Sasha Johnson

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Lieutenant Sasha Johnson is a human Engineer on the USS Thor.

  Sasha Johnson  
USS Thor

“One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite insane.”

- Nikola Tesla

Fullname Sasha Johnson
D.O.B. 235502.08
Birthplace Rockville, MD, Earth
Occupation Engineer
Height 5’ 5”
Gender Female
Eyes Brown
Hair Black
Fluent Lang. Standard, Andorian
Hobbies Chess, Puzzles, Reading

Of average height, Sasha has warm brown skin and large, dark brown eyes. Her neck is fairly long and slender and her black hair is curly, framing her oval-shaped face and falls around her shoulders. Full lips and nose complete the pleasant features that often light up into a playful grin or a warm smile.


Smart and confident, outgoing and gregarious, Sasha likes people almost as much as she likes machines. She works hard because she enjoys what she does, but also knows how to relax. With the responsibility of raising her daughter alone, she does what she can to give her daughter the best opportunities, and feels like Starfleet is a great way to accomplish that.


NPC Listing   ·   USS Oumuamua Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Commanding Ofc.
Ossa V'Airu
Executive Ofc.
Etan Iljor
Chief Sci. Ofc.
Katsim Peri
Science Ofc.
Alexander Brodie
Medical Officer
Intel. Officer
Avander Promontory
Act. Chf. Eng. Ofc.
Josh Herrick
Act. Chf. Ops. Ofc.
Toxin Arlill
H/C/O Officer
Lhandon Nilsen
Sec. Officer
Aine Sherlock
Marine Det. Cdr.
Wes Greaves
Marine Ofc.
Arturo Maxwell
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