Invicta Officer's Manual/The Crew

Invicta Officer's Manual


Invicta Officer's Manual

1: Expectations
2: The Lists
3: Formatting Your Sims
  • II: Invicta 101
4: The Crew
5: The Ship
6: The Mythology
  • III: Operating Procedures
7: Missions
8: Shoreleave
9: Mission Proposals
  • IV: Beyond the Basics
10: Promotions
11: OOC Activities
12: Mentoring

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The Crew

Learn more about your new shipmates. You can click on their names/pictures to access their full biographies.

Aron Kells.png
Fleet Captain
Aron Kells

Aron Kells

  • Rank: Fleet Captain
  • Duty Post: Commanding Officer
  • Age/Species/Sex: 41-year-old Human/Romulan male
  • Birthplace: Spirit, Mars

Known for his scientific work with epigenetics and extinction rehabilitation, Aron has been the subject of two temporal accidents throughout his career, and served as a civilian scientist briefly until called into service again at the behest of Starfleet. Since June 2392, when it was announced during President Nan Bacco's State of the Federation Address, he has commanded the high-profile starship USS Invicta.

Roshanara Rahman

Roshanara Rahman

Born away from the Kriosian homeworld, Roshanara's birth parents gave her up for adoption, and a human couple took her in, named her, and raised her back in Lahore, Earth. Often mistaken for a Trill due to her Kriosian spots, she joined Starfleet because of her interest in starship design, an interest that has not come without a cost as she was gravely injured early in her career from a major accident that required lengthy rehabilitation. She exhibits a dry and perhaps even cruel sense of humor. Previously a chief engineer, she employs a rather direct and assertive style of command and is working on her anger management.

Lt. Commander
Tristam Core

Tristam Core

  • Rank: Lt. Commander
  • Duty Post: Chief Engineer
  • Age/Species/Sex: 40-year-old Rodulan male
  • Birthplace: Myiron, The Western Gate of Tikan, Rodul

A member of a highly telepathic species and raised within a culture that believe violence is never a viable course of action, Tristam joined Starfleet to experience working with more advanced technology and specialized within Components Engineering. On his first tour of duty, he was involved in a serious accident aboard the USS Pioneer, almost costing him his left leg and damaging his telepathic lobe beyond medical repair. The accident changed him more than he cares to admit, now more judgmental and critical towards others, though in recent times, he's grown to be gentle and even overprotective.

AmbDellaTrillWiki Image.png
Della Vetri

Della Vetri

  • Rank: Ambassador
  • Duty Post: Diplomatic Contingent Head
  • Age/Species/Sex: 44-year-old Joined Trill female
  • Birthplace: Tellrin Archipelago, Trill

3-4 sentence character summary

Ceilidh Riverview

Ceilidh Riverview

  • Rank: Ensign
  • Duty Post: Diplomatic Officer
  • Age/Species/Sex: 35-year-old Kerelian female
  • Birthplace: Island of Tanis, Kerelia

3-4 sentence character summary

Nikki Ryan

Nikki Ryan

  • Rank: Ensign
  • Duty Post: Engineering Officer
  • Age/Species/Sex: 37-year-old Human female
  • Birthplace: Chicago, Earth

3-4 sentence character summary

Azure Dawn

Azure Dawn

  • Rank: Ensign
  • Duty Post: Helm/Com/Ops Officer
  • Age/Species/Sex: 33-year-old Risian male
  • Birthplace:

3-4 sentence character summary

Lieutenant JG
Hanar Tuk

Hanar Tuk

  • Rank: Lieutenant JG
  • Duty Post: Chief of Security
  • Age/Species/Sex: 33-year-old Bolian male
  • Birthplace: Bolarus IX

3-4 sentence character summary

Marcus Dickens.jpg
Marcus Dickens

Marcus Dickens

  • Rank: Commander
  • Duty Post: Security Officer
  • Age/Species/Sex: 42-year-old Angosian/Betazoid male
  • Birthplace: Deep Space 4

3-4 sentence character summary

Nia Calderan

Nia Calderan

  • Rank: Captain
  • Duty Post: Chief of SAR Operations
  • Age/Species/Sex: 37-year-old Byzallian Dorfman female
  • Birthplace: Pride City, Byzatium

3-4 sentence character summary

Alora deveau2.png
Lt. Commander
Alora DeVeau

Alora DeVeau

  • Rank: Lt. Commander
  • Duty Post: Chief Science Officer
  • Age/Species/Sex: 34-year-old Human female
  • Birthplace: Earth

3-4 sentence character summary

Lt. Commander


  • Rank: Lt. Commander
  • Duty Post: Historian & Archaeological Specialist
  • Age/Species/Sex: 43-year-old Vulcan/Romulan female
  • Birthplace: Unknown

3-4 sentence character summary

Capt Raj Blueheart1.png
Raj Blueheart

Raj Blueheart

  • Rank: Captain
  • Duty Post: Chief Medical Officer
  • Age/Species/Sex: 49-year-old Human male
  • Birthplace: Malaysia, Earth

3-4 sentence character summary

Lt. Commander
Raissa Moonsong

Raissa Moonsong

  • Rank: Lt. Commander
  • Duty Post: Chief of Counseling
  • Age/Species/Sex: 36-year-old Human/Betazoid female
  • Birthplace: Leech Lake, North America, Earth

3-4 sentence character summary

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