SIM:Della Vetri - First step up the ladder

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((USS Indria-A, Lounge))

She'd been the last of the senior staff to arrive, and the mingling was in full swing when she walked in. Surprisingly, the Praetor (she was blatantly easy to spot) and her staff seemed mostly happy to wander about, chatting with each other and the Starfleet officers present as well. Smiling a greeting at everyone that noticed her, she headed straight for the buffet, impressed with the layout that Banks had managed to get together.

Soon, plate in hand, she joined in the mingling, chatting a little with anyone who seemed interested, though never of anything of any real importance. She was giving one of the Romulans a guided tour of the buffet table when she noticed Janus and T'Sal together. Whatever had been bothering than man earlier seemed to have vanished, and it wasn't hard to guess that the way T'Sal has standing close to him was a big part of why.

A sharp clicking sound broke across the chatter, and Della turned to see the Captain at the podium.

Assanti: Your attention please everyone. I have a surprize for my fine crew.

The room quickly grew silent, everyone's attention on Assanti as she addressed them all.

Assanti: Usually, crews of starships wait for the ends of a mission to do what I'm about to do. However, considering the outstanding performance and attitudes of my crew so far on this mission, I can only do what is in my capacity to do.

A quick look at her XO had him reaching into a bag and handing over the small box he pulled out. Glancing at the box as she took it, Assanti smiled brightly as she turned back to the assembled crowd.

Assanti: Lt. jg Jarak Krescha, front and center!

The look on the Doctor's face was puzzled, to say the least, and Della couldn't help but grin as his expression turned to surprise when Assanti awarded him his promotion. She happily joined in the general applause, and again when the Captain did the same thing for Lieutenant Fanel. She was just reaching for her glass again when Assanti spoke again, and she felt her stomach drop through the deck plating.

Assanti: Ensign Della Vetri, front and center, please

oO Eep? Oo

Somehow, she managed to get up to the podium without tripping on her face, or similarly embarrassing herself, but she could still feel her pulse racing. Graduation at the Academy had been bad enough, but that was scheduled and planned months in advance. This was far more of a shock... Coming to attention before the Captain, she was suddenly hit by an irrational urge to simply run away and hide.

Assanti: Ensign Della Vetri, I am very proud and honored to give you the rank of Lt. jg.  :: Opening the box, she took out the half pip and pinned it on Della's collar.:: Congratulations, Lt. jg Vetri. You've earned it.

Vetri: Thank you, ma'am, I'll try and live up to it.

oO Was that me? It can't have been me, it sounded calm, collected... No, can't have been me... Oo

Stepping back, Dell did a smart turn and headed back to where she'd left her food. She was barely aware of the congratulations being aimed at her by the people she passed, and it took all her self-control to only sip at the wine in her glass, not neck the whole thing straight down and grab the bottle. The rest of the little ceremony seemed to pass in a blur, and it wasn't until the Captain began singing that she really began paying attention again.

Looking around, she saw a number of happy looking ex-Ensigns, as well as a somewhat stunned Tash with his new red tunic. She was tempted to head over to talk to him, but was distracted by the sound of Jarak and Saja starting up a duet.

oO Ugh, Klingon opera - even worse than the normal kind... Oo

Turning her attention back to Tash, she saw him chatting to an interested-looking Romulan woman, and decide to leave him to it. Glancing around for someone else to distract her from the way her stomach refused to settle, she spotted Baker and headed over.

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