Visit to Neverland (Garuda)

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  • Stardate - 2391
  • Mission Number 01

Mission Summary

The month began with shore leave aboard Deep Space 10 as both captain and crew came to terms with the results of the last mission and their assignment to the Garuda, the USS Mercury’s Galaxy-class successor. However, while controlled chaos reigned behind the scenes — civilian astrophysicist J. Cowens disappeared during the Mercury’s fire-fight with the Cardassian warship Nok’Tan, and that disappearance precipitated a fierce but quiet manhunt, among other things — the majority of the crew enjoyed a pantomime of Peter Pan as brought by the United Service Organizations. Unexpectedly, though, many members of the senior staff were asked to participate in the panto when the USO’s full troupe did not arrive on the station. After a week of rehearsals, the senior staff presented the pantomime for the enjoyment of the rest of the crew. During the performance, however, the captain suddenly recalled everyone from shore leave for the Garuda’s next mission: first contact with a powerful race deep in the Menthar Corridor known as the Kubarey.

Just before the Garuda departed DS10, though, it was approached unexpectedly by a Cardassian diplomatic shuttle with Detapa Council member Prianna and Federation Ambassador Lily Ventu aboard, both of whom were welcomed politely but guardedly as both openly mentioned complicating agendas that extended beyond the first contact. Still, the trip to the Rho Aurigae system proceeded smoothly and without incident.