Announce List/2011

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Jan 8, 2011

Quick reminder: OOC chat tomorrow (Sunday, January 9th)!

  • FltAdml. Tristan Wolf

Please join us at our first monthly fleet-wide OOC chat of 2011, as it takes place tomorrow, Sunday, January 9th.

Times are as follows: 11am Pacific, 2pm Eastern, 7pm GMT. Just head to our new chat room to participate: No registration required!

See you there!

Jan 14, 2011

Site back online

  • FltAdml. Tristan Wolf

Hello everyone,

Please accept our apologies if you happened to stop by the website after it was hacked this morning. Unfortunately, this is the new reality -- nothing is safe and secure, no how hard we try!

Thankfully, we keep backups of the site, and we have restored them to their normal condition. We've also brought the forums back online.

Again, apologies for the issue, and thank you for your patience!

Jan 18, 2011

Awards 2010 - Duty Post, Special, and Staff Awards!

  • FltAdml. Tristan Wolf

Hello fellow RPGers!

Our 2010 Duty Post, Special, and Staff Awards have been released and have been posted on our Community News on the website. Take a look and see who won!

We will also be posting the complete list of award winners on the site this Thursday. Be sure to check the Community News ( daily for news and updates about the fleet!

Feb 6, 2011

New Promotion Guide online

  • FltAdml. Tristan Wolf

Hey everyone!

Just wanted to let you know about our new Promotion Guide, which you can find it by going to our site ( and choosing "Members > Personnel > Promotions" from the menu, or heading to the following URL:

Through the guide, you'll learn more about what's necessary to move up through the ranks, especially once you're preparing for the rank of Commander.

In other news, today is the last day for voting on Round 1 of the Top Sims Contest. Head to the forum, read the sims, and cast your vote before midnight (Pacific Time)!

And be sure to mark your calendar for next month's OOC chat: Sunday, February 6th, 11 A.M. Pacific / 2 P.M. Eastern / 7 P.M. GMT. Just head to our website chat room, no registration required, to participate!

Be sure to keep checking our Community News ( -- we post daily. Our Twitter and Facebook feeds also keep you abreast of the news, as well!

Feb 15, 2011

The 2011 State of the Federation Address

  • FltAdml. Tristan Wolf

Hello friends!

The Constitution requires that, each year, the Executive Council release an address regarding the State of our Federation. The 2011 Address has now been released on our site. We look back at the year of 2010, particularly the challenging circumstances that we encountered by mid-year. In turn, we look forward to the coming months with a comprehensive plan for increasing our reach, increasing our standards, and planning for the new Star Trek movie coming in 2012 (with the inevitable bump in publicity and applications that we�ll receive). Head in to our documents archive, and read the 2011 Address now!

Feb 17, 2011

Follow-up regarding the 2011 State of the Federation Address

  • FltAdml. Tristan Wolf

Hi again, everyone!

Just a quick note. A member contacted me about 2011 State of the Federation Address, asking for some clarification regarding the goal for Fleet Retention, as per below:

"Fleet Retention: we don�t yet have our 2010 numbers for cadet retention after training, but our goal for 2011 is to retain at least 50% of new officers for at least six months after their graduation."

The concern was in regard to why we're only looking to keep members onboard for six months after their graduation. Please allow me to clarify what we mean. In looking at the statistics for our fleet, we know that members who hit a certain "milestone" in participation (simming for a certain amount of time) tend to become long-term players. That is: once they hit that milestone, participation becomes something the member sustains of their own accord, as opposed to new members who we seek to assist in finding ways to participate and ensuring that they have a place in each plot. As such, if we can help members reach this milestone, we have a reasonable expectation that they'll become long-term players, and that we can continually focus on moving people past that milestone.

Please know that we value each and every member that passes through our doors, and that it's not simply a matter of wanting people to stay for just six months! Instead, we want all members to be long-term members, and hope that our fleet retention goal will set a standard for ensuring that is the case!

Just in case you missed the other link, here's where you can read the full 2011 SOTFA:

Happy simming everyone, and please feel free to ask any further questions :)

Mar 22, 2011

The Forums, Your Duty Post, and what happens when the site goes down...

  • FltAdml. Tristan Wolf

Hi all! I have some notes for you:

  • The website is now behaving a little more after last week's attack on our

host's servers. This led to scattered downtime and difficulty reaching the website. You should NOT be having this problem any longer: If you cannot access the site, please contact me directly at t.wolf@...

  • Also, if the site goes down, please be sure to wait at least 30 minutes

and THEN check our Twitter account (<!/ufopsb118>) before reporting-in about the site outage. Most outages last just a few minutes, and if they last longer than that, we will post on the Twitter account about the response from our host's support team.

  • If you haven't yet done so, head to the forums and check in to your Duty

Post area to meet people from around the fleet discussing how to better play your role: The security folks, and science folks, are each doing In Character role plays, while other duty post members are working on developing their area of the wiki, learning more about each duty post, and more!

Apr 4, 2011

Spelling and grammar in simming

  • FltAdml. Tristan Wolf

Hi everyone!

I hope this e-mail finds you well. I want to talk a little about the spelling and grammar we see every day as a part of this game.

We recognize that many members of our group do not speak English as a first language. And we appreciate that we have a diversity of language and cultures from across the world. We love that, and want to continue to foster that atmosphere. However, as an organization, we hope to help every member increase their writing and language skills to become better writers each and every day. We've noticed that over the past few years, there has been an increase in spelling and grammar issues among fleet sims, which is making sims difficult to read and respond-to.

To that end, I want to make everyone aware of two free resources on the internet that can help you increase the quality of your sims immediately. The first is a free spell-checking website, into which you can simply copy and paste your sims to review for any misspelled words:

<>If English is your second language, be sure to check the sidebar to the right, and make sure you're set on "English - United States." The system will highlight in red any misspelled words and prompt you to replace them with correct words. Obviously, you'll want to click "Ignore" if it highlights any Star Trek words like "Romulan" which it doesn't know.

Before sending your e-mail to your ship, you should then proof-read your sim for any errors. Reading the sim slowly to yourself, or out loud if you can, is the single best way to catch 90% of your errors.

The second resource is one that comes highly recommended, but which I've never personally tried. Called "A.I. Type" (for "Artificial Intelligence Type"), it claims to help write by predicting the words you're attempting to use and helping to correct spelling and grammar on the fly. If you generally find it difficult to write sims, you may want to give this resource a try while writing one or two sims, to see if it helps you at all:

<>I wish to stress one final time that we appreciate the fact that spelling and grammar can be difficult for many people in our group, for a number of reasons: English as a second language, disability, and sometimes even the time you have to write a sim! We welcome all who want to play in our group, and hope that these resources will help you write better, and ensure that others will find it easy to read and respond to your sims.

If you have questions or need help developing your writing skills, please talk to your Captain or First Officer. We also have some writing resources on our website, in the "Cadets" > "Tutorial Library" area, at the following URL: <>

Apr 9, 2011

Fleet-wide OOC chat today

  • FltAdml. Tristan Wolf

The next fleet-wide OOC chat to takes place today, Sunday, April 10th at 11 A.M. Pacific / 2 P.M. Eastern / 7 P.M. GMT.

Just head to our website chat room at

Very casual, no registration required, no agenda or plan - just a chance to meet folks from around the fleet for general Out Of Character discussion and community building!

May 16, 2011

Do you have questions for the authors of the Star Trek Encyclopedia?

  • FltAdml. Tristan Wolf

That's right folks, we've scored an interview with Michael and Denise Okuda! These two people have been some of the guiding lights of Trek since "The Next Generation" and have helped shape the look and feel of the entire franchise as Star Trek scenic art supervisors, keepers of the chronology, technical consultants, and authors of Star Trek Encyclopedia, the Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual, and the Star Trek Chronology!

LtJG Arielle Teagan of the USS Constitution-B contacted Michael Okuda who agreed to answer some questions for us in an interview, much the same way that we did with David Mack a few weeks ago. (You can see that interview with David Mack on our site, here: )

We need your input on the greatest questions to ask the Okudas, and we'd like submissions from every ship! Head on over to the StarFleet Corp of Engineers Forum, on our site, and submit your question:

We have just a few days to put together our list of questions before we cull them down to the best ones to send to the couple, so please get started on submitting your questions today!


  • Mark your calendar for the next fleet-wide OOC chat to take place this

coming Sunday, May 22nd at 11 A.M. Pacific / 2 P.M. Eastern / 7 P.M. GMT. Just head to our website chat room, no registration required, to participate!

  • The (Image) Collective is a new team that will help you create great

images for your ship and characters. If you're looking for help in creating custom images for your ship or character, or you can help others with this, head to the The (Image) Collective area of the wiki for more information:

  • Looking for something fun to do? We have a whole list of fleet activities

that are looking for members like yourself, found here: You can participate in our monthly Writing Challenges, our Top Sims Contest, a Guild (for Readers, LGBT players, and those who play Vulcans), help recruit new players on our Publicity Team, help write the Community News, and much more! Check out the Fleet Activity List today to see where you can help!

  • DON'T FORGET to check our Community News on a regular basis: You can also subscribe to our Twitter account, here:<!/ufopsb118>

Aug 12, 2011

If you know PHP and mySQL, we need your help!

  • FltAdml. Tristan Wolf

Hi Friends! Hope you're having a great summer :)

We were just notified of an urgent issue with our UPDS system, and need assistance of someone who is proficient with PHP and mySQL. If you can volunteer just an hour or two over the next week to help fix the problem, please contact me directly at t.wolf@... -- your assistance would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks everyone!

Oct 16, 2011

October Community Events

  • FltAdml. Tristan Wolf

Hi everyone!

Hope you're enjoying some cooler weather where you are! As everyone starts moving indoors, I wanted to let you know about a bunch of upcoming events for the end of October, happening around our community, that you might be interested in:

1. Writing Challenge: the Sept./Oct. round of the Writing Challenge is coming to a close, and all entries are due by October 29th. The theme for this round is "Where No Man Has Gone Before" -- quintessentially Trek! Throw your hat in the ring by heading down to the Writing Challenge forum and submitting your entry:

2. Top Sims Contest: the last round of 2011 is being voted-on now, so you'll want to check out the candidates and vote on the best. You can also submit sims, but they won't be voted-on until the beginning of 2012. The Top Sims Contest is a great way to show some love to your crew mates by nominating your favorite sims they've written, and helping show the fleet some of the amazing work your ship is doing. More info found here:

3. Fleet-wide OOC Chat: MARK YOUR CALENDARS! Next fleet-wide OOC chat will take place on Sunday, November 6th at 11 A.M. Pacific / 2 P.M. Eastern / 6 P.M. GMT. Just head over to our chat room at represent for your ship!

4. Halloween Avatar Contest: We're bringing back an old tradition and pumpkin-spicing it up for 2011! The 1st Annual Halloween Avatar Contest pits crew against crew in a face-off of forum avatars. Each crew picks a theme and posts on the forums -- the most original and funny win the day! Head down to the information thread to find out more: DEADLINE to enter is October 28th, so get started soon!

5. Halloween Story Competition: partner website OngoingWorlds is running a Halloween story competition for all roleplayers. As we all write stories anyway, why not combine the two? Represent for UFOP: StarBase 118 by submitting your story -- deadline is October 31st. More info found here:

To keep up with everything going on around the fleet, be sure to check the Community News at our website on a daily basis!

Oct 24, 2011

Our interview with Michael Okuda!

  • FltAdml. Tristan Wolf

Hey folks,

Remember a few months ago when we sent around a request for interview questions to ask Michael Okuda, Trek guru and technical consultant on Star Trek? Well, he answered all our questions, and the interview is up on our site!

Before we send the link, can we ask a favor? This is a really HUGE deal for our group because not many places outside of major Trek websites and magazines get a chance to ask Michael Okuda questions and get answers. To that end, this can be a really great way for our group to increase our publicity and draw in new members!

Once you have a chance to read the interview, can you share it on Facebook and Twitter? Adding these links back to our site can draw in people who might be interested in joining, and will also help increase our rankings in the search engines!

Without further ado, here's the interview!

Many thanks to Arielle Teagan of the USS Avandar for not only setting up the interview, but compiling the questions, sending them to Michael, and putting the interview together once he sent everything back :)

Nov 5, 2011

Fleet-wide OOC chat today + time change!

  • FltAdml. Tristan Wolf

Just a reminder regarding our fleet-wide OOC chat today, Sunday, November 6th at 11 A.M. Pacific / 2 P.M. Eastern / 6 P.M. GMT: this event will be taking place AFTER daylight saving time ends. So be sure to change your clocks before heading to the chat room!

For those of you who are confused, you can always head here: -- type in "what time is it" and add your zip code, nearest big city in your timezone, etc., to check the exact time ;)

Nov 15, 2011

2011 Award Nominations Open!

  • FltAdml. Tristan Wolf

Fellow Community Members,

Each year, we hold an annual celebration of our simming accomplishments over the past year. This tradition goes back to the earliest days of our group, and is one that we've kept up faithfully.

This year, our awards process begins today. Each of you now has the opportunity to nominate others -- members of your crew, your CO and FO, and other members from around the fleet that you've simmed with -- to receive an award. Award ceremonies will begin in mid-December for each ship, and our fleet ceremony will occur near the end of December.

You can head to the award nomination panel now to begin nominating:

Over the coming weeks, we will compile the nominations. Some will be reviewed by your Captains, others will be reviewed by a committee from around the fleet, and some will be reviewed by the Executive Council. The best nominations will be approved, and the nominated members will receive an award.

Remember, these rewards come from you! This is your chance to show your individual crewmates and friends that you value specific aspects of their contributions. If a ship has no (or few) award recipients, it's an indication that the crew didn't participate in the nomination process, so be sure to nominate at least one other member of your crew!

You can find images and descriptions of each award on our wiki, at the following URL: The new award designs were done by our very own Images Team, headed by LtCmdr. Kali Nicholotti.

A few notes you'll want to know as you're submitting nominations:

  • Duty Post, Special, and Staff awards are fleet-wide and only given out

once per ceremony.

  • For General awards, only one person per crew receives each.
  • The awards area on the wiki also has a list of past award recipients, so

you can see if someone has won an award previously. Keep in mind that a number of awards were created for the 2011 ceremony, so some awards will not have any past recipients at all.

Finally, please keep in mind that your Commanding Officers do a lot of hard work in the background to help keep our community running. Although members of our Staff, they are not paid for their efforts and the vast amounts of time they devote to the group and your enjoyment. So, as you nominate your crewmates do also spare a thought to nominating your Captain for one of the Staff Awards!

If you have questions about the awards, you're welcome to ask your CO or FO for help.

Happy Nominating!

Nov 21, 2011

Bounced messages

  • FltAdml. Tristan Wolf

Hi everyone,

Quick note about Yahoo! Groups, tonight that will hopefully save you from future frustration!

If you use Windows Mail, Outlook, or Thunderbird to send mail AND Yahoo! Groups is returning emails to you because of "policy reasons" or "community guidelines violations," please see the following Yahoo! Groups help file, which can help you solve the problem:

We recommend that you bookmark this, in case it starts happening in the future.

Nov 28, 2011

Will you join us for a live sim, this Sunday?

  • FltAdml. Tristan Wolf

Hi everyone!

I wanted to remind you about our next fleet-wide chat coming up on Sunday, December 4th (11 A.M. Pacific / 2 P.M. Eastern / 6 P.M. GMT.). This month, we're going to be doing something special -- alongside our normal OOC chat going on in our regular chat room, we're also going to be holding a LIVE SIM in the grand tradition which helped birth UFOP: StarBase 118 in 1994!

To join us for either the OOC or IC chat this Sunday, just head to our chat room page: Participating in this upcoming sim does NOT obligate you to join in future ones. We'll take it week-by-week, and anyone who wants to join in can do so!

We'll'be'simming'aboard'the'USS'Washington,'a'newly'commissioned Ronin-class'starship'on'her'maiden'voyage.


  • 'Anyone'who'wishes'to'participate'in'the'live'sim'will'need'to'create'a

new'character'for'use'during'the'live'sim.'At'the'very'least,'you'll'need to'know'your'character'name,'species,'gender,'and'age.

  • 'Your'new'character'can'be'of'the'same'rank,'or'a'lesser'rank,'than'the

highest'rank'you've'held'on'a'ship'in'our'fleet.'So,'if'you've'gotten'to Lieutenant'Commander'on'your'regular'ship,'you'can'sim'a'Lieutenant Commander,'or'a'Lieutenant,'etc.

  • 'We'll'sort'out'duty'posts'as'we'start,'so'come'with'your'top'two'choices


If'you'have'any'questions,'drop'by'the'forum'thread'where'we've'been discussing'this:


Dec 18, 2011

Lazy Sunday?

  • FltAdml. Tristan Wolf

Enjoying a nice lazy Sunday? Looking for something to entertain yourself? Check out these events around the fleet, ending soon!

1. Top Sims Contest, final round of voting: THIS IS IT! The final three sims are being voted-on, and the winner of this round wins the title of "Top Sim of 2011"! Be sure to head to the voting area, read the nominated sims, and vote on them! -- Voting ends Saturday, December 31st.

2. November/December Writing Challenge: this round's theme is "What if Earth had been destroyed in 2387 instead of Romulus?" Head to the Writing Challenge forum and submit your entry: -- who knows, you just might win! Submission period ends Saturday, December 31st.