Excalibur Mission Logs

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Missions in 2399 under the command of Commodore Kalianna Nicholotti

The Trouble With Tacos
  • Stardate 239909.17 - PRESENT
    • It's Taco Night aboard the Excalibur- but a mysterious summit, replicator malfunctions and a dead body outside Deep Space 224 suggesting that something else is afoot
The One With All The Timezones
  • Stardate 239905.31 - 239906.30
    • CloQ returns seeking retribution for past slights and displaces the crew of the Excalibur across the space-time continuum. Can the crew make their way back to the present day before it is too late?
In Plain Sight
  • Stardate 239902.01-239904.01
    • The crew of the Excalibur has been tasked by Starfleet Intelligence to go undercover on the planet Demes II to investigate a sudden advancement in their level of technology. Could there be an outside influence? Or is it a miraculous turn in their society?

Missions in 2398 under the command of Fleet Captain Kalianna Nicholotti

Shadow Out of Mind
  • Stardate 239811.25-239901.09
    • The Excalibur is dispatched to Cytarix V to investigate a sudden increase in radiation on the planet.

For earlier missions, see Excalibur Mission Logs pre-2398.