Mathias Duncan
USS Darwin |
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Ra'Dar Dregen |
« Basic Information »
- Full Name: Mathias Alexander Duncan
- Nickname: Math
- Race: Betazoid/Terran
- Date of Birth: 236604.13
- Place of Birth: Betazed
- Age: 25
- Gender: Male
- Operation: Gay
- Telepathic status: T6- Any species, no contact needed; E6- Any speices, no contact needed
« Appearance »
- Height: 5' 9"
- Weight: 180 lbs
- Hair Color: Blonde
- Length of Hair: Short
- Eye Color: Blue
- Skin Tone: Caucasian (Terran: Irish)
- Physical Look: Mathias is half Betazoid, but physically inherited all of his father's Terran traits. This masks any physical sign he's is Betazoid
- Mentally: Inherited very empathetic and telepathic abilities from Betazoid mother.
- Build: Muscular
- Taste in Clothing (when off duty): 20th-21th century Terran styles
- Shoes: 20th-21th century Terran styles
- Voice: low tenorish
- Handedness: both
« Manner »
- Quarters: Standard Crew
- Habits: Mathias tends to be an adrenaline junkie, so he natural drawn towards adventurous activities.
- Mannerisms: Adventurist and a bit Sarcastic at time
- Hobbies and Pastimes: Cars, marital arts (Betazoid: Tassa'Akai, The Khrysar'akai; Terran: Ninijutsu- just began)
- Likes: Studying other species cultures
- Dislikes: Mathias has always found being able to reading other thoughts slightly unsettling. He has control over his telepathic abilities, expect when be intimate with someone. The same cannot be said for his empathetic abilities, unfortunately he something pick up on others emotions without meaning too.
- Ambitions and Goals: Small goal- Become Chief of engineering, Large goal- Captain his own ship someday
- Achievements in Life: Graduating Starfleet Academy
- Disappointments in Life: The disappointment in his that his mother. She pushes for him to do something that uses his telepathic abilities.
- Temperment: Even
« Family »
- Marital Status: Single
- Spouse: None
- Children: None, to his knowledge
- Parents
- Siblings:
- Other Relatives
(Note: I already talked to Raj before do this. He give his permission. He was my first mentor.)
« Romantic Relationship »
« Personal History »
April 13, 2366 a son was born to Terran ambassador Jonathan Duncan and his Betazoid wife Tessia. Who was a diplomatic leader on Betazed. He was schooled on Betazed, where discovered he had inherited his mother mental abilities. Unfortunately, Mathias was never comfortable reading other peoples thoughts, so he worked hard to learn to control his abilities. This included the study of Tassa' Akai a Betazoid form of martial art. Although he never gain full control over his empathetic abilities.
Every year, he spend three earth months with his Terran grandparents on Earth. By the time he was ten he had developed an mechanics, and a love for 20th-21st century Terran history. This came from his grandfather. He was especially interested in automobile, and earth mythology. He also develop a skill and love for cooking from his grandmother.
When he was 16, Mathias announced to his family he was join starfleet academy. His were proud, but were quick unhappy when he chose to major in engineering. He also studied in the nursing program for a minor to allow him to double has a field medic, if that was needed.
Math in bar tending in the holodeck program.
« Professional History »
- Current Rank: Ensign
- Current Assignment: USS Atlantis
- Duty Post: Security Officer
- Previous Rank: Ensign
- Previous Assignment: USS Columbia
- Previous Duty Post: Engineering Officer