Come What May (Resolution)

Revision as of 17:52, 7 October 2020 by Didrik Stennes (talk | contribs)


Plot Summary



  • Full name: Kehtyreh, of the House B'Etza
  • Position: Klingon general
  • Date of birth (Age): 2348–2349 (48)
  • Species: Klingon
  • Gender: Female
  • Hair color: Black
  • Eye color: Intense golden yellow
  • Height: 5 ft 11 in (180 cm)
  • Simmed by: Kalianna Nicholotti

General Kehtyreh is a longstanding General of Klingon Imperial Invasion Forces, essentially the ground segment of the KDF. Currently, she leads the force on board the Klingon Warbird Targ, hitching a ride towards border colonies worth adding to the growing empire. She is mostly reserved, opting to watching what is going on around her before acting. When she acts, however, it is swift, strong, and decisive. She is big on the hierarchy and traditions of her race and she holds others to the standards therein.

While particularly swift in her judging and described as somewhat brutal in her punishments, she allows her reputation to proceed her and speak for her in the crowds of potential enemies and even allies. What isn't necessarily common knowledge is her wisdom and the deep thoughts that go into decisions, as she is unwilling to make knee-jerk reactions or take action without a fair amount of consideration for the consequences.


  • Full name: Kris, House of Kor
  • Position: Klingon captain
  • Date of birth (Age): 2329–2330 (67)
  • Species: Klingon
  • Gender: Male
  • Hair color: Black
  • Eye color: Brown
  • Height: 6 ft 3 in (191 cm)
  • Simmed by: David Knight

Captain Kris of the House of Kor currently captains the Klingon Warbird Targ, currently dispatched to conquer new lands for the glorious empire. Kris is a loyal officer to Klingon empire and his house, but he is not afraid to challenge his chain of command should they show incompetence in battle. Relying on his superior skill at space combat Kris distinguishes himself as one the best in the KDF, but his skill at leading ground combat is lacking proper experience. His current mission should prove a big help towards his next promotion and earn him honor, especially if the Star Fleeters foolishly choose to get involved.


  • Full name: Ypartin
  • Position: Da'al prime minister
  • Date of birth (Age): 235404.15 (46)
  • Species: Da'al
  • Gender: Male
  • Hair color: Black
  • Eye color: Brown
  • Height: 178 cm (5 ft 10 in)
  • Simmed by: Yogan Yalu

Ypartin has been the Da’al prime minister for five years. He is the youngest person to hold the office for centuries, and has proven thus far to be an effective, charismatic, and popular leader. He has presided over a period of relative stability and prosperity. While not a dogmatic neutralist, Ypartin supports Da’al neutrality, and on this basis, he has the support of most political factions. However, his coalition government is more fragile than it appears, as the various factions disagree on almost every other issue.

Over the years, Ypartin has repeatedly and publicly rebuffed Federation overtures of friendship, scoring domestic political points each time. But deep down, he knows that this has left the Da’al vulnerable to and woefully unprepared for the Klingons, and it is only a matter of time before they arrive at their doorstep. The accumulating guilt of his inaction for the sake of political expediency keeps him up at night, but he knows that even the suggestion of abandoning the neutrality doctrine would be the end of his career, and quite possibly, his life.


  • Full name: Zeneth
  • Position: Da'al military advisor
  • Date of birth (Age): 2369–2370 (27)
  • Species: Da'al
  • Gender: Female
  • Hair color: Purple
  • Eye color: Light violet
  • Height: 177 cm (5 ft 10 in)
  • Simmed by: Meidra Sirin

Zeneth is the Da’al military advisor. She was granted the post by the prime minister Ypartin when he attained his position. She is fiercely loyal to her people, and believes they are being held back by not joining with the Federation. Her stern, almost callous demeanor hides a strong desire for acceptance. As a female advisor, there are those who believe she lacks the discipline to properly advise her government.

Now, with the Klingons at their doorstep, Zeneth fights the urge to criticize her prime minister, and before that, her trusted friend. She sent the emergency message without government approval, and knows that she will need to convince Ypartin that he needs to lead their people into a new reality. She only hopes that the Federation does not fail them in this time of need.

What we've learned

Note: Information in this section has been stated IC.

Just for your knowledge

Note: Information in this section is presented for OOC purposes, and may not necessarily be commonly known IC.