User:Solaris McLaren

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This is your new user page. Feel free to edit it however you wish to display more about your OOC (out of character) self, such as your name/alias and a list of all of your characters. Learn more about the wiki: New Wiki User.

Basic Stats

  • Name: Richard (Nickname: Avalon)
  • Location: Las Vegas, Nevada
  • Joined StarBase 118: October 2015
  • Writer ID: C239210SM0
  • Favorite Trek series/movie:
    • Series: DS9 followed by TNG.
    • Films: TWoK followed by The Voyage Home.

My Characters


Solaris McLaren
Active PC

The current Director of Intelligence aboard Starbase 118. Assimilated during the events of Frontier Day, 2401 and rescued by the crew aboard the U.S.S. Narendra during the battle over Earth. Left with several inert implants on her face and hands. Owner of 'The Tru Tone' bar aboard Starbase 118.


Ta'lis Merek
Active PNPC (Former PC)

Acts as a fixer for the Director of Intelligence in addition to leading the Counterintelligence section aboard Starbase 118. Often referred to as 'The Major', rather than by her name.


Active PNPC

Systems Engineer aboard Starbase 118. A former Borg drone, assimilated at Wolf 359 and recovered from the assimilated starship U.S.S. Nimitz by the crew of the U.S.S. Consitution-B, before returning to Starfleet service.


Inctive PNPC

Owner and Curator of Cosmos Canvas on planet Sannin VII. Dealer of exotic art pieces.


James McLaren
Recurring PNPC

Father of Solaris McLaren


Vivian McLaren
Recurring PNPC

Mother of Solaris McLaren


OOC activites

  • N/A

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