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((Bridge, USS Apollo))

::Aidoann didn’t miss the fact that Jaxx had purposely ignored her. Though she didn’t say a word. All the while she never moved from her position of attention. From day one Danara knew her challenges would be different than many entering Starfleet. Even though relations with the Romulans had improved there was still a long way to go. Recalling the discussion she’d had with Iael about jojning Starfleet and her desire to train for Intelligence work. ::

oO Imzadi if you were here I’d have someone to turn to after a day like today is turning out to be. But you’ve always said there’s a fire inside me that makes me in stoppable and its what attracted you to me. You’ve always believed in me. Now its time to prove to everyone else I am capable of this job. Oo

::Aidoann turned her attention to Jaxx. ::

Danara: Ensign Aidoann Danara, Intelligence. Reporting for duty.

::As she stepped away, that just left the new Romulan woman standing near him. Turning, he took the center chair and left her standing. It was a test of her discipline, and one that she seemed to be doing well with. Making it through the Academy could not have been easy for her. Just like Cardassians, Romulans would get resistance from some people. The difference was that Cardassians were once on the wrong side during the Dominion War. Luckily for the Romulans, they eventually entered the war. But a lot of people were still rubbed the wrong way by the non-aggression treaty they had with the Dominion. Jaxx was a little more sympathetic after Romulus was destroyed. For a couple minutes he allowed her to stand there, silently, before finally acknowledging her presence.::

Jaxx: ::nodding to the empty seat to his left:: Sit.

Danara: ::she took a seat in the empty chair.:: Aye Sir.

::With him finally acknowledging Aidoann, it was time to bring her up to speed. Even though it was not as much information as he gave other officers, it would be enough for now. The last thing he was going to do was hand over information that the Romulans may not have access to, to someone who is in fact a Romulan. He had no doubt that she had been prodded and probed by the best psychologists in the fleet. There was no way they would let someone undeserving into Starfleet. Jaxx knew that she was the caliber he wanted on the Apollo, at least when it came to her duties. His curiosity was within her attitude. Being Romulan was not something that encouraged the best behavior out of people. So far, she handled it with poise.::

Jaxx: We are currently on a classified mission. At this time, you are on a need to know basis. Right now we have a team on the surface. They are searching for a potentially harmful substance. Once they locate it, they will return to the ship, where we will neutralize it. We are caught between two warring planets, but as of yet...neither of them have shown any aggression toward the Apollo. You will likely notice that their tech is far below anything you probably seen. They have yet to achieve warp capability, but rest assured our orders do supersede the Prime Directive.

::Despite that fact that Aidoann had a feeling she should be given more details as part of Apollo’s Intelligence staff, she didn’t flinch. Carefully listening to Jaxx’s words. More bits and pieces were coming together. While she didn’t have the full story her arrival aboard made a lot more sense. Quietly analyzing the data she had so far. It might not be needed now but Aidoann’s goal was to be ready to answer if that was requested. Granted it also seemed to lend more credence to various rumors Aidoann had heard at the Academy.::

Danara: Understood Sir.

Jaxx: What are your weaknesses? As a Starfleet officer, that is.

::His next question caught her off guard but Aidoann didn’t show it. Her gaze shifted to Jaxx as she gave him an honest answer.::

Danara: The very fact I’m Romulan could be considered a weakness by some as is my ability to speak my mind when warranted. However I believe they can be more strengths than weaknesses.

::Jaxx looked at her for a moment, not breaking contact with her eyes. They were dark blue, and a bit of honestly in them. Since joining Starfleet, Jaxx relied more on reading people the way others did. He could have probed her thoughts the moment she stepped on the bridge, but he had respect for the privacy of others...unless he felt they posed a threat, then all bets were off. He did not feel that way with her. While Romulans were not among his favorite species, he would have no problem tolerating Aidoann.::

Jaxx: Good answer.

Ens Aidoann Danara
Intelligence Officer
USS Apollo

Fleet Captain Andrus Jaxx
Commanding Officer
USS Apollo