SIM:A Question Of Frequency

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A Question Of Frequency

((SB118 - Diplomatic Sector - Brek's Office ))

::Right then, the whole of Brek's mental faculties were focused on a slice of Tiramisu layer cake. He was trying to eat it without making any stains on his white uniform. It was going pretty well so far (but then Brek had a lot of experience in that kind of thing), when Dakarai entered his office.::

Brek: ::As a piece of cake landed on his sleeve:: What is the matter with you, Dakarai? I'm fed up with you entering my office like it is a spaceport terminal.

Dakarai: I did call, Lt. But you never replied. It is the second time today that you don`t hear your door chirp.

Brek: ::Making a real mess of his sleeve while trying to clean it. Now it looked like he had dumped his arm in some fetid quagmire.:: Don't be ridiculous, with my ears, there isn't a fart I can't hear in this building!

Dakarai: Oui mais… maybe it's a question of frequency?

Brek: ::Finally deciding to get up and put on yet another fresh tunic.:: Oh please do go on, I `m sure there are many things I don't know about the various frequencies of…

::He didn't finish his phrase because his doors had just opened on Ensign Evprak, who looked as bewildered as ever.::

Evprak: Is everything all right, Lt? I've been trying to call you for the past 30 minutes…

Brek: ::Staring at the two intruders while he zipped his new uniform.:: Is it already that time of year where Terrans play silly tricks on people? If so, it was very funny, in its own peculiar way, now go back to work.

::Evprak nodded and vanished, like the mouse that she was, but the other Ensign stood where he was.::

Dakarai: I think that you should have your ears checked, Lt, just to be sure. Don't forget that we endured a massive sound disturbance during the night. The fact you were fast asleep at that time doesn't mean that your eardrums have not been affected.

::Brek grunted. In all honesty, he would rather suffer a wound flesh on his backside than discover that there was something wrong with his ears.::

Brek: You are convincing, I'll give you that, Dakarai. Go on, call me, and see if I don't hear my own commbadge. What a silly notion!!

::The Ensign complied, and to Brek's dismay, he heard nothing coming out of his badge. Not the slightest tiny little beepling.::

Brek: Frinx.

Dakarai: Do you want me to book an appointment for you?

Brek: ::Lost in his own thoughts.:: No, I'll go to sickbay in my own time. Why did you want to see me?

Dakarai: ::Looking more serious and a bit less smug.:: Ah oui! I wanted to let you know that despite the good vibes that we are now getting, most diplomats remain rather sluggish. Business partnership is at an all time low. It feels like they've closed up shop and are waiting for what will happen in a few days. That's bad news, because the contracts and agreements that they are not signing are going to other parties. ::He made a pause, but Brek didn't take it as a cue to say something.:: I don't want to sound disagreeable, but if all the trade goes to Ferengi merchants, the profits will go to Ferenginar, while we want them to stay in this sector.

Brek: ::Sombrely.:: True. In addition, the Thracian Alliance needs all the financial support it can get. I guess I will have to speak to them.

Dakarai: Oui, after you've seen a docteur about your ears. You don't want this problem to degrade.

Brek: ::Loosing his patience.:: Maybe that you should have your lobes examined, too, Dakarai. I said I'd deal with this in my own time.

Dakarai: Right. Off I go then.

::Brek grunted some more. He could have sworn that his aide was chuckling as he left the room.::


Lt Brek

Chief Diplomatic Officer

SB118/USS Victory