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* [[Sim:  Kevin Breeman - Human and Autism, Vulcan and Emotion|Human and Autism, Vulcan and Emotion]]
* [[Sim:  Kevin Breeman - Human and Autism, Vulcan and Emotion|Human and Autism, Vulcan and Emotion]]
===First Forray into Command===
===First Forray into Command===
Commander Breeman was briefly made first officer of Starbase 118 Operations.  However during the [[Starbase 118 Heavy Metal|Reikara crisis]] he soon realized that he was much more useful as the chief engineer than as first officer, so he quickly stepped down.  The following sims document that arc.
* [[Sim: JP - LtCmdr Breeman and Cmdr Nicholotti - Of Proverbial Cliffs and Warp Cores|Of Proverbial Cliffs and Warp Cores]]
* [[Sim: JP - LtCmdr Breeman and Cmdr Nicholotti - Of Proverbial Cliffs and Warp Cores|Of Proverbial Cliffs and Warp Cores]]
* [[Sim: Lt. Cmdr. Kevin Breeman - Choice|Choice]]
* [[Sim: Lt. Cmdr. Kevin Breeman - Choice|Choice]]


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