Page history
16 November 2024
→Trill Diplomatic Corps: citations
→Home System
→Space Age
→Space Age: citation
changed date to match source it came from
no edit summary
no edit summary
→Culture: citation, moved instruments closer to music, changed Trill bell music to "Music"
→Trill Private Service: citation
→Starfleet Intelligence Files: removed important buildings as it has been added to Trill (planet) page
→Trill Senate Tower: citation
→Federation Intelligence Files: points of interest moved to Trill (planet) page
→Physiology: citations
15 November 2024
→Sports: simmed info
→Hoobishan Baths: citation
no edit summary
→Home World
→Home World: moved Trill home world info to Trill (planet) page
→Home World
no edit summary
moved cities and animals over to Trill (planet) page
→Home World: citations, hid things I haven't found citations for yet
→Home World: added citations
→Home System: citation
→Home World: added citations
→Home System
→Home System
→Home System: added citations
→Home World
→Home System