Dark Places

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Dark Places

((USS Excalibur Diplomatic Offices.))

Gavin:: knowing that the Ferenghi was likely starving:: Why not come to my office. While Eh was killing time wondering when Eh'd have a chance to do anything, Eh spent some time working on the replicator in my quarters. Why not come and try some of the recipes Eh put in. Eh dinna tell this to many people, but Eh'm quite fond of real cooking, and Eh've found that Eh can greatly improve replicated food by entering my own recipes. Eh've a dram of fine scotch too and some fine wine, what ever ye prefer.

::At those words, Brek felt on top of the world.::

Brek: That's a fabulous idea, Gavin! I can't wait to try those enhanced recipes you've created. On my side, I don't cook. It's too messy, and it takes too much time. ::He got up and left the office with Gavin.:: I can't imagine being starving and having to work for an hour or two before I can eat something. Waiting times in restaurants are bad enough.

((Brief time warp: Gavin's Quarters))

::Brek sat down in a very pleasant décor and waited, literally, to be served. There seems to be an entrée of some sort, with croutons, and then ribs and vegetables, all looking divine. The only thing that was missing, really, was the dessert. Maybe that later on, there would be an apple pie, with custard, or ice cream, or both, he wasn't particular.::

Gavin: ::bringing the food to a table with a smile:: Here ye go, a bit of Terran comfort food. Ye ken that it is helpful being able to feel the emotions in a room. Romulans are not as good at hiding their feelings as Vulcans, but it's not always easy to sense what is behind their masks of hostility either. Ethically, Eh canna read their thoughts, but likely Eh'll sense if they're uneasy, hostile, fearful, that type of thing.

Brek: ::Finding it difficult to focus on Romulan affairs now that all this food had been introduced to him.:: Even just this sort of information would be very helpful. Although there's always the danger that, if they sense that you are part Betazoid, they will be even more on their guard.

::A small tone sounded in a distinctive patter, and Gavin stood.::

Gavin: Excuse me for a moment, Eh'm getting a message on a secure, priority channel. It will likely one take a moment, so go on and enjoy your meal. :: gesturing to the wine and spirits:: Help yourself to whatever ye like.

Brek: I certainly will. Thank you for all those goodies, Gavin.

::The Ambassador had barely left the room that Brek had already attacked the croutons. He just loved those little things. Then he put plenty of Swiss cheese (or to speak like an expert: gruyère) in the soup, and he started on that with gusto. There was no rush of course. But every time his eyes met the ribs he wanted to have one, but he was too disciplined to eat two dishes at once.::

::Brek was finishing his soup with a thick piece of crusty bread when Gavin returned. His friend sat down rather somberly, indicating that the news must have been rather demanding, and he poured himself a glass of wine. Brek had seen the label a moment before. It was a Pinot Gris, from a place called Alsace.::

Gavin: ::meeting Brek's eyes and keeping his voice even.:: That was a message from my superiors in UFOP. It seems that Eh have been permanently re-assigned to this ship....at your request!

::Brek's soup nearly went through his nose, (a very painful experience), and he almost choked. He had not expected the diplomatic corps to reassign Gavin so swiftly.::

Brek: Don't look at me like that. This is a prestigious assignment, Gavin. You'll be serving with a Fleet Captain and an experienced crew, and this includes your sister. Congratulations.

Gavin: Congratulations are nae in order! Eh'd been praying for years for the ambassadorship on New Scotland! It is one of the most delightful planets in this quadrant, maybe not to a Ferenghi, but it is as like my home in Scotland as a foreign world can be; and blessed with rich resources! Eh had the opportunity to be assigned to the most spectacular space station in all of Starfleet from a planet Eh love, and YOU asked for me to be reassigned! Eh thought we were friends, Brek.

::Brek stood still, raking his brain to find the best way not to look like a selfish Ferengi. In a way he was. Yet on the other hand, he would not have contacted Commander Reckt if he had not felt sure that Gavin would be bored stiff on New Scotland.::

Brek: I am your friend. And that's why I did it. For the good of your career. You are a man of action, Gavin, and would only be stagnating on New Scotland. This is almost a resort planet. The landscape might be brilliant, if you like mist and craggy mountains, that is. But this sector needs diplomats like you working in places that are enduring serious hardship, like Agurtha for example. So that with time, they too can enjoy the sort of peace that is so common on New Scotland. If it's not the case, then why do you think that UFOP transferred you to the Excalibur so rapidly?

::Sadly, those words only seemed to aggravate Gavin even more. The Scot began to pace the room like a wild animal, obviously thinking of a way to get his revenge on him. Brek shifted uneasily on his chair. He could tell that this would end badly for him. Maybe even with a black eye and a broken nose.::

Brek: ::Trying to reassure himself.:: oO As long as nothing happens to my ears, I'll be fine.::

Gavin: Eh'm in danger of losing my temper, Brek. Eh'm afraid Eh have to ask you to leave before that happens. Eh'm sure the replicator in your quarters will give you something to eat. We will have to talk about this when Eh'm not ready to commit murder!

Brek: Come off it Gavin! This past year, you've spent more time working with this crew than anything else. Let's focus on positive stuff, and I'll explain to you the crafty plans I have... for Agurtha.

::Gavin was staring at him so intensely that the phrase ended in a murmur. Brek got up, nearly added something, but changed his mind. Out of spite he grabbed a handful of croutons, and walked towards the door.::

Brek: I know I shouldn't have done this behind your back, Gavin. But that was the only way. Otherwise you'd have forced yourself to live a dream that's now too small for you.

::Prudence oblige, Brek didn't wait for an answer and left Gavin's quarters. Once in the corridor, he sighed heavily, and just stood there, baffled. He couldn't understand those Terrans. But obviously he was doing something wrong, because he had been in that same dark place before: the day he had lost a converted gymnasium.::

Brek: ::Mumbling.:: That was not my fault either! I needed an office, and the Ops department obliged. Admittedly with amazing zeal. There is nothing wrong in being acquisitive, whether it's with places or with talented people!!

::As he returned to his office, Brek swore a great deal and came to the conclusion that friendship wasn't for him.::

Brek: oO I don't care anyway! I have a busy lifestyle: collecting antiques, making profitable deals, and work...Hmm... mainly work actually. Oo

::The word 'loneliness' crept into his mind, but he ignored it fiercely. It was such a silly concept when he needed to focus his attention on the future economical strength of a whole planet.::


Lt Cmdr Brek

Chief Diplomatic Officer

USS Excalibur A

with tags by Ambassador Gavin MacLaren