SIM:Rank Privilege

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Rank Privilege

((Turbolift towards the Bridge))

Brek: I was wondering, did you happen to see how many Tal Shiar got killed during that er... battle for Avonis?

::The Gorn considered the difficult question, and then gave his account. It wasn't that Brek was interested in gory details, or wanted to gloat over the loss suffered by the enemy. Just that, hidden behind a rock formation, he hadn't seen much of the combat. He had spent the whole scene flanked by two Marines who had protected him like he was some precious artifact that shouldn't even be scratched. If that wasn't rank privilege, he didn't know what was.::

Tatash: I counted 6 killed by rifle fire, and possibly 2-3 snipers eliminated, hard to tell at setting 16 but I’m sure I saw some… organic debris. We also lost one crewman from a disrupter blast to the chest.

Brek: ::Nodding his head somberly.:: I am truly sorry that it happened this way, Ensign. When the Away Team was in the caves, I tried to negotiate with them, but... I failed to make a positive impression on them.

::That summed it up, crudely. He should have used every available hands to install those damn signal enhancers, and scram away from Avronis, the way he would have normally done, had he been his usual diplomatic self. But this time, he had wanted to prove that he could face up to menaces... and lives had been lost.::

::Tatash returned to his station and Brek took a few steps on the Bridge, mesmerized by the sight of a D’deridex on the main viewscreen. It was fascinating and impressive, and yet, he was reminded of a silly joke his friend Glutik (Tellarite by nature) had made to rile up his French-speaking diplomatic aide.::

::What does a Romulan frog use for camouflage?::

Brek: ::Absentmindedly.:: oO A croaking device. Oo

::It's only then, while he was listening to the ongoing conversation between the Captain and various officers, that Brek noticed the presence of the very modest freighter. A tiny blip on the Romulan charts. One that could easily be eradicated. No one would care. Some might even say that the galaxy would be better off without the sort of crew that had found shelter in such a ghastly vessel.::

::Thankfully the negotiations were going well, and with all parties involved receiving an incentive to play nicely, it looked like their first mission had reached a conclusion.::

Brek: oO So, we can rest on our laurels then. Oo

::The Ferengi, enjoying a sensation of bliss and freedom, decided to have an early celebration in his office. After all, he hadn't eaten anything since a measly breakfast, and that felt like it had happened in another life.::

((Brek's Office))

::A quick detour by the replicator provided him with a pastrami sandwich, but his backside had not even touched his chair, when there was a call at his door.::

Brek: oO Frinx! Is there no peace to be had?? Oo Come in!

::Dakarai, his former diplomatic aide, entered and deposited an impressive pile of PADDs on his desk. That felt massively wrong, as it looked like the black Terran had gone out of his way to bring him a huge amount of work. Brek sat, and in order to appear totally unconcerned by what was now adorning his desk, he took a bite of his sandwich.::

Dakarai: ::Looking rather proud of himself.:: I brought you all the media packages we've been working on, to promote, silence or disguise what happened on Avronis. I know how you like to be ready for every outcome. So, ::With a grand gesture towards the PADDs.:: voilà.

Brek: That's... oO what's the word?... no, not' boring', the other one.... Oo very thoughtful of you.

Dakarai: ::Taking the liberty to sit down.:: So, what's next?

Brek: ::Looking blankly at the Terran.:: We go to Starbase 118, I assume, and let the Avronis dust settle for a while.

Dakarai: You are sure we won't try to have the last word with that Romulan Warbird? Hint at the fact that the Tal Shiar always seems to remain a negative force within their Empire?

::The idea was so ludicrous that Brek nearly choke on his sandwich.::

Brek: Don't be so daft! Do you think that by transferring to this ship we lost our sanity?! We came to investigate a planet, stir things up a little bit, not to start a war. Would you be kind enough to fetch me a cuppa tea. Lemon. No sweetener. I'm on a diet.

::Of course, Dakarai had the cheek to smile at his words, but at least, he went to get him his drink, and that helped him to relax a little bit. Things hadn't changed by that much really. He was still helping the Romulan cause, and he still had the familiar presence of Dakarai, whom he could use whichever way he wanted...::


With Tags from Ensign Tatash, Security Officer, USS Columbia, NCC-85279

Lt. Cmdr Brek


USS Columbia, NCC-85279