
Revision as of 23:43, 16 January 2010 by Sasak (talk | contribs) (filling in work areas and subordinates)

Lieutenant JG Sasak is the Assistant Chief Medical Officer and Chief of Surgery aboard Starbase 118.


  • Full Name: Sasak
  • Species: Vulcan


  • Current Rank: Lieutenant Junior Grade
  • Current Assignment: Starbase 118
    • Duty Post: Assistant Chief Medical Officer


  • Date of Birth: 236004.07
    • Age: 26
    • Apparent Age: Mid-20s
  • Place of Birth: ShirKahr, Vulcan
  • Gender: Male
  • Telepathic Status: T3
  • Languages Fluent in: Modern Golic Vulcan, Traditional Golic Vulcan, Modern Terran English


  • Height: 1.8542 meters (6'1")
  • Hair Color: Black
  • Hair Style: Varies within Vulcan norms
  • Eye Color: Blue
  • Skin Tone: Pale white with green undertones
  • Build: Thin, but toned. Proportionate.
  • Carriage: Walks quickly and with purpose.
  • Poses: Possesses great posture.
  • Taste in Clothing (when off duty): Sasak usually wears his uniform when off duty, but sometimes wears Vulcan clothing. Sleeps in his Starfleet issue boxer briefs.
  • Voice: Smooth. Tenor, with a broad range.
  • Handedness: Ambidextrous


  • Quarters: Starship-style Quarters Room 19407, Section 47-Alpha, Deck 1041, Starbase 118. Contain a meditation lamp and a Vulcan banner (both similar to the lamp and banner Tuvok possessed [see VOY: “The Gift,” et al. for the lamp and “Riddles” for the banner]). Sasak also owns several ancient Vulcan texts, three paintings done by Vulcan artists from Starbase 118, and a sculpture done by a Romulan artist.
  • Physical Limitations: Functions best in the heat. Much stronger than the average Terran (even though he does not look it).
  • Temperament and Mannerisms: Possesses a kind of distant good humor and politesse. Follows Terran etiquette because it is illogical not to on a predominately Terran starship. Typically indulges Terrans by using emotionally charged language when describing himself or other Vulcans.
  • Pastimes: Kal-toh, reading classic Vulcan literature and historical documents, swimming.
  • Habits: Says "Greetings" instead of "Hello," says "Indeed" quite a lot, raises his eyebrow in many different situations (in surprise, acknowledgement, etc). Instead of saying "Fascinating," like Spock, he says "Intriguing."
  • Philosophies Adhered to: The Teachings of Surak, the father of modern Vulcan civilization. Pacifism and vegetarianism.


Sasak is a member of a very old family and as such is entitled to many privileges on the Vulcan homeworld – such as marriage at the Temple of Amonak (one of the most sacred sites on Vulcan).

  • Marital Status: Betrothed to T'Kii
    • Place of Marriage: to be at the Temple of Amonak
  • Children
    • None
  • Parents
  • Siblings

Personal History

  • was in the ShirKahr Youth Choirs from 2372 to 2378
  • participated in swimming during secondary school
  • was on the Starfleet Medical Academy Swim Team from 2378 to 2386

Professional History

Starfleet Service Record
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
  Ensign 238607.11 - 238607.14 Unassigned Unassigned
  238607.14 - 238610.10 USS Tiger Medical Officer
  238610.10 - 238612.02 Assistant Chief Medical Officer
Awards: 238612.02 Official Commendation
  Lieutenant JG 238612.02 - 238612.14 USS Tiger Assistant Chief Medical Officer
  238612.14 - Present Starbase 118

Work Areas

As ACMO and Chief of Surgery of Starbase 118, Sasak's office is located on Deck 501. His office is not very big, only about as big as a CMO's would be on a starship. There are no personal decorations; however, there are several PADDs on his desk, next to his personal monitor. Behind his desk is a large display and, to the right of his desk, is a replicator in the wall.


Sasak has many subordinates on Starbase 118. Two notable ones are Ensign Taneko and Ensign Nilan Rox.

Medical History

Medical History Summary
Stardate Posting Attending MO Cause(s) for Admittance Treatment(s) or Other Note(s)
238608.15 USS Tiger Dr. Solok General Physical within acceptable parameters


  • 236004.07: Born on Vulcan
  • 2367: Telepathically bonded to T'Kii
  • 2378: Begins Starfleet Medical Academy
  • 238607.11: Completes Starfleet Medical Academy
  • 238607.14: Assigned to the USS Tiger, under the command of Captain Sidney Riley
  • 238612.02: Received an official commendation and promoted to lieutenant junior grade
  • 238612.14: USS Tiger is reassigned to Starbase 118 as the base's primary support vessel


SIM: (JP Backsim) Ensigns Sasak & Virgo - Meeting, Messages and Meditations

SIM: Ensign Sasak & Lt JG Virgo - Personal Matters

NPC Listing   ·   StarBase 118 Ops Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Commanding Officer
Gogigobo Fairhug
First Officer
Shar'Wyn Foster
Mission Specialist
Madison Marsh
Helm Officer
Sasch Kreshkova
Chief of Ops
Chief of Security
Security Officer
Samuel Woolheater
Corey Wethern
Medical Officer
Ryden Kel
Karen Stendhal
Science Officer
Vitor Tito
Director of Intel
Solaris McLaren
Intel Officer
Evan Ross
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