Category:Brek Sim Archive

Revision as of 23:28, 23 January 2014 by Brek (talk | contribs)

This is an archive for certain key moments in the life of Brek and the following PNPCs:

  • Ara (Brek's Grandmother)
  • Dakarai (Diplomatic Aide, born in Ivory Coast, Earth)
  • Glutik (Tellarite. He was formerly a freighter pilot, now works in diplomacy)


Date Character Title Description
2388.0708 Ensign Brek First Steps Brek's Arrival on Starbase 118
2388.0911 Ensign Brek Pints and strength through diversity Brek, Agent Arthur Sen and Ambassador Frazier in the Dungeon
2388.1009 Lt Jg Brek The Family Brek's First Encounter With His Grandmother Ara
2388.1023 Lt Jg Brek With Qual (Ferengi Ambassador) An Unwanted Guest Brek Meets Qual (Ferengi Ambassador)
2388.1215 Lt Jg Brek and PNPC Glutik A Good Conversation Brek Meets a Tellarite Freighter Pilot


Date Character Title Description
2389.0301 Lt Brek Half The Picture Brek Discovers Some Rumors About Captain Nicholotti
2389.0304 Lt Brek Kindred Spirit Brek Meets Third Secretary Jomar (Romulan)
2389.0402 Lt Brek A Question Of Frequency Brek Loses His Hearing
2389.0411 Lt Brek Men Don't Cry Brek's First Job As A Bookkeeper
2389.0510 PNPC J.B. Dakarai Eternal Stagnation Dakarai Is Confronted to Ara
2389.0520 Lt Brek Bad Memory Brek Speaks To His Father
2389.0609 Lt Brek Late Business Part 2 Brek Dines With Glutik
2389.0612 Lt Brek Alice Brek And His Pet Spider
2389.0620 Lt Brek Message In A Bottle Brek Faces A Group Of Nausicaans
2389.0706 Lt Brek The Ghoul And The Ferengi Brek and PNPC Freo
2389.0907 Lt Cmdr Brek A Diplomat's Image Brek To The Rescue Of His Secretary
2389.0917 Lt Cmdr Brek Opulence Brek Seek Help From Ara (Part 1)
2389.0921 Lt Cmdr Brek Forever And A Half Brek Seeks Help From Ara (Part 2)
2389.1204 PNPCs Ara, Glutik and Dakarai A Strange Performance Ara and Glutik Argue With Dakarai


Date Character Title Description
2390.0504 Lt Cmdr Brek & PNPC Freo Relapse Brek Meets Ensign Freo Once More
2390.0515 MSNPC Ensigns Deschamps A Discreet Entry The Two French Ensign At A Security Check Point
2390.0519 Lt Cmdr Brek Unconventional Methods Brek at a diplomatic conference
2390.0604 MSNPC Ensigns Deschamps Grotesque The Deschamps Plans To Quit The Astrolabe
2390.0707 Lt Cmdr Brek And PNPC Vreeya Breakdown In Communication (JP) Brek aggravates Senator Vreeya
2390.0725 Lt Cmdr Brek A Mysterious Creature Brek Revives An Episode From His Past
2390.0810 Lt Cmdr Brek Beautiful Concepts Brek On Leaving SB118
2390.0813 Lt Cmdr Brek And PNPC Ara Pitching For Business Brek Says Goodbye To His Grandmother
2390.0901 PNPCs Dakarai And Glutik Informing The Few Glutik's Writing Talents
2390.0922 Lt Cmdr Brek With Ambassador MacLaren Dark Places A Dispute Between Brek and Gavin MacLaren
2390.1020 Lt Cmdr Brek And PNPC Ara The Vulgarian Brek And Ara Talk Business
2390.1105 PNPC Ara Back To 118 Ara Returns to SB118
2390.1110 Lt Cmdr Brek Guardian Angel Brek Reflects On Religion
2390.1202 Lt Cmdr Brek And PNPC Dakarai How Do I Look Brek's Fashion Sense
2390.1220 Lt Cmdr Brek And PNPC Ara Anywhere And Beyond Brek Confides in Ara


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