Matthew Rathbone
Father: Commander Thomas Keen Rathbone
Mother: Mary Ann Rathbone
Matt Rathbone was born on Earths Moon 235004.04 he is 36 years old. His Father was a Engineer on the Moon and his Mother was a Teacher. Matt spent most of his life living on Star Ships. He joined Star Fleet as a Enlisted Crewman and was stationed at the Earths Star Dock. Matt worked as a Ship Tug Operater for six years befor entering Star Fleet Academy as a PO1. Matt was a Helm/Nav Major and a Intel Minor. In the Second year at the Academy, Matt entered Advanced Flight Controller & Astrogation Plotter classes. Matt has two King Charles Cavaliers, His is a Blenhein names Chico and He has one that Belongs to Guy Hunt, a Tricolout named MannyPenny.
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