William Tindall
Name: William Tindall
Date of Birth:
Species: Human
Sex: Male
Hair: Ginger
Height: 6’
Family: Willian asita Tindall has 8 brothers and sisters.
Marital Status: Single
William is a Starfleet brat. He was born on the USS Authority and is the youngest of triplets: Laskmi, Patrick and William. When his father was transferred to the Bruian outpost the fanmily settled in a large house called 'Bren Eurst' Willie: as he is known by his friends. His siblings come in a set of twins and a quad. the Tindall tribe has all followed their parents into Starfleet.
Willian's father was in Security. His mother is still a doctor. Willie had a rich cutural upbringing. His Klingon godmother made all the children members of the Chennah household and Sita taught the children about her Indain background. Willie finally moved to Earth to complete his final year in high school. During his time at the Academy William majored in security with a minor in tactial.
William also follows the Tindall family tradition of pranks on certain holidays. Willie loves history, he worked on his fanily tree with his father. Finding various family members in various miltary services from all over the previous century. Most served in the navy but the odd few served in the army. Willie is loyal in a ccrisis but can sometimes clash with authority.due to his love of pranks or minorbreches of the regulations