501st Starfleet Rapid Response Task Group

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The 501st Starfleet Rapid Response Task Group is a newly commissioned Hazard Team. The 501st is the first Task Group to be authorized to tour on their individual assignments and can be remobilised when needed or Starfleet sees fit. Commander Jones is the current Task Group Leader. As with any other Rapid Response Task Group the 501st respond to a vast assortment of missions, inc; Rescue calls from planets or vessels, Peace Keeping missions, Search and Rescue missions and Standard Away missions. The 501st is currently composed of four Teams (Alpha Team, Beta Team, Charlie Team and a specialist grouping). There is also a detachment of Marines that can be called upon as a team or individually, if the need arises.


Starfleets 501st takes its number from the honoury WWII 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment (501 PIR). The 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment's lineage can be tracked back to the 29th Infantry Regiment which spawned a volounteer group known as the Parachute Test Platoon on June 26th 1940. Eventually, these parachute-trained volounteers would comprise the Army's first all regular all-parachute tactical outfit, the 501st Parachute Infantry Battalion under the command of Major William M. Miley, who later commanded the 17th Airbourne Division. The nuclues of this unit provided part of the the carde, the unit number, the genealogical lineage and the heraldic background of the 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment which was activated in Toccoa, GA on 15th Novemeber 1942 under the command of Colonel Howard R Johnson.

More information on the 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment can be found here: [1]


Insignia Rank Character Name Current Post
05-Cmdr-Red.png Commander Damien Jones Commanding Officer
Specialisation: Administration & Tactics
03-Lt-Black.png Lieutenant Marco McIntosh Intelligence Officer
Second Officer
Specialisation: Intelligence
& SIGNIT (Jamming)
01-Ens-Red.png Ensign T'Rala JAG Officer
Specialisation: Interstellar Law

Alpha Team
Insignia Rank Character Name Current Post
02-LtJG-Red.png Lieutenant (JG) Daniel Wood Squad Leader
Communications Officer
Specialisation: Heavy Weaponry
01-Ens-Teal.png Ensign Leah Pearson Deputy Squad Leader
Medical Officer
Specialisation: Emergency Field Medicine
01-Ens-Gold.png Ensign John Adams Engineering Officer
Specialisation: Teleportation Brig
& Forcefields
W4-CWO4th-Gold.png Warrant Officer 4th Grade Kyle Calder Security Officer
Specialisation: Demolitions Expert
W4-CWO4th-Teal.png Warrant Officer 4th Grade Samantha Smith Science Officer
Specialisation: Microbiology & Zoology

Bravo Team
Insignia Rank Character Name Current Post
02-LtJG-Red.png Lieutenant (JG) Umox Squad Leader
Communications Officer
Specialisation: Reconnaissance & Piloting

Charlie Team
Insignia Rank Character Name Current Post
02-LtJG-Red.png Lieutenant (JG) Katie Styles Squad Leader
Communications Officer
Specialisation: Diplomacy

Insignia Rank Character Name Current Post

Insignia Rank Character Name Current Post