Ashley Boles

Currently Assigned to the USS Resolution

Lt. Ashley Boles-Barnes
Security Office and Pilot

Ashley Boles-Barnes Only played by Toni Turner

  • Personality: fiesty and determined, but level-headed.
  • Duty Post: Security Officer
  • Age: 26
  • Hair: Red
  • Eyes: Green
  • Height: 5 feet 4 inches
  • Weight: 107
  • Species: Terran


  • Parents
    • Mother: Olivia Thomas Willyard, Librarian
    • Father: Ralph William Willyard
  • Siblings
    • Twin Sister: Ashlyn Willyard Deceased (Killed by an Evil Changeling)
    • Brother: Ralph Jr.,
  • Spouse: Hugh Barnes
    • Date: Married 238411.01
    • Officiant: Captain T'Pen
    • Place: Boles Beach on Shinraka

Personal Information

Ashley was born in Alabama on Earth.

She is an identical twin, and when she and her sister, Ashlyn, entered Starfleet their instructors had a difficult time keeping their names straight, so to keep down confusion, Ashley took her Mother's maiden name, Boles.

NPC Service Record

  • 238311.01 Rank: Lieutenant
  • 238311.05 Transferred to the USS Challenger from Starfleet Command
  • 238403.29 Promoted by mistake again to Lieutenant, but Ashley requested that it be giving to her deceased sister, Lt.Jg. Ashlyn "Scarlet" Willyard, posthumously was granted by Captain T'Pen.

Participant in U.S.S. Challenger Missions