Mirian Declaration of Independance

As of 23860.01, we the people of Miri IV Declare that we are one people. We recognize that all citizens regardless or age, sex, race or religion are equal and that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

We further declare that from this day forth any and all individuals born on Miri IV will hold full citizenship and be able to run for any political office. Any individual who is granted citizenship and becomes a member of our population may run for the office of Councilor but may not run for President or hold the position of Minister for any Government Ministry. They can however be selected to be a Deputy Minister.

A councilor will be elected to represent every 25,000 citizens. When the planetary population grows to exceed 2 million that will be revised to 1 councilor per every 50,000 citizens. Once the population exceeds 10 million that will be revised to 1 councilor per every 100,000 citizens. Any growth that exceeds 100 million will result in a revamping of this system.

All citizens are expected to uphold the laws that have or will be passed by their elected government. Failure to do so will result in the culprit or culprits being brought to task before a representative of the Ministry of Justice.

All citizens are expected to observe the rights of fellow citizens regardless of age, sex, race or religion. Failure to do so will be considered a breach of citizenship and will be brought before the council.

All communities are expected to provide the nessessities of life to those citizens living with in their boundries. As a result these communites will be expected to elect their own governments. These governments will be expected to tax their citizens according to the needs of their population. Complete records of all these governments actions are to be recorded and copies submitted to the Planetary Council for the central files.

Signed on 23860.01 in the main Council Chamber of the Planetary Council Building by

  • Mordon Mandel, Head councilor for the City of Cru'ela
  • Natasha Kirinoff, Councilor for the City of Cru'ela
  • Liam Kerchif, Councilor for the City of Cru'ela
  • Hans Bruman, Councilor for the village of Oreville
  • Candy Chambers, Councilor for the village of Da'Vil
  • Nick Loran, Councilor for the village of Riverdale
  • Bob Tompson, Councilor for the village of Newport
  • Raymond Stewart, Councilor for the village of Techville
  • Thelma Viril, Councilor for the village of Tattling
  • Edgar Brice, Councilor for the colony of Europa
  • Peria Miash, Councilor for the colony of Drubin
  • Gorin Bith, Councilor for the colony of Bomar
  • Terin Wart, Councilor for the colony of Swin'hoggs
  • Urgit Purrin, Councilor for the colony of Ssar'venaa
  • Dara Alphro, Councilor for the colony of Eros
  • Thimi Shen Tovir, Councilor for the colony of Ando