Veritas Officer's Manual/The Crew

Veritas Officer's Manual


Veritas Officer's Manual

1: Expectations
2: The Lists
3: Formatting Your Sims
  • II: Veritas 101
4: The Setting
5: The Ship
6: The Crew
  • III: Operating Procedures
7: Staff
8: Missions
9: Shoreleave
10: Mission Proposals
  • IV: Beyond the Basics
11: Promotions
12: OOC Activities
13: Mentoring

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Starfleet officers aboard Veritas wear uniforms displaying the color of their division:

  • Red: Command Division - CO, XO, Intelligence, Diplomacy, Helm
  • Gold: Operations Division - Ops, Engineering, Security/Tactical
  • Blue: Sciences Division - Science, Medical, Counseling

The combadge and uniform worn aboard Veritas is the standard duty uniform introduced in the 2390s.

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2390s combadge 2390s uniform

The Crew

Learn more about your new shipmates. Click on an officer's name on the left to display their brief bio on the right. You can click on their names/pictures on the right to access their full biographies.

Command Division:
Operations Division:
Sciences Division:
Roshanara Rahman

Roshanara Rahman

  • Rank: Captain
  • Duty Post: Commanding Officer
  • Age/Species/Sex: 45-year-old Kriosian female empathic metamorph
  • Birthplace: Moselina IV

Born away from the Kriosian homeworld, Roshanara's birth parents gave her up for adoption, and a human couple took her in, named her, and raised her back in Lahore, Earth. Often mistaken for a Trill due to her Kriosian spots, she joined Starfleet because of her interest in starship design, an interest that has not come without a cost as she was gravely injured early in her career from a major accident that required lengthy rehabilitation. She exhibits a dry and perhaps even cruel sense of humor. Previously a chief engineer, she employs a rather direct and assertive style of command and is working on her anger management.

Lt. Commander
Sky Blake

Sky Blake

  • Rank: Lt. Commander
  • Duty Post: First Officer
  • Age/Species/Sex: 38-year-old Brekkian/Betazoid female
  • Birthplace: Brekka

Blake was recruited to Starfleet by the Veritas' first XO, Zhou Tai-Sheng, to assist with ongoing trafficking of the Brekkian drug 'felicium' in the Shoals. She has subsequently attached herself

Lt. Commander
Wil Ukinix

Wil Ukinix

  • Rank: Lt. Commander
  • Duty Post: Second Officer, Chief Engineer
  • Age/Species/Sex: 31-year-old Human/Betazoid male
  • Birthplace: Freemantle, Australia, Earth

Wil was born and raised in Fremantle, Australia, to a half Human/Betazoid father, and Human mother. Wil wanted to join Starfleet from a young age, to be like his mother who was a Starfleet tactical officer. He inherited his Betazoid grandfather's empathic abilities (which Wil keeps to himself), and even though he received counselling in his late teen years to cope with them, they can make him anxious at times. Wil has a wicked, cheeky sense of humour, and likes to make light of most situations - which isn't always well accepted by others.

Charlena Vanlith

Charlena Vanlith

  • Rank: Lieutenant
  • Duty Post: Engineer
  • Age/Species/Sex: 28-year-old Risian female
  • Birthplace: Suraya Bay, Risa

Born and raised in Suraya Bay Charlena, named after her father, is used to the typical quiet serenity except for the one time a year where tourism spikes drastically for Lohlunat. It was during these celebrations and her upbringing around tourists that lead to her fascination as to what else was out there in the universe. Despite her typical averageness at school she put so much work and focus into engineering she past one of the top of her class and she couldn't be happier about it. She left with an engineering major with an extra minor in xenobiology. She was finally going to start the job she had dreamed of. And she was going to start on USS Veritas as an engineering officer working for the greater good.

LtCmdr Tim Alentonis.png
Lt. Commander
Timothy Alentonis

Timothy Alentonis

  • Rank: Lt. Commander
  • Duty Post: Operations officer
  • Age/Species/Sex: 52-year-old Human male
  • Birthplace: Colorado, Earth

In his youth, Tim was an avid treasure hunter. His specialties included Romulan archaeology and metallurgy, and he spent several years as a professor of archaeology aboard Star Station Esperance. After serving as a civilian consultant aboard both the Veritas and Montreal, he entered Starfleet's Officer Candidate School and has just joined the crew of the Veritas as a lieutenant commander.

Marcus Dickens.jpg


  • Rank: Commander
  • Duty Post: Chief of Security
  • Age/Species/Sex: 42-year-old Angosian/Betazoid male
  • Birthplace: Deep Space 4

Son of a Betazoid Starfleet counselor and an Angosian war veteran, Marcus Dickens lived on Betazed after the death of his father and developed his empathic skills before joining Starfleet to honor his father and explore galaxy. Having served on many ships and with many captains, he’s a versatile person who loves science and is an easy going person, but when there’s work to be done, he’s the first to get onto it, which may be the reason why his wife asked for divorce. Now he’s starting a new life, carrying an ancient consciousness known as Kelrod within him.

Lt. Commander
Hannibal Parker

Hannibal Parker

  • Rank: Lt. Commander
  • Duty Post: Assistant Chief of Security
  • Age/Species/Sex: 46-year-old Human male
  • Birthplace: Houston, Texas

Hannibal was born to two loving parents on Earth, his sister following four years later. Hannibal grew bigger and stronger than most children, and he had an aggressive streak which never ceased to get him into trouble. Expert sniper, hand to hand combat, demolitions, sabotage, uses of many weapons. Expert tracker, skilled in insertion and extraction. Enlisted before the beginning of the Dominion War and fought in several ground campaigns, including the final assault on Cardassia. His unit was paired with a Klingon ground unit for most of the war due to his Marine units' ferocious combat style and refusal to give ground during the fiercest fighting.

Devon Romjin

Devon Romjin

  • Rank: Lieutenant
  • Duty Post: Chief Medical Officer
  • Age/Species/Sex: 32-year-old Human female
  • Birthplace: New York City, New York, Earth

Devon was born in New York City, the youngest child of Richard and Megan Romjin. Her mother died during child birth. Her father married her step-mother, Anna, when Devon was 7 years old. Devon was resistant to the new marriage but over time, she and Anna formed a bond. Overall, she had a happy childhood. She and her (over-protective) brothers have a strong, close relationship. At the age of 18, she joined Starfleet against her father's wishes which has since left their relationship feeling somewhat strained. Anna however encouraged her to always follow her dreams and never let anyone get in the way of her happiness.

Lt. Commander
Raissa Moonsong

Raissa Moonsong

  • Rank: Lt. Commander
  • Duty Post: Cultural anthropologist
  • Age/Species/Sex: 36-year-old Human/Betazoid female
  • Birthplace: Leech Lake, North America, Earth

Raissa grew up on Earth and due to her Betazoid grandmother was a touch empath. She originally desired to be a medical doctor, but the pain experienced by her patients became too much for her. She switched her focus to psychology and psychiatry. Unaware of certain quirk of her genetics, Raissa played host to several hundred minds of the Community. Her telepathic/empathic abilities spiked to T6. However, once they had left her body, her ability did not return to its normal range, and she remains a T/E 6. She now limits her interaction with others to block out other thoughts as well as to avoid reading people inadvertently. Despite this change, she remains a skilled counselor and always easy to talk to.

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