Starfleet Combat Medicine Manual: Difference between revisions

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A trained and credentialed medical provider, physician or physician assistant, who verbally, or in writing, states assumption of responsibility and liability and is available on-site or can be contacted through established communications. Medical care, procedures, and advanced life-saving activities will be routed through medical control in order to provide optimal care to all sick or injured Starfleet personnel. Medical Control will always be established, regardless of whether the scenario is a combat mission, a training exercise, or routine medical care. Note that, ultimately, all medical care is conducted under the licensure of an assigned, attached, augmenting, or collocated Starfleet physician.
A trained and credentialed medical provider, physician or physician assistant, who verbally, or in writing, states assumption of responsibility and liability and is available on-site or can be contacted through established communications. Medical care, procedures, and advanced life-saving activities will be routed through medical control in order to provide optimal care to all sick or injured Starfleet personnel. Medical Control will always be established, regardless of whether the scenario is a combat mission, a training exercise, or routine medical care. Note that, ultimately, all medical care is conducted under the licensure of an assigned, attached, augmenting, or collocated Starfleet physician.


These standing orders and protocols are only to be used by Starfleet Medical Officers and Teams.
These standing orders and protocols are only to be used by Starfleet Medical Officers and Teams.


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