
Revision as of 02:07, 11 September 2022 by Ar’Gorvalei (talk | contribs)

Ensign Ar'Gorvalei is currently serving as a Medical Officer aboard the USS Arrow.

USS Arrow
ENS Ar'Gorvalei.png
Position Medical Officer
Rank Lieutenant Junior Grade
Species Efrosian
Gender Male
DOB 237010.25
Age 31
Birthplace Lyrin Province, Efros
Writer ID A239809A11


  • Full Name: Ar'Gorvalei
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Efrosian
  • Languages Spoken: Federation Standard, Efrosian
  • Current Rank: Lieutenant Junior Grade


  • Height: 5'8"
  • Weight: 160 lbs.
  • Hair: White, Shoulder-Length
  • Eyes: Pale Blue
  • Build: Athletic
  • Facial Hair : None
  • Mannerisms : When standing at rest, tends to cup hands over navel; when sitting, will form triangle with fingers, with point resting below lower lip.
  • Handedness : Left handed
  • Taste in Clothing (When Off-Duty) : Vestments of an Efrosian warrior-priest



  • Mother: Ull’Chuna (nee Ky-)
  • Uncles: Ky-Tyras and Ky-Donelei
  • Siblings: Ull’Corvas (younger half-sister)


  • Strengths: Exceptional sense of smell, good hearing, good memory, highly developed sense of direction.
  • Weaknesses Nearsighted
  • Likes: Spicy food (but can only tolerate it in small amounts)
  • Dislikes : Chaos, warm temperatures, humidity
  • Fears: Being out of his depth, losing people in his care, not being in control of himself
  • Quirks: Steeples fingers when thinking
  • Hobbies: Myths and religions of other races, singing, music (including Earth rock ballads), Efrosian martial arts

Personal History

Ar’Gorvalei was born in the rural province of Lyrin, on the Efrosian continent of Tybol. He is the eldest of the two children of his mother, Ull’Chuna. Like many Efrosians, he did not meet his father, who had separated from his mother and moved on before Ar’Gorvalei was born. He was raised by his mother and his two uncles, Ky-Tyras and Ky-Donelei. His maternal grandfather, whom he also grew up around, was a renowned warrior-priest, one of the traditional leaders of the Efrosian tribes.

Ar’Gorvalei’s mother was a music teacher, and Ar’Gorvalei received vocal lessons. His uncle Ky-Tyras worked as a technician and his other uncle Ky-Donelei is involved in food distribution.

From an early age, Ar’Gorvalei had an interest and talent for medicine, knowing almost intuitively what ailed a creature or person. His warrior-priest grandfather, a great healer himself, encouraged Ar’Gorvalei, although the boy did not consider joining the priesthood. When Ar’Gorvalei was in his teens, his mother took another lover, and his younger sister Ull’Corvas was born. Around that time, Ar’Gorvalei took part in a camping trip in the frozen north.

Ar’Gorvalei and a friend became separated from the group, and wandered into an area of unstable ice. The two fell into a crevasse, and Ar’Gorvalei’s friend was killed in the fall. Ar’Gorvalei has strange, disjointed memories of being cared for by a tall, beautiful woman (who was perhaps also a ball of blindingly bright light) in a city made of crystal. He was found sometime later by the camping leader, delirious with a broken leg but with his wounds bound. Whether his fragmented memories of that time were real or hallucination, Ar’Gorvalei did not know, but it did set him on a new path: he followed his grandfather’s footsteps and entered the priesthood.

Passing the initiation trials was grueling, but helped prepare him for his studies at the S’skotomz Seminary. All the while, he sought answers to his vision, but even in the great record-library of the seminary, Ar’Gorvalei found few clues.

Ar’Gorvalei excelled at the medical arts, the martial arts and meditative practices of the Efrosian warrior-priests. When he completed his studies, Ar’Gorvalei was encouraged to seek answers elsewhere, and so he enlisted in Starfleet Academy.

While attending the academy, Ar’Gorvalei studied xenobiology, focusing on human and Andorian biology, and pathology. He also studied the comparative psychologies of several races. In addition, during his time at the academy, he also developed an interest in the music of other cultures, particularly Earth, and has attempted learning different instruments, although he still prefers singing.

Ar’Gorvalei had a few brief, romantic relationships during his time at the academy, and a human roommate who nearly drove him crazy but also taught him a lot about humans.

Ar’Gorvalei believes in moderation in all things, and rarely drinks; even then, only small amounts. He has recently discovered a liking for spicy food, although he does not yet have much of a tolerance for it.

Starfleet Service Record
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
Cadet 2394 - 2398 Starfleet Academy
Medical Cadet
Ensign 239809.27 - 239902.02 USS Arrow
Medical Officer
Lieutenant Junior Grade 239902.02 - Present USS Arrow
Medical Officer
Awards and Service Ribbons
Service Ribbon Name Date/Assignment Citation
Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon 239809.27
Starfleet Academy
Awarded to those who have graduated from Starfleet Academy.
Captain's Commendation 239811.08
Randal Shayne
Awarded to an individual who performs their duties with exemplary skill that surpasses the ordinary.
Gorn Campaign Ribbon 239811.08
Randal Shayne
Awarded to an individual who participates in a conflict against the Gorn.
Explorer's Ribbon 239811.08
Randal Shayne
Awarded to an individual who participates in the discovery of a new planet, region, or species.
Purple Heart 239902.02
Randal Shayne
Awarded to an individual who sustains injury in the line of duty.
Silver Lifesaving Ribbon 239902.02
Randal Shayne
Awarded to an individual who has saved the life of another member of Starfleet.
Medical Science Ribbon 239906.03
Randal Shayne
Awarded to recognize members of Starfleet who participate in, and successfully find a cure to a deadly, infectious disease which threatens to infect an entire planet or crew.

NPC Listing   ·   USS Arrow Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Commanding Officer
R. Shayne
First Officer
N. Hobart
Mission Specialist
C. Waters
Chief Engineer
C. Dewitt
Engineering Officer
L. Michaels
Chief of Security
Security Officer
E. Zerva
Chief Medical Officer
T. Ohnari
Medical Officer
R. El'Heem
J. Ayement
R & D Specialist
M. Rodan
Chief of Intelligence
A. MacKenna
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