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Intelligent Lifeform Index

Image of an Elachi under fire.
Four Letter Code ELCH
Federation Status Member
Planet of Origin UNKNOWN
Encountered First encountered by Enterprise (NX-01) (ENT: The Silent Enemy)
T/E Rating T0/E0
Current Tech Level NR
List of Named Elachis

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The Elachi are a humanoid, fungal-based life form capable of breathing a class-M atmosphere. They have a slim, wiry build with elongated limbs and are a digitigrade species (i.e. they walk on their toes) which grants them quick and quiet movement. Their skin presents in various shades of grey and brown with a leather-like texture.

Their eyes are on stalks within their eye sockets, with no pupils or other distinctive features, able to see into the infrared range. They have no vocal cords and do not communicate among themselves in a fashion audible to most life forms.

Their reproductive process involves infecting another humanoid with fungal spores that gradually consume the host body and convert them into an Elachi. The process effectively kills the host who is "reborn" as a new Elachi with no memories of their previous self.


The Elachi's homeworld was originally located within the Mycelial Network, however an unknown event decades — perhaps centuries — ago prompted them to leave the Network to reside within normal space. They have not returned since and their origins within that subspace realm are unknown to all, except perhaps the highest echelons of Starfleet Command (due to the P.stellaviatori spores that often present in the presence of their technology).

Since leaving the Network, they have kept an exceptionally low profile, rarely encountered or observed — or at the very least, leaving no survivors or records to recount the tale.


The Elachi use fungal-based biotechnology with a distinct green and black hue, and trace amounts of Prototaxites stellaviatori (also referred to as P.stellaviatori) spores are often left in their presence. The origins and use of P.stellaviatori are highly classified within Starfleet and is generally considered a rare and mysterious spore among the scientific community.



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