better chance for being selected for Joining.
She had not yet decided on a major by her second year at Starfleet Academy.  During a practical exam, her team's experiment went wrong.  Ayiana had to take charge of her team and quickly fixed the problem.  Afterwards, one of her favorite professors, Professor Inaki - himself a Joined Trill - urged her to study multiple science degrees, knowing she had a knack for math and science; even suggesting command someday, based on her budding leadership skills.  He also pointed out that more degrees under her belt was a better chance for being selected for Joining.

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'''Notable Relationships'''
'''Notable Relationships'''
* '''{{n|Cadfael|Peters}}''' - Ayiana also kept in regular contact with Cadfael Peters on Earth through the Starfleet Academy Subspace Friend Program.
* '''{{n|Cadfael|Peters}}''' - Ayiana also kept in regular contact with Cadfael Peters on Earth through the Starfleet Academy Subspace Friend Program.
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'''Notable Sims'''
* '''[http://sims.starbase118.net/posts/1812518?sid=565a86465939c&p=1 Career Choices]''' - Cadet Ayiana Yorval receives some life-changing career advice from one of her Academy professors.
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'''Academy Timeline'''
'''Academy Timeline'''
* '''238408.15:'''  Accepted to Starfleet Academy, Trill Campus
* '''238408.15:'''  Accepted to Starfleet Academy, Trill Campus
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Afterwards, Ayiana made it to the bridge of the ''Arrow'' to try and gain control of the ship.  Unfortunately, the bridge had been commandeered by the Tholian 1st Lt. Takil and his loyal Chakuun soldiers. Ayiana was prepared to attempt diplomacy with them when the Tholian force abruptly left, apparently getting what they came for. To Ayiana's further bewilderment, just before they left, one of the Chakuun soldiers gave Ayiana a datachip containing a copy of the data they found - information regarding their experimental web.
Afterwards, Ayiana made it to the bridge of the ''Arrow'' to try and gain control of the ship.  Unfortunately, the bridge had been commandeered by the Tholian 1st Lt. Takil and his loyal Chakuun soldiers. Ayiana was prepared to attempt diplomacy with them when the Tholian force abruptly left, apparently getting what they came for. To Ayiana's further bewilderment, just before they left, one of the Chakuun soldiers gave Ayiana a datachip containing a copy of the data they found - information regarding their experimental web.

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'''Notable Relationships'''
'''Notable Relationships'''
* '''{{n|Cadfael|Peters}}''' - Meeting face-to-face for the first time after conversing via subspace during the Academy, the pair danced around each other for a few months. Eventually they decided to try a formal relationship. However, Cadfael was transferred to the ''U.S.S. Darwin'' shortly thereafter. The pair continues to keep in contact.
* '''{{n|Cadfael|Peters}}''' - Meeting face-to-face for the first time after conversing via subspace during the Academy, the pair danced around each other for a few months. Eventually they decided to try a formal relationship. However, Cadfael was transferred to the ''U.S.S. Darwin'' shortly thereafter. The pair continues to keep in contact.
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* '''{{n|Talia|Kaji}}''' - While Ayiana was comatose following [[Ayiana_Sevo_Disjoined_Arc|an injury]], Talia Kaji used her telepathic abilities to enter Ayiana's mind and mended Ayiana's torn psyche. This left a strange telepathic connection between Ayiana and Talia, despite the fact that Ayiana has virtually no telepathic abilities. The pair could "feel" each other in close proximity, read each other's surface thoughts without effort, and even feel and express the other's emotions.  
* '''{{n|Talia|Kaji}}''' - While Ayiana was comatose following [[Ayiana_Sevo_Disjoined_Arc|an injury]], Talia Kaji used her telepathic abilities to enter Ayiana's mind and mended Ayiana's torn psyche. This left a strange telepathic connection between Ayiana and Talia, despite the fact that Ayiana has virtually no telepathic abilities. The pair could "feel" each other in close proximity, read each other's surface thoughts without effort, and even feel and express the other's emotions.  

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'''Notable Sims'''
'''Notable Sims'''
* ''To be added''
* '''[[SIM:Ayiana_Sevo,_Arrival|Arrival]]''' - Ayiana's arrival at the ''Victory.''
* '''[[SIM:Ayiana_Sevo_Disjoined_Arc|Disjoined Arc]]''' - Ayiana's Joined mind breaks down following a mission, and {{n|Talia|Kaji}} undergoes a risky telepathic procedure to fix Ayiana.
* '''[[SIM:Ayiana_Sevo,_Tourist_Arc|Tourist Arc]]''' - Vacation on Earth.

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'''Victory Timeline'''
'''Victory Timeline'''
* '''239109.01: ''' Assigned to {{USS|Victory}} as alpha shift Science Officer.
* '''239109.01: ''' Assigned to {{USS|Victory}} as alpha shift Science Officer.
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[[Image:Ayiana-Sevo-Victorian-Dress.jpg|thumb|right|Ayiana's Victorian costume.]]Shortly after the ''Gorkon's'' return to its regional homebase of [[Astrofori One]], the crew were honored with their first awards ceremony within one of the station's many holodecks. The ceremony had been designed to replicate a 19th-century Earth Victorian mansion, with period-specific attire. Ayiana found it very difficult to wear the heavy and outlandish dress human women of the era wore. Even more, the ceremony was attended by all manner of Starfleet brass, as well as press and foreign dignitaries. As Ayiana was not fond of social gatherings, she was having an exceptionally hard time with the event.
[[Image:Ayiana-Sevo-Victorian-Dress.jpg|thumb|right|Ayiana's Victorian costume.]]Shortly after the ''Gorkon's'' return to its regional homebase of [[Astrofori One]], the crew were honored with their first awards ceremony within one of the station's many holodecks. The ceremony had been designed to replicate a 19th-century Earth Victorian mansion, with period-specific attire. Ayiana found it very difficult to wear the heavy and outlandish dress human women of the era wore. Even more, the ceremony was attended by all manner of Starfleet brass, as well as press and foreign dignitaries. As Ayiana was not fond of social gatherings, she was having an exceptionally hard time with the event.

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'''Notable Relationships'''
'''Notable Relationships'''
<br />Most of the ''Victory'' crew was transferred to the ''Gorkon'', however none of Ayiana's prior close relationships remained. {{n|Nugra}} and {{n|Talia|Kaji}} had been reassigned to the {{USS|Columbia}}, and {{n|Cadfael|Peters}} moved to the {{USS|Darwin}} even earlier.
* '''{{n|Cadfael|Peters}}''' - Meeting face-to-face for the first time after conversing via subspace during the Academy, the pair danced around each other for a few months. Eventually they decided to try a formal relationship. However, Cadfael was transferred to the ''U.S.S. Darwin'' shortly thereafter. The pair continues to keep in contact.
* '''{{n|Nugra}}''' - Captain Nugra had been instrumental in Ayiana's early Starfleet career. A few months after joining the ''Victory'', Nugra promoted Ayiana Lt. JG and Chief Science Officer. He again promoted her to Lieutenant a few months later.
* '''{{n|Talia|Kaji}}''' - While Ayiana was comatose following [[Ayiana_Sevo_Disjoined_Arc|an injury]], Talia Kaji used her telepathic abilities to enter Ayiana's mind and mended Ayiana's torn psyche. This left a strange telepathic connection between Ayiana and Talia, despite the fact that Ayiana has virtually no telepathic abilities. The pair could "feel" each other in close proximity, read each other's surface thoughts without effort, and even feel and express the other's emotions.  
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'''Notable Sims'''
'''Notable Sims'''
* ''To be added''
* '''[http://sims.starbase118.net/posts/1968812?sid=565a80d86baaf&p=59 New Ship, New Faces]''' - Transferring to the ''Gorkon.''
* '''[[SIM:Ayiana_Sevo_Aquatic_Acrobatics|Aquatic Acrobatics]]''' - Ayiana uses her swimming skills to save the lives of her away team, including Captain {{n|Reynolds}}.
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'''Gorkon Timeline'''
'''Gorkon Timeline'''
* '''239207.15: ''' Reassigned to {{USS|Gorkon}} as Chief Science Officer, following the decommissioning of the {{USS|Victory}}.
* '''239109.01: ''' Assigned to {{USS|Victory}} as alpha shift Science Officer.
* '''239209.17: ''' Rescued survivors from the science ship ''[[A_Sinking_Ship_(Gorkon)|U.S.S. Tharsis]]''.
* '''239109.01 - c. 239109.03: ''' Assisted in the defeat of the Hunger Invasion.
* '''239111.04:''' Promoted to Lieutenant JG and assigned as Chief Science Officer of the U.S.S. Victory.
* '''239111.11 - 239201.05: ''' Assisted in the search and rescue of the Cardassian ship [[Nuvek]] and [[Orthica's_Bane|First Contact with the Sunak]].
* '''239202.01 - 239202.23:  ''' Joint mission with the [[Embassy_of_Duronis_II|Duronis II Embassy]] to survey the ocean world of [[Luxis III]].  Mission was scrubbed when the ''Victory'' was crippled by a subspace anomaly.
* '''239203.13 - 239205.03: ''' Assisted in the search and recovery of stolen vials of the Skyfire Virus. Rescued Ensigns Rosek and Tarna after they were captured during away mission.
* '''239205.18 - 239207.12: ''' Assisted in the search of the long-lost 23rd-century Stafleet ship, the [[The_Spider%27s_Web_(Victory)#USS_Arrow| ''U.S.S. Arrow'']]. Ayiana was given command of her own away team for the first time; in this case to the ''Arrow'' in order to recover the data from its computer banks. She also compiled a detailed report on the workings of the Tholians' experimental web weapon.



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