SIM:A Rogue Amongst the Stars/Chapter 1
![]() A Rogue Amongst the Stars |
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Chapter 1
((Engineering Lab, USS Veritas))
Geoffrey Teller was head down in another simulation run, analyzing the results of trial number 2144 of their soon to be installed Warp XV core. Ever since Kelrod had expressed misgivings about being hurtled off to the far side of the universe or ending up stuck with another consciousness in his already overcrowded head, Teller had been trying to dream up a scenario the Starfleet Corp of Engineers hadn’t. So far, he was satisfied, after a fashion.
Thousands of hours of computer time had gone into modeling the results of test flights with different field configurations, different spatial gradients, abnormal subspace anomalies and even one test to model the drives performance in fluidic space, and so far all the results were well within the norms. By all appearances, the drive was everything they promised in the specs - durable, powerful and fast as hell.
In a way, he vaguely wished he had found something the design team had overlooked, as he always felt experimental technology didn’t get its real tests until it was deployed in the field, but for once it looked like the designers had done a through and surprisingly comprehensive job. Teller attributed their success to the involvement of Captain Rahman herself, during her stint in the Corp of Engineers, for bringing a hugely needed dose of practical reality to the designs.
Just as he was thinking about the Skipper, he was surprised to see her walk though the lab doors with a vaguely menacing smile. The kind that typically meant a few weeks of interesting, but difficult work.
Teller: Nice to see you down here, ma’am. Do you need the lab? I can come back to this later, my eyes were starting to cross anyway.
Rahman: It sounds like you need some fresh air. Maybe even a change of scenery.
Teller had the uncomfortable feeling he was being toyed with.
Teller: Ma’am?
She walked up closer to him, taking a glance at the PADDs and other data displayed on the monitors in front of him. She looked back up at him.
Rahman: Double checking my work?
Teller: After a fashion, Captain. Kelrod spooked me a bit so I decided to see if the computer and I could break the new engines. So far, so good.
She crossed her arms.
Rahman: Mmm-hmm. I’ve been thinking about your naughtiness lately. Couple with you being my chief engineer, I think we’re owed some quality time together.
Teller: Uh...I’m always at your disposal, ma’am. And I get the impression this isn’t voluntary. What’d you have in mind?
She took a PADD out of her pocket and handed it to him. On it was a trip itinerary and information about a science conference.
Rahman: Pack your bags. There’s a conference being hosted on Esperance, and I was invited to speak about the drive project. Since you’re going to be working on it directly during field trials, it’d be good for you to learn more anyway.
Teller looked at the itinerary. It did look tempting, and the idea of a few days away, even in the context of a conference, was appealing, but he gestured to the ship around them.
Teller: You sure about this Skipper? Doesn’t seem right, me being away from the ship when she needs all these repairs. I leave those yard workers alone for a minute, they’ll probably put the nacelles on upside down.
The captain narrowed her eyes at him.
Teller: Right, you weren’t asking. I’ll let my team know.
Continue to Chapter 2