Tarrik Tarkin/Psychological Profile
Tarrik Tarkin
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NOTICE: This personnel record and any attached reports are confidential and intended solely for the use of authorized officers of sufficient clearance. Violations of confidentiality are subject to punishment under the Federation Uniform Code of Justice. |
He told me about the accomplishments of his parents as told to him by his adoptive parents. It was quite a story from his grandmother leading rebel armies to the mastermind style planning employed by his mother to escape slavery. He feels inadequate and incapable compared to his lineage, blaming himself for the shuttle crash. He thinks he should have noticed the malfunction sooner and reacted because he felt a change in the vibration of the engine. I believe these feelings of inadequacy represent a greater internal struggle the cadet has been battling through and do not originate with either crash, but his perception of his inability to overcome the piloting exam exacerbated these feelings significantly. He takes great pride in his acceptance to Starfleet Academy, and seems to believe that joining Starfleet is the closest he could ever come to living up to his family's legacy. Scheduled a follow up session for next week.
He still struggles with feelings of inadequacy but believes that he can work through these feelings by focusing on graduating his other courses and becoming a Starfleet Officer without additional counseling, seemingly in a much better place today than before. I hope he's right but I recommended he seek out further sessions when he graduates and is assigned a permanent station. I have no doubt Tarkin will do quite well in his final exams.