Lhandon Nilsen/Shore Leave: Refugee Reprieve - 240105.08
Shore Leave: Refugee Reprieve - 240105.08
After successfully liberating the prisoners of the King's Path and those wanting to leave Cheyd'lang, the USS Octavia E Butler takes a much needed break at Deep Space 14, orbiting New Bajor.
With his new found diplomatic skills, Nilsen was wondering if this was an option for him. This shore leave features learning new skills, and a test of his brotherhood with Toxin, while also attempting to pursue a relationship with Ensign Eli Kovacs.
Diplomacy Lesions
Nilsen is introduced To Lt Martinson and Ens Taggart. Martinson, at the request of LT. Cmdr Sherlock is ask to give him tutoring in diplomacy. He agrees to do so. They all start with some roleplay, Nilsen is given the role of the federation representative whose been requested to secure the rights to a mine, and offer anything shore of federation memberships while Taggart is given the role of a representative from a non-Federation allied planet that has substantial deposits of duranium ore, his people, don't have a use for it, but he know the Federation does. And he has to sell the rights to it.[1]
Lhandon gets off to a rocky start [2] but finds his footing soon after and comes up with a counter offer to Taggart trying to get membership to the federation [3] They then discuss the roleplay and talk about different negotiation tactics [4]
A Smuggling Ring
Nilsen is contacted by Chief Petty Officer Ral Saw of the USS Artemis and discovers a discrepancy in both of their cargo holds. Nilsen finds the suspect crate and he tries to gain access, unfortunally his codes do not work, not does brute strength. Nilsen is also unable to trace where the crate came from, or is going to, so he calls sercuity to help and Lt Richards arrives to help. [5] After Richards makes some progress with opening the crate, Nilsen is able to scan further and finds that this crate contains a quantum flux regulator, a subatomic particle integrator, and a tachyon field generator. [6] Lt Arlill then joins and brings the crate to the Independent Bay on the lower floor of the Operations Centre, a part of the OC that he has kept somewhat of a hidden from Nilsen. While Nilsen expresses excitment in getting to finally use this bay, this bay being kept somewhat of secret slightly irrates him. Nilsen for the meantime keeps this to himself. [7] At some point, Arlill leaves the bay to make a call and Richards suggests that Toxin might be behind this by asking questions to Nilsen about Arlill's actvtives. Nilsen becomes defensive and stands up for Arlill, saying that the Ops officer would never do such a thing. [8]
Nilsen: Look, Toxin…Arlill, he would never do anything like this, he is like my big brother and I swear on my life a thousand times over he could never. I cannot find you a person more loyal to this ship and this crew than Tox.
Soon after, Arlill returns and they get the crate open, using Nilsen's skill at opening locks when he commited minor crimes as a teenager and in the acadamy. They find that the contents are entrie replicator units, which fits with some of the scans from ealier. The three then summise that the best thing to do maybe to put the crate back and see what happens to it. [9]Nilsen suggests that they install some kind of thing to track it and Arlill comes up with a soultion. They return the crate to the cargo bay and set up a sercuity alert. [10] After Richards leaves, Nilsen asked Arlill about Richards questions. Saying that even if he did it, Nilsen would understand and help.[10]
Once Richards had left the room, Lhandon took himself and Toxin's aside, away from prying ears.
Nilsen: Mate, he was sniffing around when you were out, like he was convinced it was you.
Arlill: Do you think it could be me?
Nilsen: Look, if it is, I’d understand cos I know you’d have your reasons.::beat:: but…
Arlill: Even if it was me, do you think I could tell you?
Nilsen: I know, I know. Just tell me straight, is this you?
Arlill: Let’s assume it’s not me. ::turning towards the door:: Oh and Lieutenant, you should focus on who might actually be our culprit and stop worrying about me. Ok?
Nilsen: Alright, I believe you.
And he was honest. This left a bad taste in his mouth, at least after this he had something to look forward to later in the week. Sherlock had set up something for him with her partner and someone called Taggart, he was intrigued, apparently it was something to do with diplomacy. Lhandon decided there and then, that he'd try to forget the whole matter of this crate, and just focus on what is next.
Toxin was uneasy about keeping Nilsen in the dark, especially since he knew more about the crate than he admitted. He had found cryptic communications that he believed were related to it. However, he didn't want to spread rumors and felt it was necessary to keep the information to himself until intelligence could confirm it. They had yet to identify who had sent the cryptic messages. In the past, he would have shared all of this with Lhandon, but now, with Herni and his higher position in the command chain, he had to prioritize the ship's safety, even if it meant keeping his best friend in the dark.
This is one of the first signs that Nilsen and Arlill's relationship is starting to deterate
Romantic Relationship with Eli - Taking it slow.
Lhandon and Eli's relationship deepens and they become closer. They have discussions about family, where Lhandon reveals that his family would have liked Eli, and Eli likewise says his parents would have admired Lhandon. Eli expresses that he has never spent so much time courting someone. Lhandon gifts Eli with a teddy bear.
They both agree to take their relationship slow, savouring the moment of where they are in their life.
Acting no more
Continuing this positive upward trajectory Nilsen is on stardate 240106.10, Nilsen is promoted officially to Assistant Chief of Operations.
You can read further details about this period of Nilsen's life in the link below.
Lhandon Nilsen/Shore Leave: Refugee Reprieve - 240105.08
- ↑ LT Melvin Martinson - Offer Up -https://groups.google.com/u/1/g/sb118-butler/c/BgjACoDbdTU
- ↑ LTJG Lhandon Joseph Nilsen - Time For Roleplay - https://groups.google.com/u/1/g/sb118-butler/c/td6sfxwPx84
- ↑ LTJG Lhandon Joseph Nilsen - Let’s Try This Instead. - https://groups.google.com/u/1/g/sb118-butler/c/47fQ4spsYj8
- ↑ LTJG Lhandon Joseph Nilsen - Hit First, Hit Hard. -https://groups.google.com/u/1/g/sb118-butler/c/FyTC3SVQFEk
- ↑ LTJG Lhandon Joseph Nilsen - Can I Borrow Your Codes? - https://groups.google.com/g/sb118-butler/c/LI0BtqqPLgE/m/Oxr7KW8UBQAJ
- ↑ LTJG Lhandon Joseph Nilsen - I'm Not Just Any Old Storage Solution, I'm A Crate One! - https://groups.google.com/g/sb118-butler/c/yuv7e2ogQqQ/m/ghuvnsBOCgAJ
- ↑ LTJG Lhandon Joseph Nilsen - Crate Expectations - https://groups.google.com/g/sb118-butler/c/m9umCTXC1d4/m/v_P0fo57AQAJ
- ↑ LTJG Lhandon Joseph Nilsen - The Eyes Of Suspicion - https://groups.google.com/g/sb118-butler/c/Unn-ioKXuvM/m/JM3cZF6SAAAJ
- ↑ The Cubic Crate - https://groups.google.com/g/sb118-butler/c/QLWqqhP2t8M/m/F-zkZVbZAQAJ
- ↑ Jump up to: 10.0 10.1 10.2 All I Could Do Was Crate And See - https://groups.google.com/g/sb118-butler/c/7RGYtg_gQic/m/ZgMwzg48DgAJ
- ↑ LT Toxin Arlill: As you were. - https://groups.google.com/g/sb118-butler/c/Os7fh-WtNUo/m/xnPVGvUBAwAJ