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Jan 1, 2004

StarBase 118 News: Awards & More!

  • FltAdml. Tristan Wolf

Hope the New Year finds everyone with joy and good tidings! This is a special "beginning of the New Year" bulletin on a number of subjects. Please read carefully :)

1. MEMBER AWARDS ANNOUNCED! We've finally announced the complete list for the Member Level Awards! You can find them at . Check the "General Awards" and "Duty Post Awards" pages for newly awarded members. Those in bold were recipients for this ceremony. The staff level awards (including the Strange Medallion), and the Xalor Award recipients will be announced within the next few days, via a special OOC ceremony. Presenters will include EC members.

2. PLEASE UPDATE YOUR UPDS PROFILES Please head to: and update your UPDS profile immediately, INCLUDING any awards you may have received for this round. Staff members will approve any pending changes ASAP. It is CRITICAL that we have your updated profiles, so we know how to contact you, and so that your Bio stays updated for SIM purposes. Thanks! :)

3. RETIREMENT FORM ONLINE We now have a form for those folks who would like to retire from our group completely. You can access it from this page: , which has a list of all of our general contact forms (including those for Leaves of Absence, 2nd Char. Requests, etc.).

4. "BEGINNING OF YEAR" HOUSE-KEEPING, COMING SOON Within the next few weeks, you'll (hopefully!) see the annual "State of the Federation Address," all of the past few months worth of Tactical Data Reports coming online (including a new one, for this past month), another issue of the Reporter, and more!

5. CHARACTER LOGS Interested in writing some character logs? The forums have a special place just for this purpose. Head to: and then click on "Character Logs." Or, head straight there: .

6. LAMBDA ALLIANCE Do you portray a gay/bisexual/neuter/transgendered/non-gendered character on your vessel? Head to: to discuss the issues :)

As always, if you have any questions, feel free to contact me via the forums, or through my e-mail at: t.wolf@...

Again, I hope everyone's having a GREAT year so far! Let's keep up the amazing work!

Feb 5, 2004

StarBase 118 Newsletter

  • FltAdml. Tristan Wolf

Hope everyone is having a great year so far! I have a few short announcements:

1. Final Awards for the 2003 Ceremony: We've posted the staff award winners, as well as the Strange Award winners, and the Xalor Clan Xifilis winners. Congratulations to everyone who won an award this year!

2. State of the Federation Address Coming Soon: Our yearly "SOTFA" will be released within a week or so. We're putting the finishing touches on it now :)

3. UFOP: SB 118 "Wiki": If you haven't done so already, I invite you to head to our "Wiki" and participate in our group's first truly collaborative web project! A wiki is a website that allows anyone to contribute by editing a page. Wikis are community-policed, so everyone has a chance to check the contributions of others to ensure they are appropriate and factual. We've already set up some basic stuff on the Wiki (which you can find at: ), so you're welcome to head over and start messing around. The goal of the Wiki project is to document anything and everything about UFOP that is important -- a UFOP encyclopedia, if you will. I will make note, however, that wish for it to be complete, but not redundant. Please avoid including information that is already on our website (just learn how to make a link to it!), but you're welcome to use the Wiki as a testing ground for information that will later find its way to the main site. Have fun!

4. New Training Area Online: We've finally brought our new training area online. You can see it at:

5. New Intelligent Lifeform Index Online: We've also brought our new ILI online. You can find it here:

And, as always, be sure to head to the forums ( and check out all the goings-on there :)

Mar 4, 2004

State of the Federation Address: 2381

  • FltAdml. Tristan Wolf

Greetings, fellow Trekkers!

2380 was a bitter-sweet year in many ways. Many of our command staff and members saw the additions to their real life families. Both RAdml. Kelly and Cpt. James fall into this category, and to them we send fond congratulations.

Many families also felt the pain of illness and the loss of loved ones. Most recently, Ed Fisk (LtCmdr. Moghan of the USS Nemesis-B) passed away. A tribute to this fine member can be found on the Nemesis website.

As far as club business, at the beginning of the year Captain Hutton launched the USS Steadfast. The USS Ronin and the Black Tower were decommissioned due to real life time constraints on their Captains. At the same time as the Black Tower closed, its First Officer became Captain of the USS Albion. Captain Draigon became chief officer of the USS Titan when Admiral Kelly retired. Captain Nekkar became chief officer of SB118, with Fleet Captain Hebron once again taking command of the USS Constitution.

At present, the fleet contains ten vessels with six of the Captains having lead their sim site for over a year, and all for over six months. This is a major achievement that boosts of our stability and puts us in a great position for 2381.

The most amazing event for 2380 has been a quiet revolution in the way that UFOP does business. Driven by success in the UFOP training procedure and UFOP forums, we have begun to rely on committees to administer the club. This marks a substantial shift from the past, when one or two members tended to do everything. Our members are now more involved than ever.

Successful Committees include Training, Forums, Web Design, and Advertising. An Awards Ceremony Revamp Committee was successful in adding the complete roster of Duty Post awards, and continues to work on updating the Staff Awards. The Fleet Wide Plot committee has been formed by the Captains Council, and plans to choose a plot to focus on within the next few months. Committees draw on the expertise of the general membership, and promote involvement. We can only expect the committee trend to continue into 2381.

The biggest news of 2381 is the tenth anniversary of UFOP: StarBase 118 RPG. Yes, it is our diamond anniversary, and considering the transitory nature of most websites, this is quite the achievement! To celebrate, a full website overhaul is in the works for late spring. There are also plans for a UFOP get together in the USA and in England, sometime late in the summer.

We can also expect the addition of two more ships to the fleet during the year, as some of our up-and-coming command staff prepare themselves for the rigors of the testing process.

Our biggest challenge this year will be to raise the visibility of our group on the internet. This is a critical time for our organization, when other forms of media vie for the attention of all types of fans. Our website overhaul is needed now more than ever to make our public face sleeker, easier to navigate, and more useful. This alone will draw new members. We must all endeavor to participate in this process, however, if we seek to ensure our long-lasting survival as one of the highest quality groups on the net. There has never been a better time to lend your expertise to a member committee, and there has never been a better time to recommend the group to friends and family. We remain committed to bringing you good, clean fun and ensuring that we remain true to our core principles of good writing and adherence to Star Trek realism.

All-in-all, the past nine years have been joyous and taxing. Friends have come and gone, in the process changing this group, and ourselves forever. It is, after all, about the community. Were we to ignore that this group is built on international friendships, we would be forgetting one of our strongest points. Even when the world powers struggle for a voice on the global stage, Star Trek and Gene Roddenbury's vision still brings together people of every race to enjoy a vision of brighter vision of the future. So, we say, put the Trekkies in charge!

Until then, keep SIMming!


The Fleet presently consists of: USS Albion - Excelsior - Captain Rourke USS Constitution-B - Galaxy (refit) - Fleet Captain Hebron USS Independence - New Orleans - Fleet Captain Anassasi USS Kodiak - Norway - Rear Admiral Hollis NX Nemesis - Achilles - Fleet Captain Wong-Aquiss USS Paladin - Prometheus - Captain Daninburg StarBase 118 Ops - Space Dock - Captain Nekkar USS Steadfast - Galaxy - Captain Hutton USS Titan - Sovereign - Captain Draigon USS Victory - Intrepid - Captain Hurne

EC Members: - Fleet Admiral Tristan Wolf - Rear Admiral Hollis Caley - Fleet Captain Adler Wong-Aquiss - Fleet Captain Xan Hebron - Fleet Captain Jessa Anassasi

CC Voting Members: - Fleet Captain Jessa Anassasi - Fleet Captain Hollis Caley - Captain Rachel Daninburg - Captain Theo Draigon - Fleet Captain Xan Hebron - Captain Jordan Hurne - Captain Chris Hutton - Captain Mike James - Captain Day Van Pel-Nekkar - Captain Mike Rourke - Captain James Terra - Captain Brynn Wellesley - Fleet Admiral Tristan Wolf - Fleet Captain Adler Wong-Aquiss - Captain Y'Shirad (playing as LtCmdr. Merigold KitiganZibi)

CC Observing Members: - Cmdr. Mal Avatar - Cmdr. T'Lara Cha'Stelin - Cmdr. Rocar Drawoh - Cmdr. Robert Falcon - Cmdr. Kare'en - Cmdr. K'Tar - Cmdr. Flash Nova - Cmdr. Megan Parker - Cmdr. Kell Perim-Mitchell - Cmdr. Nathan Quinn - LtCmdr. T'Pen - Cmdr. Samantha Torrence - LtCmdr. Varaan

Sincerely, The UFOP: StarBase 118 Executive Council

Mar 13, 2004

StarBase 118 Newsletter -- Convention & Wiki News

  • FltAdml. Tristan Wolf

Greetings, fellow UFOP members! I have some interesting news on the Las Vegas and UK convention fronts, as well as some bits on new collaborative tools within our community. Please, read on :)

1. The Las Vegas Convention: As you may have read previously, UFOP plans to celebrate our 10th Anniversary (beginning in June of this year) with a number of fleet-wide events. One of these is the gathering in Las Vegas, NV, for a Star Trek convention. The convention will be organized by Creation Entertainment, and is called the "Official Star Trek Las Vegas Convention," which has been held annually for the past few years. The convention is taking place at the Las Vegas Hilton, home to "Star Trek: The Experience," which is launching a new Borg-themed attraction this month! Everyone is welcome to attend the convention, beginning on July 29th and end on August 1st. You can find more information on the convention itself, at: If you're interested in participating, please head to our forums (log in first, and then click: , or scroll down to "Future Plans" and then click on "Our 10th Anniversary), where the organizational threads are beginning. I sincerely hope that we will get a group together to attend, as it will be a great morale booster, and certainly a lot of fun! The more people we have attending from our group, the better our chances of garnering a group hotel-room rate, and so on. If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail me at this address.

2. The England Get-Together: For those folks who live overseas, coming to Las Vegas might not be all that easy. As such, there are plans to hold a get-together around October 20-21. As of now, no location is set, but there is a group of members actively planning! If you're interested head to: and sign up for the mailing list.

3. StarBase 118 "Wiki": A Wiki is a collaborative web software system which allows ANY visitor to edit a page on the site. This openness allows communities to build databases of information which are easily refined and updated. UFOP has set up a Wiki for our group, which will provide a place to work together on building our "encyclopedia" of UFOP knowledge. We invite everyone to come check out the "new" Wiki (we just changed to a better system, which is more user friendly) at: . There are some preliminary articles there which will help you get started. Our hope is to build a store of knowledge concerning our group that will help us facilitate the overhaul of our main website later this year.

4. The "TrekWiki": This is another Wiki project, but one that is not entirely within the scope of UFOP. As we, as a group, seek to spread our name to the larger internet, we are beginning to research projects which will be useful to the Star Trek community, and will draw in new members in non-direct ways. One example is the creation of a "Top Sites" listing, which will come online in the next month or so. The TrekWiki is another example, and seeks to be a Star Trek encyclopedia, not unlike what we are working on for the "StarBase 118 Wiki." The TrekWiki differs, however, in that it seeks to gather all of the known knowledge about Star Trek itself. This will (hopefully) include data from the first days of TOS to the most current ENT missions. The project is just starting, so please be patient as we gather community-driving articles about our goals and such. But if you'd like to take part, please head to .

That's all for the moment. As always, I will suggest that you take a look at the forums at , and update your UPDS profile at . If you have any questions or feedback, be sure to contact me at this address!

Aug 17, 2004

... Ask what you can do for your RPG!

  • FltAdml. Tristan Wolf

A wise man once said: "Ask not what your RPG can do for you, but what you can do for your RPG." ... or something like that. Therefore, in the spirit of that statement, I have three projects that need some help from good folks like you :)

UFOP: StarBase 118 is in a transition year. This is our 10th Anniversary, and we're trying to make many changes to the group in the hopes of helping us last another 10 years. The projects below are part of these changes, and will help us to keep this group moving along.

1. Publicity & Advertising Team: Perhaps our most critical mission right now is to attract as much new blood into the group as possible. The Publicity & Advertising Team is hard at work trying to fulfill this goal. There's no technical skill required for this -- just come with the desire to help bring new people into our group! CONTACT: Fleet Admiral Wolf at, t.wolf@..., to be added to the Yahoogroups list and Team Forum.

2. StarBase 118 Wiki: While the Publicity Team is working on finding new members, the Web Design Team is hard at work revamping our website. One of the goals of this project is to shift our Academy Library into our Wiki so that the information will be easier to update and keep fresh. (A Wiki is a website that allows anyone to update a page using very simple code -- nothing like HTML.) We have plenty of work that needs to be done on the Wiki to get it looking great before it officially becomes a part of the new website. No technical skills required here either -- just be willing to help with some simple tasks (like copying/pasting, editing, proof-reading). CONTACT: Fleet Admiral Wolf at, t.wolf@..., to be directed to the appropriate Team Forum and web page.

3. Intelligent Lifeform Index: We launched a new, interactive Intelligent Lifeform Index a few months ago, but we're still having some trouble getting it completely up-to-date with all the species from Star Trek. We need people to help us: proof-read the current entries, update the ones that aren't complete, and create new entries for the missing species. No technical skills required! CONTACT: Fleet Admiral Wolf at, t.wolf@..., to be directed to the appropriate Team Forum and web page.

Be sure to check out the forums, at -- you can find other projects we need assistance with there.

Sep 14, 2004

New Prospective Members Site Online!

  • FltAdml. Tristan Wolf

I'm proud to announce that the new Prospective Members area of the website has come online. This redesign of one part of our site will help bring new members into our group, as prospectives see a fresh and modern face for our website.

To access the area, you can head to our site at -- where you'll see our new splash page, and then click on the panel on the left hand side. I encourage everyone to take a look around and see all the new information we have. You'll want to take special notice of the "Tutorials & Documents" section, which houses a lot of great articles on SIMming and Trek.

While you're there, please take a look at , which displays the names of those who helped bring this site to fruition.

This new area of our website, followed by our new members area (coming soon!), will play a vital role in drawing new cadets into our group. Please be sure to spread the word to your friends and ask them to come take a look!

Oct 30, 2004

Help Needed

  • FltAdml. Tristan Wolf

I'm looking for some folks who can volunteer just a little time to do some extremely simple, but slightly tedious work. The more people I recruit to help, the faster the work goes, and the less each of us (especially me!) has to do :)

You do NOT need to know how to use HTML for this, but you will be working with it. The task is very easy: convert the some pages from our "old" site into a new template. Again, you DON'T need to know HTML for this, and you don't have to have worked with it before. I will send you a simple tutorial that shows you how to put the tags in. It's ALL copy & paste.

If you're interested, please e-mail me DIRECTLY at "t.wolf@..." and tell me if you've ever worked with HTML before, and how many pages you'd like to start with. Most pages take about 10-15 minutes, at most, to convert. Your help is much appreciated, and it will help us get our new website online much faster!

Nov 3, 2004

Awards Ceremony 2004 Begins!

  • FltAdml. Tristan Wolf

The yearly awards ceremonies in UFOP: StarBase 118 RPG are a time-honored tradition that is part of the defining community of this group. I am very excited to announce that we've begun the process of collecting nominations for this year's awards ceremonies. I encourage everyone to read below to learn how you can get involved in honoring your fellow crewmates!

First, head to to take a look at information on the ceremony itself. At that address, you can find the list of all the awards available, and everyone who has won them.

Next, go to the UPDS at and log in. You should see a menu item called "Award Nominations Panel." Click on it, and you'll find a place to nominate your crewmates for awards, as well as a place to nominate staff members for staff awards.

Be sure to follow the directions as the system asks. We need the information requested there to help us make informed decisions on who should get what awards. The more information you can give us to support your nomination, the better we're able to decide who's the best nominee.

If you have any questions at all about the process, just e-mail me at this address (t.wolf@...). Good luck to everyone!

Nov 10, 2004

One week left!

  • FltAdml. Tristan Wolf

There's only one week left before the nomination period for the awards ceremony closes!

So now's your last chance to nominate those of your crewmates who you feel are worthy of an award. Of course, don't forget our wonderful staff, either!

To nominate someone for an award, just head to the UPDS and log in. Then click on the "Award Nominations Panel" and follow the instructions. The nomination period closes at midnight on Wednesday the 17th, so be sure to put those nominations in ASAP.

If you have any questions, just contact me at this address. Good luck to everyone!

Nov 18, 2004

Training Officers, Please Respond!

  • FltAdml. Tristan Wolf

Due to some fluke of Yahoogroups, it appears that we have lost our Training Officer List. We need everyone who was a part of that list to head to the following address and request membership:

OR, you can contact me at this address...

OR, you can contact FltCapt. Anassasi at <aconite@...>.

Either way, we need everyone to respond ASAP! As always, we have training groups coming up and we need to organize!

Dec 11, 2004

General Member & Duty Post Awards Announced

  • FltAdml. Tristan Wolf

This year's General Member and Duty Post Award recipients have been announced. You can find the winners, as well as November's Tactical Data Report, at this location:

The Staff Awards, including the Xalor Clan Xifilis Award, will be announced later this month.

Congratulations to everyone!