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With her transfer to the [[USS Vigilant | Vigilant]] she as had to learn a whole new crew. However, this is something that Charlotte loves. Social interaction. She has had the opportunity to be assigned to several away missions, and preforming well. She has spend some time socializing on board. Developing a friendship with now Captain [[Reinard, Greir| Greir]] while they were on shore leave on Deep Space Six. She also enjoyed the company of [[Ola Naran]], who works with her in the Security & Tactical Department, but has now been transferred over the Deep Space Six. She was sorry to see Captain Reinard transferred but happy to know he has his own command.
With her transfer to the [[USS Vigilant | Vigilant]] she as had to learn a whole new crew. However, this is something that Charlotte loves. Social interaction. She has had the opportunity to be assigned to several away missions, and preforming well. She has spend some time socializing on board. Developing a friendship with now Captain [[Reinard, Greir| Greir]] while they were on shore leave on Deep Space Six. She also enjoyed the company of [[Naran, Ola|Ola Naran]], who works with her in the Security & Tactical Department, but has now been transferred over the Deep Space Six. She was sorry to see Captain Reinard transferred but happy to know he has his own command.

For a while she was dating  Lt. 'Ox' Brown of the Marine detachment on the ship, this ended when she was training on Deep Space Six, and on her return he had been assigned elsewhere. With her promotion to crewman 1st Class she had applied for Starfleet academy and has been accepted as a Cadet for the academy. She has completed her basic classes at Deep Space Six. She is now a cadet 4th class.<br>
For a while she was dating  Lt. 'Ox' Brown of the Marine detachment on the ship, this ended when she was training on Deep Space Six, and on her return he had been assigned elsewhere. With her promotion to crewman 1st Class she had applied for Starfleet academy and has been accepted as a Cadet for the academy. She has completed her basic classes at Deep Space Six. She is now a cadet 4th class.<br>


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