- 238002.14: The E.A.R.S. units developed by Noah Hathaway and J'Kal, surgically implanted by Dr. Greene into patient Varaan, on board USS Paladin. Units deemed a success.
- 238003.16: Rocar promoted to to full Lieutenant.
- 238005.14: Transporter accident, 'creating' Keln Sabdok.
- 238007.30: Rocar is promoted to Lieutenant Commander and made Chief Science Officer onboard the USS Constitution.
- 238009.09: Captain Y'Shirad is called back to Starfleet Command; Rocar is made First Officer of the USS Constitution.
- 238009.10: Varaan is promoted to Lieutenant Commander and transfers departments to Executive Officer.
- 238010.06: David Cody returns to Mars after bonded to the Ferengi working as specialist retriever.
- 238010.10: David joins Starfleet.
- 238012.20: Rocar is awarded the Neelix Award (for services to his crew) and the Strange Medallion (for his work as a First Officer)
- 238102.05: Varaan receives The Strange Medallion Award
- 238102.10: Rocar is promoted to Full Commander.
- 238107.04: Varaan is temporarily reassigned to the IRW Vindera as Commanding Officer
- 238107.09: T'iana, the first child of Varaan and T'lani is born.
- 238110.01: Varaan is promoted to full
- 238111.07: Varaan is temporarily reassigned to the USS Atlantis as Commanding Officer.
- 238111.31: Commander Rocar is awarded The Order of Starfleet Merit and Achievement, 1st Class (TOSMA 1) for services to Starfleet.
- 238112.27: Rocar is made Federation Ambassador to Duronis II, given command of USS Resolution
- 238203.09: Varaan receives the Nebula Bar Award (for the second time).
- 238203.21: Commander Rocar is promoted to Captain.
- 238204.09: USS Atlantis is commissioned and launched; Varaan assigned as commanding officer of the USS Atlantis.
- 238206.23: USS Wallace bombed while in dock at Deep Space 17.
- 238207.03: Keiran Culemerwin Devar is born on Deep Space 17.
- 238209.27: USS Atlantis reclassified and Varaan reassigned as Starfleet attaché to Federation Council Delegation to Vulcan, on Vulcan.
- 238212.25: Captain Rocar is awarded the James T. Kirk Cross Award (for command).
- 238301.09: Varaan receives the Sarpeidon Award.
- 238301.28: USS Challenger commissioned; Captain T'Pen given command of the USS Challenger.
- 238302.17: Ensign David Cody is assigned to the USS Independence under the command of FltCapt. Jessa Anassasi.
- 238304.25: Varaan reassigned to USS Steadfast-A as Executive Officer.
- 238308.28: Varaan reassigned as instructor at Starfleet Academy.
- 238309.26: USS Independence destroyed at the Battle of Eratis.
- 238310.09: Captain Rocar is given command of the USS Constitution.
- 238312.30: Captain Rocar is awarded the Sarek Star (for diplomacy).
- 238401.15: USS Independence-A arrives at Deep Space 17 and Rear Admiral Jessa Anassasi assumes command.
- 238403.26: Commander Daydan Taboo takes over command of the USS Constitution-B from Captain Rocar.
- 238403.27: Captain Rocar is given command of Starbase 118.
- 238505.04: USS Tiger commissioned under Commander Sidney Riley.
- 238501.14: Aelia Culemerwin Devar is born on Betazed.
- 238511.10: Rhys Ventu is born on Starbase 118.
- 238512.20: David Whale assigned to USS Tiger as Assistant Chief of Security with the rank of Ensign.