Trinity Sector
Sector 118, or Trinity Sector as it is commonly known, is located at coordinates B-0005-1300. This sector of space is at the meeting of the Federation, Klingon, and Romulan Empires, hence the moniker.
- The B stands for the Beta Quadrant. The first number is the number of sectors it is away from the Alpha, Beta border. The second number is the number of sectors it is away from the Delta, Beta border.
- According to the Federation star charts, the junction point between the four quadrants is at the supermassive black hole Sagittarius A*, located at the center of the Milky Way Galaxy, 25,960 LY away from Sol. The boundary between the Alpha and Beta Quadrants pass through the Sol System. That would be 1,298 space sectors from the nexus of the 4 quadrants.
Federation landmarks
Starbase 118
This Federation starbase is a Trojan class II spacedock, and is home to a monitor fleet of vessels.
Epsilon Outpost # 11
Prior to the signing of the Khitomer Accords, this was a military outpost in charge of first-eye defense on the Klingon border. Now, it is used as a listening post.
Cart'hen System
The Cart'hen star is a Class K0 V (orange dwarf) star, with a stellar mass of about 0.9. (in relation to Sol)
The Cart'hen system is located approximately 4 lightyears from Starbase 118 near the center of the sector. It has 4 planets and an asteroid belt.
Of those planets, only Cart'hen III appear to be occupied. It is a desert world with a pre-warp population of approximately 600,000.
Raskor System
The Raskor star is a class V main sequence star, type M (red spectrum) with a stellar mass of about 0.3 (in relation to Sol)
Raskor star system is located approximately 2 lightyears south east of Starbase 118. It is the closest system to the base and is a frequent vacation destination for people in this sector.
New Scotland System
The New Scotland star is a class V main sequence star, type M (red spectrum) with a stellar mass of about 0.3 (in relation to Sol)
New Scotland is approximately 5 lightyears from Starbase 118 and 1 lightyear away from Epsilon Outpost # 11.
Roth System
The Roth star is a class V main sequence star, type G (yellow spectrum) with a stellar mass of about 1.1. (in relation to Sol)
Roth is approximately 4 lightyears due south of Starbase 118 right on the edge of Klingon space.
X'lar System
The X'lar star is a class D (white dwarf) star, with a stellar mass of about 0.8. (in relation to Sol)
X'lar star system is located approximately 4 lightyears from Starbase 118 and 2 lightyears north of Cart'hen. It has 2 planets, both with no atmosphere.
Klingon landmarks
H'Atoria System
H'atoria is a small Klingon colony
Kan'da'har System
Kan'da'har is both a small colony and a military outpost
Romulan landmarks
Zeta Pictoris
Zeta Pictoris is a Romulan colony
Nequencia is both a colony and a major military outpost
Other landmarks
Lambda Hydrae
This system is within the neutral zone
Azure Nebula
Half of this nebula is within the Trinity sector (B-0005-1300) and the other half is within the ???? sector. (B-0004-1300)