Ma no Umi/Johnson Timeline

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A plasma field igniting

In the Johnson Timeline, Ma no Umi is a region of space to the galactic east of Klach D'kel Brakt, sandwiched between and extending into what once was Federation and Klingon space. It is notable for the extensive gravitational anomalies and plasma fields that populate the area, severely affecting the range and effectiveness of sensors to the point where many ships are rendered near blind. The exact size of the region varies, dependant on the underlying subspace conditions. In some exceptional years the region has been known to extend as far as the old Romulan Neutral Zone.

At one time a pirate haven, and a base of operations for the Orion Syndicate, it has since the Borg takeover become a safe place for those known as the Survivors. After a violent fight with the Borg, the USS Gorkon was escorted there for safety, after being assisted by the Survivors.

Hai Tac Outpost

Hai Tac Outpost is located in an area of stable space, on the typical outskirts of the region. Found on a small moon orbiting around an uninhabited planet, the outpost is sequestered underneath a habitat dome, and looks as though several starships had managed to slam into it at some point, become lodged in the crust, and decided to stay there. A large spire with flashing lights at the tip juts out into space, at one time housing communications and sensor arrays.

It was once considered a last port of refuge for many who intend to enter the area; providing supplies, basic repair facilities and plenty of places to get drunk.


Nassau is a large rogue asteroid within the Kamarov Corridor. It used to be known as a base of operations for the Orion Syndicate, and its erratic path through the plasma storms and gravitational anomalies of Ma no Umi makes it very difficult to find for outsiders, and a worthless endeavour to the Borg. To provide protection from even the worst plasma storms, the base was located in tunnels and caverns, deep below the asteroid's crust. Now Nassau serves as the main base for the Survivors, and much of its interior has been reworked and repurposed.

Points of Interest:

  • Neon Heights (Previously the Leisure District): This place used to house hotels, bars, restaurants, clubs, gambling dens and other establishments of illicit entertainment, now repurposed into housing, storage and workshops. Despite the internal changes, the storefronts remain the same.
    • Vortex (Headquarters): Vortex was once the largest and seediest club in the Leisure District, but now plays host to the seat of the power.[1]
    • Ugami's (Clinic): Once a restaurant of good food and dubious clientele, now a place to receive medical aid and care.
    • Jackpot Palace (School): Once a former gambling den of particularly ill repute, now a place to teach and learn.
    • Rock, Paper, Strippers (Workshop): Once a place of entertainment, now a place to build, dismantle and repurpose.
  • The Slims: This place used to be largely residential, with housing, bars and businesses. Called the Slims for its narrow streets and exceptionally tall buildings.
    • Sending Plaza: A large plaza on the outskirts where surviving Andorians perform their funerary rite. The ground is marked by numerous oblong scorch marks from many funeral pyres.[2]
    • Aquaculture Garden: An aquaponics facility.[3]
    • The Cenotaph: A stone memorial to all of the Nassau lives lost to the Borg over the years. It has carefully arranged flowers layed out beneath it.[4]
  • The Docks: A gigantic place for ships (as big as a D'Deridex) to park.
  • Burning Hole District: The main salvage operations on the asteroid, with a never ending fire pit in the middle.[5]
    • Beezim’s Quality Goods and Merchandise: A merchandiser with an ostentatious sign outside in multiple languages. Ship panels make up a little building, with carved-out sections filled with glass to act as windows, and larger goods are piled outside.[6]
  • Sunder Peak: Perched atop the labyrinthine asteroid, Sunder Peak is both an atmospheric observation point and a haphazard array of mining infrastructure clinging to the rock's highest peak. Once upon a time, it was intended to house the command centre for asteroid mining operations, but has since transformed into a stronghold with panoramic views of the Kamarov Corridor and sections of old mining machinery that remain operational. Local lore hints at supply tunnels used by the Orion Syndicate buried beneath the Peak that fell to vacuum breaches in the early days, leaving only ghost stories behind.
    • The Grav Well: Infamous gravity-defying dive bar, carved into the asteroid's peak. Decor is a collection of salvaged ship bits and old mining equipment. Features a distinctive lack of consistent gravity, making movement a surreal experience. [7]

Kamarov Corridor

The Kamarov Corridor is located in the heart of Ma no Umi, where plasma storms are rare and gravitational anomalies are mapped and stable, allowing relatively safe passage through the heart of the region. Sensors continue to function poorly in this area, and so travel through it is typically conducted through a series of timed manoeuvres, with often catastrophic results if performed incorrectly.
