Fruor Ghanel

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Fruor Ghanel
Position Engineering Officer
Rank Lieutenant
Species Tiburon
Gender Male
DOB 236401.09
Age 37
Birthplace Simeran

Lieutenant Fruor Ghanel is a Tiburon Engineering Officer stationed on DS26.

Personal Profile


  • Height: 1.84 metres (6'0" feet)
  • Weight: 71 kg
  • Hair: None
  • Eyes: Blue

Historical File


Born the son of two scientists from the planet of Simeran, the Tiburon homeworld, Fruor Ghanel always knew he wanted to go to space and study it. There were many career options in his planet, and he chose to study medicine, like his mother. However, after two years of study, he realised he just wasn't interested in biology as much as he was in biochemistry, which led him to study chemistry before joining Starfleet, and he specialised in Material Engineering.

After a period of two years aboard the USS Blackwell, during which he specialised in Components Engineering, Fruor was stationed on Deep Space 26 at the same time that he was promoted to Lieutenant.

Service History

Service History
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
Cadet First Class 239003.17 Graduated Starfleet Academy Engineering Officer
Ensign 239003.17 - 239012.06 USS Blackwell Engineering Officer
Lieutenant JG 239012.06 - 239204.18 USS Blackwell Engineering Officer
Lieutenant 239202.18 - Present DS26 Engineering Officer