Awards Ceremony, 2022

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This special welcome is presented by Commander Jo Marshall and Commander Genkos Adea, the Awards Facilitator for this year's ceremonies.
Community News Awards.png
To the community of UFOP: StarBase 118,

You're all welcomed into StarBase 118s biggest week since... well, since this time last year.

Hosted this year by two terribly British people. The glamour, the excitement, the length... At least it doesn't take ages to sail across the Atlantic and all we need to do is log in to the networked connectivity box and magic seems to happen.

This is the most magnificent of occasions, when the skies break and the mighty and the excellent of the literary community descend upon us, bathing us in their brilliance, immersing us in their grandeur, and showering us in their artistry. Not only do we get to harp on about how amazing everyone is, but we get to harp on about how amazing everyone is, and that is quite lovely.

There are five categories of awards: General Awards (which some ships have already given to their crews!), Duty Post, Special, and Staff Awards, which recognise players of all ranks for a variety of accomplishments. We continue to reward membership lengths of one, three, five, ten, fifteen, and even twenty-five years in the member Length of Service Awards! A tremendous number of simmers have been around for such a long time, and they are counted among us.

For nearly three decades we have been honouring the best writers and roleplayers in our community. It is a tremendous honour to be part of this event as it celebrates some of the most talented, those who have dedicated their time, efforts, blood, sweat, and occasional tears.

As the facilitators for this year, we'd like to express our heartfelt appreciation to everyone who took the time to submit nominations. It's always incredible to read how you all celebrate one another, all the delicious narratives, and coming together as a community despite all that's going on in the world. Every nomination was jam-packed with deep respect, gratitude, and admiration for our fellow authors and roleplayers, and the occasional bribe, and it should serve as a reminder that we appreciate everyone's presence, ongoing efforts, and contributions.

As our community grows and matures in the twenty-ninth year, we want to express our gratitude to our courageous chief, Fleet Admiral Tristan Wolf, who always takes time to offer assistance on any situation, large or little. Similarly, no amount of thanks could adequately express this community's gratitude to the members of the Executive Council, Captain's Council, and those who lead and serve on our numerous taskforces for your infinite enthusiasm and leadership in ensuring we ALL enjoy a safe, creative, and innovative experience.

Now, less of that, and more of this.

Happy 28th anniversary everybody!

— Em (Jo Marshall) and Elliot (Genkos Adea)

Duty Post Awards

We begin with the awards presented to members of our fleet who most fully realize the duty posts in which their character sims. The nominations in these categories are reviewed by a panel of three staff members: two commanders and three members ranked captain or above.

Prantares Ribbon

Prantares Ribbon

Awarded to Medical officers who have moved beyond standard competence to display a true gift for the healing arts in the context of space medicine. Officers awarded should display the ability to keep a steady hand in the often hazardous conditions in which they must practice, as well as the willingness to risk their own life to save the lives of others. When they are not actively caring for patients, many doctors spend their time on duty undertaking medical research or familiarising themselves with the findings of previous medical studies. Like their colleagues in the Science department, they have utilised their specific abilities in cross department collaboration.

Trovek Arys, StarBase 118 Ops - Presented by Sal Taybrim
When she came onboard StarBase 118 Ops, Trovek Arys had to transition from Counseling to Medical. While the player, Sarah, stated that she was thrilled to write in medical, she also stated that the character, Arys, was less than thrilled about the change. We were introduced to Trovek Arys with a beautiful interplay of narration and action where the writer brought an electric joy to describing 24th-century medical phenomenon, while the character groused about the change of department and the gritty reality of a dangerous combat situation. This mix of focused attention to detail combined with genuine character development makes all of Trovek Arys’ sims a delight to read.
Strictly in terms of medical simming, Sarah is an incredible researcher with a vast knowledge of Star Trek and together she combines the two into an excellent study of what medicine could and should be in the late 24th century. Her focus on realistic detail helps her build sims that feel like medicine in Star Trek times and enhance the setting and narration of each mission. Dr. Trovek is entirely committed to simming realism and her writer pays careful attention to canon medical procedures, creatively intuiting new treknology for medicine.
In terms of character development, Sarah is a master at giving you insight on who Trovek Arys is and what makes her tick. She is not immediately warm and friendly to everyone, and sometimes it is surprising which characters she does and does not get along with. This may seem like a downside for a medical officer, Sarah is not afraid to narrate Arys’ flaws as well as her strengths. This makes the character compelling and even better Sarah is focused on character development - so even when Arys does not start out on good terms with a character there is a challenging and satisfying progression as the characters get to know one another.
Trovek Arys as a character is incredibly responsible and reliable. The sort of officer you can count on to make difficult decisions and take the lead when necessary and this is also exactly what Sarah can do as a player. She immediately started helping teams push the mission forward to a positive conclusion and assisting fellow players. She has reached out to every player on her ship to start scenes with them and often helps them achieve their story goals as well as hers. As a doctor she follows up with patients long-term, creating holistic recovery story arcs and engrossing medical scenes. Add to this Sarah is a strong supporting simmer OOC. She mentors fellow crew, helps with the wiki and quote of the month and cheers her fellow players on the forums. She is the complete package! Sarah is an excellent writer, showing excellent slow realistic character development, an excellent focus on trek-based medicine and excellent OOC support.
I am so proud to be able to present the 2399 Prantares Ribbon to Doctor Trovek Arys!


Natasha Yar Pin

Natasha Yar Pin
Artinus Serinus

Awarded to Security personnel who have gone above and beyond the call of duty to safeguard and preserve their crewmates' lives, even at the danger of their own. As an investigator, police officer, and soldier, the Security officer must be intimately familiar with all of Starfleet's armaments as well as many other styles of hand-to-hand combat. To ensure adequate duty fulfillment, the Security officer must also be well-versed in Diplomacy and Legislation. Named after the USS Enterprise-Chief D's of Security, who was killed in the line of duty.

Artinus Serinus, USS Arrow - Presented by Randal Shayne
I am delighted to present the fleet’s Natasha Yar Pin to Lieutenant Commander Artinus Serinus. For those who know of Joseph, this won’t come as a surprise. He has written and worked alongside me for the majority of my staffing career, providing examples, camaraderie, and perspective throughout. I know I am not alone in receiving the benefits of his dedication and wisdom, but speaking personally, Arrow would not be—and could not be—the ship it is without his steadfast presence and contributions, past and present.
So much of what Joseph offers is imbued in his writing, and he is among the most capable and knowledgeable writers I know. He brings his position to life, building outward and upward as only a leader can. His words give depth and weight to the tribulations of our little ship, and he uses his real-life experience to formulate realistic interpretations. He quickly became, and has since maintained, a gold standard (pun definitely intended) on the Arrow, and has been a foundational presence both in and out of character.
In essence, Joseph and Serinus both have earned this fully, and I could not be more proud to present the Natasha Yar Pin in recognition long due. Congratulations, Lieutenant Commander!
PS: Please scritch the targlet for me- one of these days Shayne will meet her. Until then…


Voyager Medallion

Voyager Medallion
Karrod Niac

Awarded to Operations officers who have shown great skill in keeping a starship in working order despite near-impossible circumstances. The officers receiving this award have advanced the field of Operations, have acted as the liaison between the Command, Science, and Engineering departments, and are technically proficient in operations maintenance, making sure duty rosters, provisions, gear, and even recreation time are available... no matter what.

Karrod Niac, USS Excalibur-A - Presented by Kalianna Nicholotti
It is my honor and pleasure this year to present the Voyager Medallion to Commander Kerrod Niac. Having served in multiple capacities on more than one ship during his tenure with our group, Brian brings his absolute A-game to everything he does, and serving as Operations Chief is no different.
I first met Brian when he guest simmed the bad guy for Commander MacKenzie's commander's practical. While I had been made aware of his reputation, I did not know what to expect. Over the course of the mission, I found that I had been treated to some of the best and most intriguing writing I had the pleasure of reading in some time. And I liked having him aboard a lot...
...right up until he blew a hole in my ship.
While the ship survived that commander's practical, his presence left a mark that lasted far beyond the repairs of that part of the Resolution's hull. When he requested to sim with us again after his LOA, I knew that we were in for a treat and I was absolutely not wrong.
Brian came aboard swinging and stepped into some really big shoes (really, have you seen how tall Yalu is?). From day one, he showed us all what it really meant to be an operations officer, what operations did, and how he could make the position his own. He dives in with everything he has and quickly became the ops officer we always wanted, but never realized we needed.
To that end, I couldn't be more proud to present this award to him this year, and I can't wait to see where he goes from here...provided it doesn't involve any more holes in the ship.


Sisko Tactical Cross

The Sisko Tactical Cross
Jack Kessler

Awarded to Tactical officers who have shown cunning and bravery in battle, including supporting their colleagues in Security, liaising with other departments, and showing the ability to think strategically in a tense situation. Master tacticians, and experts in targeting and shield power distribution, these officers have done the impossible to save their ship and the lives of its crew.

Jack Kessler, USS ‘Oumuamua - Presented by Ossa V’Airu
It's not easy to master a duty post right off the bat, and yet that's exactly what I feel Joel (the writer for Jack Kessler) has done. He had a really good idea of who Kessler was when he joined the Thor, and over the last six months or so he's refined that as Kessler has found his way. He also does an excellent job of writing Kessler as a tactical officer who is focused on tactical situations and context -- more Worf on DS9 than Worf on TNG. Joel also plays Kessler as a rounded, eager young Starfleet officer, who not only knows his duty post well but embraces all elements of his shipboard service. One nomination, for example, noted that Kessler actively sought out the counselor during his first shore leave, both to establish their relationship and to debrief his first mission.
Kessler is able to think beyond just firing torpedoes to really contextualize a situation, whether it's a standoff between two ships or galactic politics, and this is really the mark of a great tactical officer. Another nomination noted that beyond simming Kessler well, Joel routinely contributes solutions that advance the plot IC and are impressively innovative OOC, including firing torpedoes underwater from a downed Thor and using the complement of marine Valkyrie fighters to create a makeshift shield grid for the badly damaged Thor.
I’m enormously impressed with Joel’s simming for Kessler, and I’m honored to recognize him with this year’s Sisko Tactical Cross.


Shaxs Star

Shaxs Star
Toryn Raga

Awarded to dual posting Security/Tactical officers who have gone above and beyond the call of duty in protecting and preserving the lives of their crewmates. Not only do they show cunning and bravery in combat, these officers know how to safeguard lives without firing a phaser, using their knowledge and experience to prevent violence and stay true to Federation ideals. This award is only available to those fulfilling the dual role of Security/Tactical, and not the individual duty posts.

Toryn Raga, USS Chin'toka - Presented by Mei’konda Delano
A long-term and reliable Security/Tactical player, Toryn made the transition from Marine into this more versatile role some time ago, where he has shown great ability and enthusiasm in both writing for his character manning the weapons and shields of a starship, as well as in leading away teams or security details which require the proficiency of a Starfleet Officer.
Rameses, Toryn’s player, can always be counted on to drive the plot forward in creative and action-packed ways without exceeding the bounds of carefully tempered violence that members of Starfleet must occasionally use to protect those around them.
Rameses’ long-term devotion to this dual role of Security and Tactical leader has made him invaluable to the Chin’toka in a role that can sometimes lend itself to excesses, and he very much deserves this award of the Shaxs Star.


Phoenix Award

The Phoenix Award
Hallia Yellir

Awarded to Engineering officers who continue this tradition of excellence in the field of engineering. Named for the vessel that legendary engineer Zefram Cochrane piloted during his historic first warp flight. By performing their tasks with enthusiasm, imagination and diligence, by managing to make their equipment perform above and beyond its rated capacities, the officers meriting this award further the mission of their ship by their superior know-how. In short, miracle workers.

Hallia Yellir, USS Excalibur-A - Presented by Kalianna Nicholotti
This year I am absolutely thrilled and so proud to present the Phoenix Award to Lieutenant Hallia Yellir. A long-time member of the fleet who has served on multiple ships and in multiple capacities, tackling Engineering was not a plan, nor a first choice. It was a spur-of-the-moment challenge that was presented, and I can only say that I am so glad that Ryan chose to step up into this role.
Originally science and security, engineering was definitely not something Ryan might have considered without the idea being set out for him. The fact remained that we had a lasting gap, and even though we were a science ship, we had more than a few science officers. Shifting was the natural course of action, but no one was completely set on it at first because we wanted to make sure that it would be fun and sustainable for Ryan and the players he interacted with.
As with all things, there were worries, there were concerns, and then...Ryan simmed Hallia into the role and all of that seemed to simply evaporate.
Transferring any confusion or lack of 'techno' information into the character herself has led to one of the most enjoyable engineering characters that I have ever had the opportunity to read. The character's concerns and inward thoughts bring her to life in a way only Ryan can, and her personality absolutely shines, especially when things get rough.
And we all know how rough things can get down in engineering.
Knowing now what we know, the only thing I would change is how long we left the role open when we had an amazingly talented Chief Engineer right there. It is so exciting to see where Ryan will grow with Hallia next!


Cochrane Award

The Cochrane Award
Noa T'Nessa Levinson

Awarded to Science officers who have contributed greatly to the advancement of science in the midst of their Starfleet career, by staying knowledgeable about their field, participating in the community of science, but most importantly, by placing their knowledge at the service of their ship and its mission. They have performed weird and wonderful feats of scientific innovation and ingenuity, enabling their commanding officer to make those informed decisions.

Noa Levinson, USS Chin'toka - Presented by Mei’konda Delano
Noa Levinson is a highly proficient and enthusiastic Science Officer player. Making extensive use both of Memory Alpha, our own Wiki, and occasionally independent research into real science, Adi, Noa’s player, is able to integrate these things into his writing in ways that are engaging to his fellow players, drive the plot forward, and which occasionally inspire us to look into the science he’s putting forth ourselves, giving us an opportunity to learn more about both the science of Star Trek and, occasionally, the real world!
Have you lost the bleeps, the sweeps and the creeps? Then the Science department has you covered. Away team lost and likely abducted by aliens? Same answer. Need to find them, then look no further than Noa Levinson. Whether it's having to navigate the imposing Jenatris Cloud while being hunted by fanatical Valcarians wanting to wipe out the Federation colony fleet to build the first colony in the Par'tha Expanse, where Noa (Adi) used their skills to boost the sensors as much as they feasibly could with the interference. Or calculate the best possible course to evade their pursuers and even put the enemy in harm's way to keep the fleet alive.
To finding creative ways to scan for combadge signals through interference from both a cloaking device and storms. Noa is always showing off their creative writing and showcasing how much the science officers on board any ship are just as critical as Command, Tactical, Security or Medical. I always look forward to seeing what creative ways Noa will find to handle whatever situation arises.


Pilot's Sextant

The Pilot's Sextant

Awarded to Helm officers who have proven themselves to be the best of the best, dedicating themselves to improving their specialisation. From finding a safe route home to flying an emergency atmospheric landing, pilots who have earned this award know the importance of staying focused on their task at hand, and place their ability to make spectacular maneuvers at the service of their ship and its mission.

Ulasso, USS ‘Oumuamua - Presented by Ossa V’Airu
Helm is one of the trickiest duty posts to play well. It feels like even canon Trek has had trouble with finding things for its pilots to do, and even then actors can interact with their consoles -- but our helm simmers have to convey all the action and intention with their words. Waldo, who sims Ulasso, demonstrated right away that he was a master at doing so. Although he's only just been promoted to lieutenant JG (this past weekend!), he's already masterful both at writing complex, enjoyable maneuvers when the situation calls for it and describing pertinent thoughts and memories to his character and the context in quieter times.
The ability to bridge intense action and quiet reflection in single scenes, and sometimes in single sims, is one that Waldo had in his toolkit from the beginning, and he can connect such actions – the choice of a perfect maneuver for a high-stakes situation, for example – to a formative Academy experience. Doing so makes for excellent simming, but not unique simming, since this is the standard for Waldo.
It’s a pleasure to recognize his abilities with this year’s Pilot’s Sextant.


Order of the Valiant Heart

The Order of the Valiant Heart
John Carter

Awarded to Counselors who have demonstrated exceptional expertise in preserving their crewmates' mental health, clearly exhibiting excellent capacity to care for, support, and soothe those in need. They have gone above and beyond the line of duty in supporting their crewmates with their problems, and preventing future issues for the good of the officer, and the good of the ship.

John Carter, Amity Outpost - Presented by Roshanara Rahman
Ken, the writer behind Counselor John Carter, has been a veteran StarBase 118 member, most well-known for previously playing a Marine known as Hannibal Parker. When Veritas was in need of a counselor, he expressed interest to me in exploring this role with a PNPC, Katy Toliver. I was excited that Ken wanted to try this new duty post because since he came under my command, I had gotten to see how talented of a writer he was, and I looked forward to reading what he would come up with in writing this new kind of character for him.
When the crew finished the Veritas storyline and moved to Amity Outpost, Ken and I had frank discussions about his long-term plans in the fleet and how best he could achieve them. One of those ways was retiring Parker and embracing a new character that would let Ken show a character’s IC development that would parallel his own OOC development as a simmer. This new character would allow Ken to more fully demonstrate his simming and collaborative storytelling abilities by having him get deeply involved with his shipmates’ storylines and character arcs. With the creation of Counselor John Carter, Ken has been able to do just that. Numerous players have told me how much Carter has made an impact on them, both in his own personal story of love and loss through divorce as well as the counseling sessions he does with the Amity crew.
Furthermore, during missions, Carter plays important roles as both chief counselor and second officer of the Federation’s embassy to the Delta Quadrant. In our first mission, he delicately negotiated a way to balance respect for the religious beliefs of a nomadic species with the needs and interests of Amity and the Federation. His participation in a ritual with that species was instrumental in gaining their trust. In our current “Disaster”-style mission where the crippled USS Independence-B finds itself trapped in a strange spatial anomaly, Carter has stepped up to command the bridge and make hard decisions to keep his crew alive during a crisis.
It’s been a pleasure to read Ken’s writing and work with him as his captain on both his OOC and IC goals. I’m looking forward to seeing the continued development and journey of John Carter as well as his player’s. Congratulations, Ken, on being recognized with the fleet’s duty post award for counseling. This accomplishment reflects the impact you’ve had on your crew and is well-deserved!


Black Cross

Black Cross
Talos Dakora

Awarded to Intelligence officers who strive to accomplish the goals of Starfleet Intelligence while simultaneously upholding the ideals and structure of Starfleet Command. They display the ability to obtain intelligence through deceptive dialogue or espionage rather than forced admissions. While intelligence is frequently a game changer, this individual attempts to achieve those aims within the constraints of their commanding Officer and Starfleet laws. They are experts in research and diplomacy, as well as reconnaissance and communication.

Talos Dakora, USS Excalibur-A - Presented by Kalianna Nicholotti
It is an incredible pleasure to present this year's Black Cross to Travis (Lieutenant Talos Dakora). Writing a black collar isn't always the easiest or most straightforward thing to do, especially when there is much ambiguity and borderline dislike (IC of course) of the secretive duty post and those who serve in it. Travis has taken that challenge on, head first, and has absolutely shined in the process.
Dakora is far from the typical shadow-walker. Of all the intel officers I've written for or with, I must say that he brings more realistic ideas into his writing of the post than others, falling back on the character's marine career and the troubles of the Dominion War in a very honest and forthright manner. Travis has managed to work in the character's past into the present, write about interpersonal relationships and the aftermath of the various things he has experienced aboard, and in the process create a very real person that we all look forward to reading.
Beyond that, Travis has faced some uphill moments in his path to where he is today, but as a long-time member of the fleet, he is an asset and a credit to his ship and his fleet, where I hope to see him continue to grow.
A steady hand always willing to help, a creative mind that works to tie many pieces and bits that other players put out there while tossing out ideas of his own for everyone to use, and just enough humor to make us all smile, Travis has a bright future with us and I look forward to sharing many more missions with this particular spook.


Lwaxana Troi Medallion

The Lwaxana Troi Medallion
Yogan Yalu

Awarded to members who take on a unique and non-traditional role outside of the normal Starfleet positions, while creating a colorful and engaging character such as, but not limited to: Diplomat, Civilian or Mission Specialist. They have integrated into the crew and made their chosen specialist position an invaluable resource for their ship.

Yogan Yalu, USS Excalibur-A - Presented by Kalianna Nicholotti
This year, I am pleased to present the Lwaxana Troi Medallion to Justin, the writer behind Lieutenant Commander Yogan Yalu. While he came aboard as our pilot and did a stellar job 'behind the wheel', the host of other roles that he has taken on in the past year has truly earned him this accolade. Having moved into the Strategic Operations role, he is consistently looking outside the norms to tie in other events happening around our area of space and sometimes even the fleet, simming a duty post we have limited knowledge about and making it every bit as real and as vital as any other.
Add to that the plethora of other characters in various atypical roles that we don't normally see, and you'll easily understand how Justin was the perfect player for this award. From the librarian who dances with feathers and does math as a talent, to the internal affairs investigator who offers a comfortable approach complete with hot cocoa, to the mind-switched holocharacter controlled security officer, to a host of other characters that filled various roles aboard the ship, there is no question in my mind that Justin knows how to play a non-traditional role.
With every one of his characters being colorful, engaging, unique, and yet very real all at the same time, Justin brings to the table something unique that adds an edge to our story and sends it into the realm of the unforgettable. The Excalibur benefits greatly from his contributions, as does the fleet in his other creative capacities. I am thrilled to be going into another year with him aboard and I look forward to what he brings into the fray next.


Prestigious Service Medallion

Prestigious Service Medallion

Awarded to members in the fleet who are steady and unwavering from their chosen Duty Post. This is a divisional award for each (Gold, Red, Blue) to celebrate a continuing player in the divisional role who has already won (and still qualifies in the eligibility criteria) a duty post award in a similar vein to how we enhance the Service Ribbons each time one is won.

Cade Foster (Sal Taybrim), USS Constitution-B - Presented by Jalana Rajel
Sal Taybrim
I couldn't be happier to have the joy and pleasure to present the Prestigious Service Medallion Prantares Ribbon to my year-long friend and writer of one of the most impactful characters I have had the honor to write with. Cade Foster at first glance is a cranky, cynical old man. Don't get me wrong he is that, but also so much more. Coming from writing as a Medical Officer myself and having served with many, all of them have brought their own spin to the department. But Cade's spin is the most authentic and raw I have seen in my time.
Cade is the embodiment of the Veteran who has seen almost everything, survived wars, lost friends and carries his scars running deep. He masks that pain and experience with cynicism, sarcasm and a dark sense of humor. Under this hard outside shell, though, he never stopped to care deeply for everyone under his care. He does not hesitate to risk his own physical, emotional, and maybe even moral well-being if it means he can save just one life. But that is not where it stops, he also cares about the small things. If you got a medical condition or an injury you sustained in a mission? He follows up on that to make sure you get the best care in the Galaxy. Because he knows he's a brilliant surgeon and doctor, not afraid to point that out, with connections in all four quadrants and uses that to the advantage of everyone around him.
He uses whatever methods he needs to in order to break through to a person and get them to begin the healing process, be it a gentle word or tough talk, smashing walls coping or enjoying a chat during a round of minigolf. He is Counselor, Medical Officer, shoulder to cry on and Space Dad for the Conny crew. Neither of us would want to miss this realistic, deep and three-dimensional character, having dug his way into our hearts. I couldn't imagine anyone more worthy of this award! Congratulations, Jamie!

Vitor Silveira, USS Excalibur-A - Presented by Kalianna Nicholotti
Vitor Silveira
It is an honor to present the inaugural Prestigious Service Medallion Sisko Tactical Cross to Lieutenant Vitor Silveira's writer Bruno. Over the course of my career, there have been plenty of collective moments that have become fond memories of the story that stay in my mind. Then, there are some players who can create those moments all on their own. Having experienced Bruno's writing as an Ensign, JG, Lieutenant, Lieutenant Commander, JG, and Lieutenant again, I can honestly say that he is one of these.
Tactical in and of itself is not a duty post I have ever even experimented in because, like engineering, it takes some knowledge to truly bring it to life. A good tactical writer possesses their own kind of magic that lends to the protection of ship and crew while maintaining the realism of characters who are not infallible. Bruno does this and while his character can sometimes be a wild card, he is always acting in the perceived best interests of those he serves with. He often presents the challenges in his character's mind and works to share the path towards a solution with any who would like to join.
Beyond that, he's been steadfast and reliable, while taking feedback and offering it, generally being an integral part of my crew over the years. I have always enjoyed simming with him and I look forward to working with him for many years to come. Tactical is his home, and he'll always say that he's willing to help out elsewhere, but returning 'home' is always his final goal. Always learning and growing, I am excited to share his journey as we head into another year.

Cadfael Peters, USS Chin’toka - Presented by Mei’konda Delano
Cadfael Peters
In addition to his other duties, serving as the Chin’toka’s primary wiki editor, a staff member, and most noticeably to me as a person who can be relied upon consistently to have a PNPC available to fill any role we’re a little thin on in our duty roster, Cadfael Peters, the recipient of the Pilot’s Sextant last year, has continued to perform the often difficult and nebulous position of Chief Helmsman aboard the Chin’toka. To that end, Cadfael (Riley) is always good at showing off little tidbits of what a pilot does when there's nothing exciting or a need for any aerial acrobatics. However, Riley's portrayal of a helmsman definitely shines when there is a need for said helmsman to make a risky maneuver.
In particular, Cadfael continues to show a flare almost visual in its description when he has the opportunity to write his character flying a starship or shuttle with style. Early this year, Cadfael inverted the Chin’toka as it descended down through an atmosphere in order to catch a shuttle within one of our shuttle bays, upside down! It may have technically been a crash landing, but it sure was a fun one to read. For that reason, I’m delighted to award Cadfael Peters with one of our first Prestigious Service Medallions for the Pilot’s Sextant. Congratulations!

Corliss Fortune, USS Gorkon - Presented by Quinn Reynolds
Corliss Fortune
I am absolutely thrilled to recognise one of the fleet’s most stalwart simmers with one of the first Prestigious Service Medallions! Corliss Fortune has been writing as a counsellor aboard the Gorkon for nearly four years now, and she continues to delight and astound with the skill she shows in her duty post. The writer balances her character’s bright and bubbly nature with gentle, genuine care and concern for her fellow crew, and when faced with a new situation, dives with glee into the OOC research to bring realism and heart to her sessions.
She deftly assists her fellow crew in exploring their characters' trauma and flaws, helping them to develop their characters while showcasing her own character’s professional skills and abilities. All the while, she maintains Corliss’ effervescent nature without ever stealing the spotlight from other simmers, and that’s a truly remarkable talent to have. We are so fortunate to have her with us, and it’s with great pleasure that I award her this year’s Prestigious Service Medallion: Order of the Valiant Heart. Congratulations!


Special Awards

Next, we continue with awards that recognize members of the fleet for particularly important contributions or roles that affect the fleet's OOC areas. Here, too, the nominations are reviewed by a panel of three staff members: two commanders and three members ranked captain or above.

Great Bird Award

Great Bird Award
Rivi Vataix

Awarded to an officer who contributes to the development and/or invention of a new method of simming, thinking, or seeing the Star Trek universe. It has only been presented twice in the group's existence, for creating the community, and for defining a new way of what a ship-based sim can be. This is a unique distinction and the greatest honour bestowed upon any officer.

Rivi Vataix, Amity Outpost - Presented by Ossa V’Airu
The very first email I ever wrote to Rich was back in September 2012, when he wanted to transfer to the Mercury, the ship I’d begun COing a few months prior. I didn’t know much about him, but I still began my message to him by saying “I'm very happy to have you join us.” He let me know then that he was interested in playing a new character, Roshanara Rahman, and he linked me to the wiki bio he’d created for her. Even from that brief intro to Rich and Rahman, I could tell that he put a lot of thought and feeling into his simming – and about a week after that, he presented a group portrait he’d made of the senior staff to the Mercury’s OOC list. About two weeks after that, he was spearheading the Mercury’s entry for the second annual Halloween Avatar contest. Within a month, I couldn’t imagine my ship without Rich, and thanks to his innovative thinking, I didn’t want to.
Jump forward to now, almost a full decade later, and Rich’s fingerprints are all over Starbase 118 – and much like when I first got to know him, he’s irrevocably changed things for the better. When I initially nominated him for this award, I focused mostly on his creation of Amity Outpost, since it is a simming installation that, I believe, improves the simming status quo. I wrote in that nomination that Rich has expanded our corner of the Trek universe with the effect and atmosphere of Amity, and by demonstrating his commitment to changing things up by giving up a Starfleet PC for a thoroughly non-Starfleet CO.
However, when I started to talk with other staff members, I received some healthy reminders that Rich’s contributions go much deeper than the simple introduction of a new installation, however innovative. He’s fundamentally changed the nature and operations of Starbase 118 in more ways than I can count – but since I want to make sure he’s recognized well, I’ll try to name some of the most important!
For one, if you clicked on those wiki links, especially the old Rahman bio, you probably saw that they’re quite different from our standard pages and bios today. Edit a modern wiki page, scroll to the bottom, and you’ll see the list of templates employed on the page to help make the wiki streamlined and user-friendly. Rich didn’t create all those templates singlehandedly, but he did spearhead the overhaul of the wiki and collaborated with many others, culminating in the creation of the Wiki Ops squadron, where Rich is still the Chief of Wiki Ops.
Speaking of creation, Rich has left a substantial trail of game-changing groups in his wake. These include Veterans Affairs, which, in his own once-upon-a-time words, “is a community-oriented taskforce run by general members to support their colleagues who face issues that usually come up after the ensign phase of the SB118 experience and aren't addressed in the Academy.” Ensuring that the Starbase 118 fleet is a fair and equitable place for everyone is one of Rich’s goals, toward which he works tirelessly, which has most recently included the creation of the Investigating Diversity & Inclusion Committee (IDIC).
Rich has also put together group elements that are based on expanding and exploring the breadth and depth of the universe we share. These include the Federation News Service, which offers both its member-writers and the larger fleet an outlet for creating and reading about the Trek universe beyond our characters and ships, and the Advanced Starship Design Bureau, which delights in technical details and takes as part of its manifesto that “specifications should mean something” and should “be a fun, interactive process.”
I’ve emphasized elsewhere for this awards presentation that part of exceptional leadership in the Starbase 118 fleet is having fun and ensuring that others are having fun, too, and Rich exemplifies that like no one I’ve ever had the pleasure of simming with. Everything he does is in the service of making sure that as many folks are having the best time possible, and whether that’s best done through fleetwide groups and initiatives or through individual interactions, he will do it. As a final example – back when Rich and I were a command team on Garuda and Invicta, one of us accidentally typed DOOF instead of DOOC on a direct email to the other, and from that point, all our direct emails were DOOFs. It’s a small thing, but one that I think exemplifies Rich at his best – creative, smart, fun, and always making sure that you’re having a good time, too.


Rising Star Award

Rising Star Award
Wes Greaves

Awarded to members of Lieutenant Commander rank or higher who show great promise in many facets of their participation in the group, and to whom we look to as a future leader. Officers who qualify for this award consistently demonstrate their capabilities in leadership and facilitation of their fellow officers, including a recognisable dedication in their In Character and Out of Character activities to enhance the community.

Wes Greaves, USS ‘Oumuamua - Presented by Ossa V’Airu
Jacob (Wes Greaves) won last year's Luminary Award for his impressive accomplishments up until then, including his excellent simming for and reimagining of Starfleet marines, as well as his leadership skills and the beginning of his participation in fleetwide taskforces. A year later, I'm delighted to recognize him with the Rising Star Award as, well, his star continues to rise! He follows in the eminent footsteps of Brian (aka Karrod Niac, formerly Geoffrey Teller), the only other simmer in the history of Starbase 118 to earn first the Luminary Award and then the Rising Star Award, and it’s been my absolute pleasure and honor to be a part of both their journeys.
Jacob’s leadership skills have been further honed through membership in the Academy and as first officer of the Thor and ‘Oumuamua, and he further serves the fleet as a mentor on Thor and ‘Oumuamua and as a member of the ASDB. As of this awards season, he's in the midst of his promotion to full commander (lieutenant colonel, in Greaves' case, as he plans to remain a marine -- the only one to do so in the group's history while also serving as a commanding officer simultaneously!), and I confidently expect to see Captain (or Colonel!) Greaves before long, and for Jacob to become a steadfast member of Starbase 118's fleetwide staff.
Jacob is also the well-deserved recipient of the Strange Medallion this year, and his nominations for that award and the Rising Star came from friends and colleagues from across the fleet, who both sang Jacob’s praises and helped to put those praises into a fleetwide context. “From the very beginning,” one nomination noted, “he’s been kind, level-headed, has sought to work out what is best for the group as a whole and has always tried to encourage those in the group.” Another said that, “His reputation proceeds him and he's earned the respect of those beyond the bulkheads of his own ship.” Yet another, from a newer member of the ‘Oumuamua crew, said that he was “instrumental in guiding us, while still encouraging us to come up with creative solutions of our own to get out of the perilous situation. OOC, via email and through discord, Major Greaves is usually the first to offer a helping hand when anyone has questions. He is always reliable.” One final quote: “He has fun, but even more wants others to have fun.” And while Jacob’s qualities are many, ultimately this is what I want to see in someone the whole fleet recognizes as a rising star: He’s having fun, and he wants to help everyone else have fun, too.
It’s my privilege to recognize an extremely deserving Jacob with this year’s Rising Star Award.


Locutus Award

Locutus Award
Samira Neathler

Awarded to members of the Publicity Team who go above-and-beyond their monthly requirements for participation on a regular basis. These team members are enthusiastic about spreading the word about our role-playing community and are actively looking for new methods to draw people into the fold.

Samira Neathler, USS Gorkon - Presented by Kalianna Nicholotti
Having led a number of taskforces and worked with tons of people over the years, I can speak to the ever-changing landscape of officers who come and add their personal touch to a project for a while and then leave again. It's nice, of course, to have so many willing to jump in here and there, but at the same time, having a set, stable core to rely on over the long haul is a cornerstone of any successful team. Over the relatively short time that the Social media team has been in place publicizing our group, Samira Neathler has been a steadfast and stable pillar around which so much else is done. Without Samira's consistent additions, posts, and input, the team would be nowhere near where it is and our social media accounts, particularly Facebook, would not be so active, alive, and interactive.
Knowing we are active does so much to help push people to join, even if they aren't interacting with the posts themselves. Sometimes just seeing them can spur them to put in an application. Thus, though this may sometimes seem like a repetitive or even boring job, I can attest to the value and importance.
To that end, for the efforts, time, care, and attention put into this job, I am proud to present the Locutus Award to Samira Neathler! Thank you for all you do, and I look forward to another year of working with you!


Luminary Award

Luminary Award
Trovek Arys

Awarded to members holding the rank of Ensign, Lieutenant Junior Grade, or Lieutenant. Officers qualifying for this award have shown outstanding promise in their future endeavors by displaying their skills in leadership, dependability, and dedication to the community.

Trovek Arys, StarBase 118 Ops - Presented by Sal Taybrim
I am thrilled to be able to present this year’s Luminary Award to Sarah, aka Doctor Trovek Arys, Chief Medical Officer on StarBase 118 Ops! Sarah is a powerhouse simmer who was also recognized with Ops’ TOSMA award this year, and in the words of her crewmates her “dedication to creating better stories' ' is one of the most notable and driving factors of her simming. Able to sim consistently above full time, even as a Lieutenant JG Trovek Arys was capable of leading away teams, coming up with creative solutions for plot complications and being able to offer tags to other simmers that opened doors for them to join into the action. During shore leaves, she was masterful at creating side plots and actively invited other players to join in. When asked to join Ops’ staff she was quick to jump in and lend a hand and soon was performing far above her rank and helping with administrative details including wiki upkeep, mission summaries, mid-mission and weekly plot updates as well as quickly mastering mentoring skills to touch base with her fellow crewmembers.
You might know Trovek Arys from Discord, where she is an active and welcoming chat member, who is quick to say hello. She’s also an amazingly supportive member of the forum community and frequently posts in the appreciations forums, not only recognizing her crewmates, but initiating a positive conversation around appreciation sims from other ships. In this, you can clearly tell Sarah has a love of simming and the stories that we can make possible in a game like this. But one of the best qualities about Sarah is that she is brave enough to look at something and give constructive criticism. Sometimes getting quality feedback is difficult, and having someone who can look at how we run a ship and how we structure our missions and she raises compassionate yet critical feedback is both rare and intensely valuable. It started an ongoing discussion on ‘how can we do better?’ and Ops had markedly improved because of her feedback.
But what truly makes her an outstanding up-and-coming leader isn’t just that she started a conversation with great feedback - but that she was also willing to put in the hard work alongside other staff members to make things better. She’s implemented a weekly mission report that helps keep all players on the same page with the mission and together Ops staff was able to update and clarify their wiki and player’s handbook to update old and outdated information to match new simming and story standards. Sarah dug right in and started doing the wiki updates once a consensus was reached on staff. This is the mark of a true leader in the community - one who is willing to be brave enough to say ‘this could be better’ and committed enough to then follow through and help make it better.
As this game grows, it will continue to improve, and we need brave, dedicated individuals like Trovek Arys who love simming and see the potential our sims have to bring meaningful stories to life. It is a joy to work with her and I look forward not only to the stories we have to tell together, but watching how she grows and can help the game grow and improve in the future! It is my privilege to honor Sarah as our Luminary for 2399!


Sarpeidon Award

Sarpeidon Award
Maz Rodan

Awarded to a simmer who has made outstanding contributions to the 118Wiki. Sarpeidon was the planet in TOS's "All Our Yesterdays" where the inhabitants built a library collecting their whole world's history. This is essentially what our wiki aspires to be: a repository of our group's history and a simming database.

Maz Rodan, USS Arrow - Presented by Randal Shayne
When the Arrow was commissioned, one of my preparations included creating the wiki pages for her. I was like a kid in a candy store, nyoinking this style and that template and- ooh, that’s a cool GIF…! It was too much, and I quickly realized I’d need help in building and maintaining our nascent pages.
Everyone, at some point, has had a hand in contributing to our wiki, but Lieutenant Commander Maz Rodan is the one who not only built upon the framework, but has maintained it, and grown it, in the two years since we’ve been launched. When I head to the Arrow page, I’m always tickled to find that it looks just as sharp as before, but now with up-to-date links. The alert icon in the corner fits the status of the ship. Changes, major and minor, can be found with every new addition of information to ensure that it’s all presentable.
His work is not limited to the Arrow- all across the wiki, we can enjoy his input, either as a result of direct contributions or advice and guidance that he helps other players with. His consistency, willingness to help out, and desire to make the wiki the best it can be is why I am truly proud to present this distinction to David, with my thanks.


Boothby Award

Boothby Award
Genkos Adea

Awarded to a trainer who has gone above and beyond their Academy Training Requirements. These trainers provide an excellent example of commitment to bringing new cadets into our community, strong leadership and innovation to encourage new members into simming, and are continuously offering successful and imaginative training programmes.

Genkos Adea, USS Excalibur-A - Presented by Quinn Reynolds
I love presenting this award! It gives me a chance to honour one of our fabulous training team and thank them for investing their time and energy in one of the fleet’s most important endeavours. Genkos Adea has proven himself one of the Training Team’s most dedicated members and volunteers regularly, in any post that’s needed. He brings his trademark wit to the role and ensures that classes big and small run smoothly, guiding both the training team members and cadets through the week with patience and positivity.
The nominations spoke not just of the cadets who learned from him and thanked him in their feedback, but also staff who’ve used his leadership and mentoring as a gold standard when stepping into the CO roles themselves. High praise, and very well deserved, and it’s for this reason I am delighted to present Genkos Adea with the 2022 Boothby Award!


Quark's Bar

Quark's Bar
Ikaia Wong

Awarded to members who are regularly active on the chat room, and forums, and have been supportive and involved in conversations enhancing the overall community experience with activities like keeping a quote thread up to date, consistently nominating simmers in the Appreciations forum, starting engaging chat discussions, attending chat events regularly, or being a helpful presence for new players.

Ikaia Wong, Amity Outpost - Presented by Roshanara Rahman
If you visit the fleet Discord server, you’re going to run into Ikaia Wong’s writer S4RK at some point. If the StarBase 118 Discord server is like the titular bar that this award is named after, then S4RK is no doubt our Morn! And just like those on Deep Space 9 often noted how much Morn talked with other patrons at Quark’s and added to the life of that establishment, S4RK is a beloved presence on the 118 Discord server. They were nominated by not one, not two, but six separate players for this award! For an award based on one’s impact in a community forum like the Discord server, it only seems fitting to quote the people directly who enjoy what S4RK brings to this venue every day. Here are just a few select excerpts from some of those nominations:
“S4RK, Ikaia Wong's writer, is a constant presence on the Discord, always a cheerleader wanting to ensure that the chat areas are fun and welcoming. He shares his art and animations with his fellow fleetmates and he engages with them in interesting conversations about life, Star Trek watch-alongs, and other musings.”
“Wong. Wong, Wong, Wong. Where to begin with Wong? [...] He's always finding ways to chat and perk people up in Discord, like coming up with games, or posing questions.”
“What I also like is the way he makes us part of the little projects he does, either OOC or even IC. [...] If there's one person who's spreading a positive vibe on Discord, it's Ikaia Wong.”
“They embody the very essence of this award through their kindness, humor, engagement, and helpfulness.”
I want to end this citation with a particularly poignant comment from one of Wong’s nominators: “It is warming to see Ikaia spread his big heart beyond the Amity channel and bring his joy to the entire fleet. In recent times of RL darkness, Wong brings the light that the world needs.” I wholeheartedly agree! Congratulations, S4RK and thank you for all the joy you bring to our Discord server and community!


Community Champion Award

Community Champion Award

Awarded to members who participate in – or help facilitate – simming community events, representing the best of StarBase 118 RPG to other organizations by hosting events, acting as contest judges, or otherwise contributing their expertise in a way that benefits the wider community.

Jaelyne Isa
Jaelyne Isa, USS Chin'toka - Presented by Mei’konda Delano
Consistent and well organized, Jim / Commander Jaelyne Isa has been facilitating our monthly Fleet chats on Discord for quite some time now. Jim is very well organized, and his predictable methods of encouraging conversation between disparate members of the fleet who are assigned to different vessels, people who may not always get many chances to communicate and catch up with what other ships are up to, is a highly valuable service that he provides to SB118.


Northern Star Award

Northern Star Award

Awarded to members holding the rank of Lieutenant or Lt. Commander who show constant commitment to the fleet as members of task forces and through our other fleet endeavours. These officers are vital to the success of our fleet, showing their support and enthusiasm for their crews and our community through their tireless efforts.

Alieth, USS Gorkon - Presented by Quinn Reynolds
Everyone in the fleet has seen Alieth’s fingerprints. As the facilitator of the Image Collective, she has not only helped many of our members realise an image of their character, but her art direction led the way in the fleet’s new branding, bringing a clean, bold and modern identity to 118. On top of that, she has been a driving force in establishing and increasing the fleet’s presence on Deviant Art—something which has brought in several new members!
Her efforts are not restricted to the art and graphic design field, either. On the Gorkon, she’s a tireless member of the ship’s mentoring team, helping the fleet retain simmers by welcoming, guiding, and inspiring new additions to the fleet. She also gives her time to the training team, welcoming and teaching new cadets and expanding her own repertoire of skills. She supports and encourages her fellow simmers with her activity on the forums, highlighting the quotes and sims which stir the emotions.
For everything she does, for her unfailing devotion and dedication to making our fleet a better (and prettier!) place to be a part of, I’m proud to present Alieth with the Northern Star Award.


Jake Sisko Prize

Jake Sisko Prize

Awarded to members of the Federation News Service Team who regularly go above and beyond in their contributions and participation. These team members show dedication and creativity in editing and writing news reports, helping to maintain our IC news service, build the 118 universe and provide inspiration for our members.

Yogan Yalu
Yogan Yalu, USS Excalibur-A - Presented by Jo Marshall
Wow, this is an honour! The Federation News Service holds a very special place in the heart of many article writers and article editors who dedicate a chunk of their time every month to expand on our universe. Making sure we have articles to go out every week is a feat in itself, and one Justin rises to with aplomb.
Since coming back to the Fleet from his leave of absence, Justin has cracked forward with such vigour in the FNS, that it's left me astonished. He's got plans for the future of it, developing guides for our writers, hoping to bring more of our Fleet into the FNS fold. He writes fantastic articles that are the springboard for missions, for spin-offs, and never fails to come up with something utterly brilliant, insightful, and creative. Where he gets his ideas from, I'll never know, but it's a well I do not want him to stop tapping.
For boundless enthusiasm that I couldn't stem even if I wanted to, total dedication to making the FNS the best it can be, and one astoundingly creative writer, I am incredibly happy to present Justin with the Jake Sisko Prize this year!


Okuda Award

Okuda Award

Awarded to members of the Image Collective who regularly go above and beyond in their contributions to this team's efforts, creating images and graphics for the fleet. These team members display their artistry and dedication with a visual feast for members new and old, bringing our creations to life and stoking imaginations.

Aine Sherlock
Aine Sherlock, StarBase 118 Ops - Presented by Sal Taybrim
Recognized with the Vega award on ship, Aine Sherlock’s contributions to the fleet at StarBase 118 go well beyond just their own ship. Jared, the writer behind Aine is a prolific contributor to the image collective, and specializes in not only character portraiture but more complicated designs such as 3-D models, blueprints for locations and odd jobs such as memorial plaques, coffee designs and in world signage. This amazing graphics talent helps to being our setting alive and invigorates our wiki!
Aine’s skills are always growing and the player is not afraid to tackle challenges. Special thanks for all the hard work done on the 3-D models of Amity station as well as settings for the Excalibur-A and StarBase 118 Ops! It is commendable for a graphic artist to support their ship, but Aine goes above and beyond, supporting other ships and installations at a fleetwide level. Nominations from across the fleet recognized and thanked Jared for his willingness to work with others and incredible graphic skill.
A true graphics wizard, a wonderful fleet supporter and an amazing player, I am thrilled to present Aine Sherlock with this year’s Okuda Award! It is very well deserved!


Xalor Clan Xifilis Award

Xalor Clan Xifilis Award

Awarded to simmers who overcome a disadvantage throughout simming. This award was initially known as the "Rachel Garett Pendant," but was renamed for the 2000 event to commemorate a valued StarBase 118 PBEM RPG simmer who died that year. In each event, this award can be given to all qualifying simmers.

Connor Dewitt
Connor Dewitt, USS Arrow - Presented by Randal Shayne
The past few years have tested all of us, and though the consistency and dedication shown by our members is universally impressive, there are some challenges overcome that make me sit back, shake my head and chuckle in amazement. One of these individuals is Tim, who writes for Arrow’s Connor Dewitt. It’s one thing to work on overcoming a language barrier, but to do so in a way that earns him the TOSMA, on top of building a house? Impressive and remarkable. It’s this sort of thing that inspires me to do my best daily, and in recognition of challenges met head-on, I am pleased to remark upon Tim’s success and contributions with the Xalor Clan Xifilis Award.
R'Ariel, USS Arrow - Presented by Randal Shayne
When you aren’t feeling your best, just finding the motivation to write three times a week can be a struggle. Insisting on high-quality writing each time must feel monumental. But to then balance all of this alongside a cheerful and soulful attitude and a genuinely helpful outlook? That takes a strength I’m not sure I could match, and yet Lieutenant Commander R’Ariel makes it her modus operandi. In many ways, Kat is not just the counselor IC- her writing is provocative and soothing and depthful to the point where I feel like I’m being counseled alongside my character. Her ability to balance exquisite character growth, conflict, and helpful anecdotes makes her a singularly unique individual in my time here, and it is my pleasure to recognize her determination with the Xalor Clan Xifilis Award.
Sera, USS Juneau / Denali Station - Presented by Oddas Aria
Sometimes the biggest challenges are those that come within, the doubts, the anxieties, and the constant fears that what you are doing is not enough among your peers. Sera not only faced these fears in the past year, but destroyed them, constantly turning in superior work that amazed her peers, staff, and Commanding Officer alike. She does so with “kindness, humor, and love” and, in the words of the nomination “I feel like I've been able to be more comfortable with my own struggles, and my growth into better things because of Hope's friendship, vulnerability, and openness about things she's dealt with, and her willingness to just be there.” Congratulations Sera, you deserve it and much more!
Trovek Arys
Trovek Arys, StarBase 118 Ops - Presented by Sal Taybrim
As StarBase 118 has grown and matured, the way we approach the game and its players has changed. With the addition of Discord and better open channels of communication we start to understand that while we write the game in English, there are so many incredible players across the globe that have English as a second language. And often we don’t even realize this because their skills at writing are so good. As her nominator puts it: “ I have always been amazed at those who are able to speak more than one language, but even more amazed when that second language is English. English is not an easy one to learn, has many rules and just as regularly breaks them. To then go beyond and actually write fiction in a language that is not one’s native tongue is even more astounding!”
Lieutenant Trovek Arys, however, does just that. Born speaking German, she also knows English, but she does more than simply know it - she uses it artistically to create beautiful sims and engaging characters. She doesn’t just write something and do the bare minimum, either, she always engages in the scene and adds her own flair. She goes above and beyond, in any language and I am so proud to be able to recognize her accomplishments!
Vitor Tito
Vitor Tito, StarBase 118 Ops - Presented by Sal Taybrim
One of the wonderful things about SB118 is how many people there are from all over the world. It never ceases to amaze me at how much of the globe is represented in our group which, when you think about it, isn’t all that large considering. Even more astounding is how many of our members are from other countries where English is not the native language. Bruno, the player behind Lt. JG Vitor Tito is one such member. Hailing from Portugal, he lives in a land that speaks a language very different from our sim, and yet he participates using English and does so beautifully. His characters are fun and engaging, and I know that there are times our language doesn’t make sense, and yet he navigates it so well despite that. Furthermore, it has been absolutely beautiful to watch his mastery of both writing and the English language grow over his long tenure on StarBase 118, and with each new sim he gains a better ability to describe the struggles his characters are going through and he continues to connect with his audience on a whole new level.
This consistent improvement is not only compelling to read but absolutely inspiring and a great reminder that we are all on a journey to improving our communication skills. I am so happy to be able to recognize all of Bruno’s hard work for so many years and so proud of how far you have come!


Staff Awards

Staff Awards are reserved solely for officers who are Commander in rank, or above. As the people in our group who carry the burden of leadership and investment in our future success, it's important that we take a few moments to recognize the dedication and work they put in throughout the year. Without a staff as dedicated as the one we have, we simply wouldn't be able to sustain our community nature and many of the activities we enjoy.

This year, the fleet’s First Officers were again empanelled to vote on the nominations and advise the Executive Council on recipients. The nine awards presented below, all come from the recommendations of the First Officer panel.

Honor of the Admiralty

Honor of the Admiralty
Sal Taybrim

Awarded to Staff Members who have served for a minimum of five years in a multitude of disciplines. From facilitating our task forces, engaging with the Captains Council, and leading with the utmost dedication, these writers volunteer their time, effort, and skill to building our game and community and have comprehensively earned the respect and loyalty of members. This is the highest award that can be conferred upon a StarBase 118 PBEM RPG staff member under the rank of Rear Admiral.

Sal Taybrim, StarBase 118 Ops - Presented by Roshanara Rahman

One of those strange quirks in life is that despite the years I have known Jamie, the writer behind Sal Taybrim, we’ve actually never simmed together (or if so, just barely during someone else’s IC promotion ceremony). And yet because of many parallels in our “simming career” here at StarBase 118 PBEM RPG and shared milestones, I’ve always felt a kinship with her. Jamie joined StarBase 118 in 2013 and was posted to the USS Excalibur-A under then-Fleet Captain Kali Nicholotti. Over the next year, she rose up the ranks and moved to science officer and then chief diplomatic officer before being named First Officer of our namesake installation, StarBase118 Ops in late December 2014. This meteoric rise was due in no small part to the extensive wealth of knowledge and expertise that Jamie brought to her ships and our community from her roleplaying experience beyond StarBase 118. While I had begun to notice this new rising star as her character was highlighted in quotes and highlighted sims, it was when Jamie joined the Captains Council as Ops’s First Officer that I had the pleasure of seeing just what a skilled roleplayer and gamemaster could bring to our game and community.
Jamie is indisputably a die-hard Trekkie like the rest of us, but through the conversations that were had on the Captains Council and then later on the Executive Council when she became a commanding officer, one could easily see that Jamie always approached a topic from the viewpoint of, “What does this mean for the game and us as players?” The 2010s saw our community begin to shift its focus and emphasis towards higher writing quality, and that’s not a bad thing. The sims written today and expected of players of even lower ranks are more developed, have fuller narration, and just generally read more like the kind of writing that you would find in a novel or fleshed-out fan fiction work compared to our earlier script-style writing that mirrored screenplays (indeed that’s where our dialogue formatting for instance originates).
Yet we all owe enormous gratitude that Jamie has made sure the group recognizes that there is a distinction between good writing ability and good simming ability, and that they are not replacements for one or the other but complements that fundamentally require different skillsets and training. During her interview with the Executive Council for her captaincy, then-Commander Taybrim wrote some of the most in-depth and thoughtful answers and reflections on both her time in StarBase 118 and on simming and roleplaying. It is not an understatement to say that in some ways, that interview was much like Jamie presenting a PhD dissertation-level of analysis on simming and what we as a group and as COs do well, what we could work on, what we should always remember, and what possibilities lie ahead.
Jamie was promoted to Captain on April 23, 2016, several months before my own promotion to that rank later. Because of that, I’ve told her many times I consider her my fellow “Class of 2016” alumna. I must also admit that part of the fondness I feel for her is that we both were a bit of the “troublemakers” as Jordan aka Fleet Admiral Wolf might say during our “lower decks” years. As Jamie herself noted in her captaincy interview, “Because I wasn't married to the game yet, I wasn't afraid of poking the bear - or my mentor, and calling things out.” And yet we both recognized as we continued to advance that having good ideas or questions is not enough; you have to be able to communicate effectively with others and approach your mentors, COs, and the administrators with that same collaborative attitude and collegial spirit that we ask for in the game itself. I’m sure Jamie finds it just as ironic now as I do that today we are on the “other side” of the equation, now faced with finding ways to take and respond to feedback from the next cohort of simmers while upholding our responsibilities as the community’s stewards, tasked with ensuring that we continue the work done by the fleet’s previous leaders who carefully guided its growth over nearly three decades.
I want to end this presentation by highlighting one goal of Jamie’s that she has always been particularly passionate about and continues to push for: finding ways to engage and reward good players who have no interest or are not able to command. Just as Jamie reminded us of the difference between good writing and good simming, she has helped broaden the fleet’s view of what it means to contribute at a fleet-wide level. Previously, the group’s main emphasis was on developing command candidates, and while COs and future captains are certainly vital for our fleet to grow and function, Jamie has worked tirelessly to ensure that strong Lt. Commanders who do not enter the command pathway yet are just as vital to their ships’ health feel validated and nourished by great stories and OOC opportunities to help our fleet function.
When I see Jamie’s passion on this and other topics during our discussions in the Executive Council, I can still see that rambunctious ensign from all those years ago. I am delighted to consider her a friend and colleague and to present her with the Honor of the Admiralty. Thank you, Commodore Taybrim for all you have done for the fleet!


Staff Member of the Year Award

Awards Staff StaffMemberOfTheYearMedal 2011.jpg
Jalana Rajel

Awarded to Staff Members who have contributed tirelessly to the organization through any number of Out of Character channels, while maintaining excellence in simming on their vessel. This is an award granted to any staff member, regardless of rank.

Jalana Rajel, USS Constitution-B - Presented by Sal Taybrim

In her ten year tenure on StarBase 118, Jalana Rajel - who started as Jalana Laxyn, and was joined as Trill often do, was recognized as an experienced simmer and steadfast staff member even early on. She had experience moderating a German-language Star Trek sim before she dove into StarBase 118. Oh yes, did you know that Jess, the writer behind Jalana Rajel is not only an incredible writer (and published author!), but that English is her second language? She’s so profound at writing in English that she has excelled in simming with many of her fellow players only learning that she lives in Germany as they made friends with her! She has maneuvered through many difficult situations in her path towards command, including stepping up as the acting commanding officer of the USS Apollo-A when her CO went AWOL after her Commander’s exam. Shortly afterwards she moved to her one true love in a ship, the USS Constitution-B.
From there she has commanded the Constitution-B for over seven years, creating a most remarkable place to play. There is a stability and familiarity to the Constitution’s game (lovingly called the ‘Conny’ by its players), enhanced by Jalana’s love of her favorite series, Star Trek: The Next Generation, which perfectly matches the ship. You would expect a Galaxy class ship like the Conny to feel like the Next Generation, and for over seven years that is exactly what it has felt like. Congratulations, Jalana, you’re on your eighth season now and going strong! There is a warm nostalgia and welcoming feeling to Jalana’s game, matched by her calm and wise leadership and her compassionate portrayal of her character. Her crew lovingly calls her ‘Mama Bear’ and sometimes “Commodore Hugs-a-Lot” and she embodies both of these aspects in and out of character.
As a Commanding officer and member of the staff on StarBase 118, Jalana has always been patient and considerate. She is a joy to work with out of character and always presents a calm, considered viewpoint. She’s unfailingly honest, hardworking and balanced. She can mediate heated discussions with a calm and level head and approaches players new and old with an open friendliness that is unmatched. She is also a wonderful mentor, helping her staff members grow and develop into taskforce leaders, and her newer players grow into staff members.
Furthermore, she’s one of the longest taskforce leaders in the Fleet - directing the Image Collective for almost her entire ten years on StarBase 118. She’s a strong graphics artist who has helped with character portraiture for years, and she was a driving force behind many of our badges, award images and fleet graphics. She’s incredibly dependable in her role on the Image Team, and looking back at the amount of graphics she has created, especially the badges and other templates that we use so often and don’t think about much, is overwhelming. Jalana is always quick to get requests done and always puts care and effort into every creation.
Consistency, warmth, openness, friendliness, dependability. All of these perfectly describe Jess as a Commanding Officer and as a staff member of StarBase 118. While she may not be a brash voice, or a big personality, her steady contributions over time have grown into an incredible body of work. She has improved the simming experience for countless players and is a wonderful person to work with as a staff member and an incredible friend. I am so utterly ecstatic to be able to present Jalana Rajel with 2399’s Staff Member of the Year Award!


Strange Medallion

The Strange Medallion
Wes Greaves

Awarded to First Officers in the fleet who are consistently dependable, perform above the call of duty in their position, and excel not only in simming, but also in their dedicated Out of Character activities. Those awarded are regarded as leaders who excel in their facilitation of their crew, raising the bar and lifting up simmers to the podium. Named after Commander Sally Strange, widely known as one of the most creative and dedicated First Officers in the fleet's early years.

Wes Greaves​​​​​​​, USS ‘Oumuamua - Presented by Ossa V’Airu

It’s my genuine delight to recognize Jacob, aka Major Wes Greaves, with this year’s Strange Medallion for his stellar simming as XO of the Thor and, now, the ‘Oumuamua. He’s far from the first XO I’ve had the privilege of working with, but he’s easily one of the kindest, most capable, most responsible, and, well, one of the best!
I was excited to see that his nominations for this award came not only from his fellow simmers on ‘Oumuamua, but from friends and colleagues across the Starbase 118 fleet. That, to me, is one of the marks of a great XO, because they need to take those steps into becoming one of the staff members for the Starbase 118 fleet as a whole, and in so doing shift their perspective from a single ship to the whole fleet. Jacob has done so strikingly well, while at the same time showcasing his skills and realizing the responsibilities that make him this year’s Strange Medallion winner.
In addition to coming from around the fleet, Jacob’s nominators include a cross-section of the fleet’s newest simmers and its most experienced. “Minutes after I first logged onto Discord, he had set me up with my roles and welcomed me to the Thor channel,” wrote one of our newest simmers in their nomination. From a more experienced simmer: “He has raised the bar for simmers on the Thor and does it all with a smile, a joke, and a staunch leadership that can't be denied.” High praise indeed!
Jacob’s leadership is something that nearly all his nominators commented on, and it’s something that I value a great deal in him as an XO. Some noted his leadership skills as a part of ‘Oumuamua, while others highlighted what a joy he’s been for cadets and trainers alike in the Academy. Still others noted how present he is around the fleet, whether on the forums, on Discord, or in another venue.
As one nominator concluded, “Jacob has written his role with care and tact and acknowledges the character's faults, uncertainties and imperfections which serves as a fantastic example to other writers. I firmly believe that Wes Greaves will one day be a name we associate with command.” I do as well, and I can’t say enough good things about Jacob, this year’s Strange Medallion winner!


Sarek Star

Awards Staff SarekStarMedal 2011.jpg
Oddas Aria

Awarded to Commanding Officers who show great diplomatic ability in working with members and staff, related to conduct Out of Character. Organisation, collaboration, mentorship, and ultimately making our game tick can be challenges in every respect, but those Staff Members awarded with this have a clear ability to walk those lines.

Oddas Aria, Denali Station - Presented by Quinn Reynolds

The ability to communicate with a variety of people is an essential skill for any of the staff in our fleet, but there are those who can elevate that skill to heights we all would like to emulate. This year, it’s my very great pleasure to present this award to someone who has worked tirelessly to improve communications throughout the fleet.
As Captain-At-Large, Nick has kept the CC updated on the EC’s activities each month. He also holds office hours, giving our captains the chance to share their experiences, discuss any topics of the day (from campaign settings to how we each handle the OOC administration of the ship), and take advice on how to tackle difficult situations. Nick facilitates these discussions with a dab hand, ensuring that everyone walks away having learned something new.
Beyond his role as CAL, he mentors and guides members of the training team as one of our Deputy Commandants, on hand to help them navigate through difficult situations, setting a fantastic example to our aspiring community leaders. Likewise, his crew talk about how much they appreciate his feedback; clear, helpful, and leaving no doubt that his aim is to support and encourage better simming. When dealing with difficult situations, he’s fair, compassionate, but firm when needed.
We appreciate everything he does, and so I’d like to offer my thanks and congratulations as I present Nick with the Sarek Star!


Chief’s Citation

Awards Staff ChiefCitation2015.png
Jocelyn Marshall

Awarded to essential Staff Members whose determined work has benefitted the group In Character, and/or Out Of Character, even while their primary service was not as the Commanding Officer of a simming installation. Inspired by the non-commissioned and enlisted personnel who are the backbone of any starship but were rarely recognized in Star Trek lore in favor of the officers.

Jo Marshall, USS Gorkon - Presented by Ossa V’Airu

My goodness, what *doesn't* Em do around here?! From handling these awards to running the writing challenge, from actively contributing to everything that comes up in the Captains Council to volunteering to be the temporary magistrate, it often feels to me like Em is the glue that holds so much of what we do together. I can't imagine what this last year would've been like without her at so many different helms!
I wrote most of the above in my nomination for Em for this year’s Chief’s Citation, and I was thrilled but not surprised to see that she was similarly nominated by many other members of the fleet – and while those nominations were similar, I learned a little more about how much Em does and how well she does it with every one. “In many ways,” wrote one nominator, “Jo Marshall is and has become the face of this fleet. She's got a hand in damn near everything that goes on, and her energy, leadership and enthusiasm is matched only by her infectious desire to make things run as smoothly and as ‘fun’-ly as they can.” Another nominator wrote “I'm not sure that words can really define everything that Jo does for us collectively,” and still another wrote that there’s “no doubt about the amount of contributions Jo makes to the community.”
Beyond what I mentioned above, Em is an active and enthusiastic participant around the fleet – the Image Collective, the FNS, the Training Team, regular contests, including the Writing Challenge – and I wrote above that I can’t imagine what the last year would’ve been like without her, but honestly I can’t imagine what the fleet would be like without her now, in the past, or in the future, and every time I see her name on the forums or on Discord, I thank our collective lucky stars that we have the gift of Em’s kindness, ethic, and service. She not only earned the Chief’s Citation, she defined it with all she did. Thank you, Em, and congratulations!


Christopher Pike Pendant

Awards Staff PikePendantMedal 2011.jpg
Kalianna Nicholotti

Awarded to Commanding Officers who command their ship with honor and dedication, and help to provide an creative atmosphere which fosters outstanding simming. Not only do they lead by significant and exceptional example, but they engineer their vessels to be inspirational and creative powerhouses for all who sim on board.

Kali Nicholotti, USS Excalibur-A - Presented by Tristan Wolf

This award is reserved for Commanding Officers who have reached the pinnacle of their role – being able to deftly manage a plot, mentor their crew, and lead a ship "the StarBase 118 way." You can almost think of it as the "experienced captain of the year" award – in contrast to the Kirk award, for new captains – and it's really so lovely to award this in recognition of someone's focus and determination to be the best game leader they can be.
Nicholotti – Marissa – has really earned this award over her tenure of more than five years in command spanning more than 10 years as a member of our community! She started in 2009, and first earned the rank of captain in 2012. Since then, she has simmed as the CO of StarBase 118 Ops, followed by four separate commands. It might be a little hard to imagine that now – when six of our nine COs (including Nicholloti) hold the rank of Commodore, which denotes more than five cumulative years in command – when our leadership team feels so stable and long-lived! But Marissa earned her stripes in a more volatile period when there was more turnover in staff ranks. Through all that, she has been a dedicated, loyal, and creative member of the staff who's focused on growing the community and running the best ship she can.
All that hard work shows in the nominations she received for this award: "Phenomenal, inclusive, inspirational, fantastically imaginative," were just some of the words that people used to describe her leadership. I get the sense from reading the nominations that many of her crew feel deeply seen and cared for under her command, where their creativity is fostered and the game is exciting and welcoming for everyone. And if it's not the nominations telling that story, it's definitely the sim rates! Excalibur is consistently at or near the top of that leaderboard every month.
It's not easy to spin all those plates at once. Until you've been a CO, it's really hard to imagine just how much skill it takes to not only DO it but BE REALLY GOOD AT IT; to maintain that creativity that keeps people engaged while also leading people in a way that doesn't feel punitive or fake. But Marissa's authenticity and love of Star Trek shines through, making command look a lot easier than it is!
And so I speak for us all when I say "many thanks, Marissa," for the time, effort, and joy you put into the game. It's a wonder to behold, and your participation is a treasure for our community. You very much deserve this long-awaited award.


Length of Service Awards

Length of Service Awards are presented to members who have been continuously active for at least a year, there are also tiers for three, five, ten, 15, 20 and even 25 years of continuous service.

The list below only contains members who have newly hit the threshold for the award. For example, a member who's been here for four years, and received the 3-year award last year, won't be listed below. You can see all previous winners of Length of Service awards here.

Some members who have been on LOA since before these awards were created will be in multiple award tiers below as they “catch up” with the awards they missed.

We’ve used the best information we have available to us in calculating each member’s start date and LOAs. If you believe you should have received an award, but are not listed below, please contact your CO to have this corrected, and please accept our humblest apologies in advance for the oversight.

1-Year Members

  • Kivik, graduated from training on June 1, 2021
  • Scotty Reade, graduated from training on April 20, 2021
  • Ikaia Wong, graduated from training on November 2, 2020
  • Cassandra Mason, graduated from training on March 1, 2021
  • Elizabeth Snow, graduated from training on July 26, 2020
  • Dekas, graduated from training on February 1, 2021
  • John Kendrick, graduated from training on January 1, 2021
  • Bryce Tagren-Quinn, graduated from training on September 1, 2012
  • Meidra Sirin, graduated from training on July 1, 2020
  • Tahna Meru, graduated from training on January 1, 2021
  • Aine Sherlock, graduated from training on December 13, 2020

3-Year Members

  • Wil Ukinix, graduated from training on November 13, 2018
  • Quentin Collins, graduated from training on December 1, 2018
  • Edward Spears, graduated from training on February 1, 2018
  • Lazarus Davis, graduated from training on October 2, 2018
  • Addison MacKenzie, graduated from training on February 19, 2019
  • Karrod Niac, graduated from training on September 1, 2018
  • Samira Neathler, graduated from training on August 27, 2018
  • Corliss Fortune, graduated from training on October 3, 2018
  • Sheila Bailey, graduated from training on December 1, 2018

5-Year Members

  • Ceciri Ariadust, graduated from training on December 15, 2014
  • Kettick, graduated from training on July 1, 2014
  • Talos Dakora, graduated from training on November 1, 2011
  • Vitor Silveira, graduated from training on June 20, 2012
  • Hallia Yellir, graduated from training on January 19, 2017
  • Piravao sh’Qynallahr, graduated from training on November 21, 2016
  • Prudence Blackwell, graduated from training on August 17, 2016
  • Ishani Kasun, graduated from training on June 15, 2016
  • Henry Maxwell, graduated from training on November 21, 2016

10-Year Members

  • Jalana Rajel, graduated from training on June 11, 2012
  • Ashley Yael, graduated from training on November 12, 2005

15-Year Members

  • Atan T'Seva, graduated from training on December 9, 2006
  • Quinn Reynolds, graduated from training on January 25, 2007


Final thanks

This wrap-up of the awards is all about giving thanks to everyone who helped put it together. Awards are, without a doubt, our biggest and most involved event every year, bringing together nearly every member of the fleet to make nominations while engaging everyone on staff to publish it all flawlessly and on time.
Once again, our first and foremost thanks goes to the producer of the show for the third year in a row: Jo Marshall. Em has volunteered repeatedly and, each year, becomes more of an expert in the many dozens of moving parts required to pull off this thing. She is quick, helpful, clear, and enthusiastic about making this event happen, and I know I speak for everyone on staff when I declare our deepest appreciation at the way she makes this easier for all of us. And all of this is done while also managing many other fleetwide tasks, not least of which is the First Officer the Gorkon!
Also Genkos Adea, Elliot, who acted as a deputy to Marshall and helped every step of the way in assembling and publishing content, sometimes even at random times just to confound all the eager beavers on Discord who were counting down the minutes. Many thanks to him for his contributions and the amusement he brought to the staff watching the scramble!
And Alora DeVeau, Amanda, for being a cheerleader for this process! Her enthusiasm for everyone in the awards is an inspiration and kept us going!
Now onto the Awards Committee, who have the mighty task of reading all the nominations for Special and Duty Post awards and then have to vote to decide who's the winner of each! This is a monumental amount of reading and a lot of decisions to be made in a very short period of time but they did it admirably. Many thanks to these folks:
* Alora DeVeau
* Shedet / Nugra
* Karrod Niac
* Kali Nicholotti
* Randal Shayne
Endless and deep appreciation for the Commanding Officers of the fleet, who have the job of encouraging everyone to participate in nominations, and then have to pull together a logical and appropriate list of General Award winners, followed by a slew of award presentations for other categories that are heartfelt and draw upon the nominations and things they've observed. It requires much time, energy, and love to do all that and they appreciate our thanks for doing it while also maintaining the rest of their responsibilities.
Also our First Officers, who review the Staff Award nominations and provide the Executive Council with recommendations on who to give those awards to. We appreciate the thoughtful consideration of those awards and hope all the FOs know that!
The Executive Council, who put so much time and emotion into being the best possible simmers, community members, and administrators as possible. The vast majority of people who've been members of our community will never know the rather incredible and academic amount of work that goes into ensuring our volunteer-led community can sustain itself. They do it for the joy of seeing this community thrive, but nonetheless deserve so much thanks and appreciation – I don't know how we could ever show enough love!
And to those who ramped up excitement in the Discord Awards channel, and those who submitted a nomination: Thank you for your consideration and recognizing the work of others. You help the staff make this awards ceremony possible.
I'd also like to take a moment to recognize all of our donors for the past year, including those whose names are not published below because they asked to remain anonymous, for contributing to the community's self-sustaining fund to maintain our website and other digital assets. Thank you so much!
* Arturo Maxwell
* Baylen Anders
* Jo Marshall
* Genkos Adea
* Jacob Horne
* Jalana Rajel
* Kalianna Nicholotti
* Lephi
* Oddas Aria
* Sarah Phillips
* Serala
* Serren Tan
* Wil Ukinix
* Wyatt Ral
* Yogan Yalu
Our staff also wished to add these words of thanks to the permanent record of our awards ceremonies:

Adml. Quinn Reynolds
* Karrod Niac: When the Embassy needed help in early 2020, Brian (Karrod Niac), along with Matt (Addison MacKenzie), selflessly answered the call. Over the next few months, Brian spearheaded changes and reinvigorated the Embassy, and when there was a change of command, he continued bringing his very best and supporting his new CO. The Embassy became the Thor, and is now the ‘Oumuamua, and is still going strong. It’s very likely that if not for his efforts, we would have lost people recognised in this year’s awards, and so I wanted to take this opportunity to recognise one of the fleet’s most talented writers for everything he has done. Thank you, Brian!
* Jo Marshall, Samira Neathler, Alieth: You have been a huge support over the past year, helping me to navigate through some tricky situations, keeping our missions running smoothly, and always bringing your A game to your writing. You are a big part of the reason the Gorkon is such a fun place to sim, and I look forward to creating many more stories with you!
* Tristan Wolf: I don’t have the words to express how much admiration I hold for you; how much time and effort you invest in our world, your unfailing drive to make things better, the way you can cut to the heart of an issue, and so much more. It is an absolute privilege to be a part of the group you created, a group that has taught me so much and made me a better person and asks me to always continue striving to be better, and so from the bottom of my heart, thank you, for everything.

Commodore Kalianna Nicholotti
* Addison MacKenzie, Genkos Adea, and Yogan Yalu: Without these three, the Excalibur would not be what it is and the Resolution would not have been what it was. Steadfast, always willing to dive in and handle what’s needed, I am not only glad to have them as my staff, but also call them friends.
* Karrod Niac: Injecting drama and humor in equal measure really helps to bring the story to life. In this, Brian is exquisite, and it’s helped shape the ever growing story that we weave.
* Jo Marshall: You make even the most overwhelming projects fun to work on. I’m sure there is no shortage of volunteers to assist you, but if there ever is, call me. I’ll be your wingman. :D
* Captain Shayne: Sometimes you just need to run your ideas by another captain, and get an honest response. Thanks for being reliable and honest and ever helpful.

Fleet Captain Aria
* Lt. Commander T’Lea: Thank you so much for being a steadfast presence on the Juneau, and now the Denali. You have been a steady presence in so many roles for so long, from an XO, to a mentor, to someone just to write or enhance missions and individual storylines. You have a great attitude, writing style, and are just a pleasure to have in the fleet.

Commodore Ossa V’Airu
* Jacob (Wes Greaves): For stepping up into the XO role and succeeding the incomparable job Brian did with his excellent take on, well, excellence.
* Jacob (Wes Greaves), Amanda (Katsim Peri), and Ben (Alexander Brodie): For the amazing mentoring work.
* The crew of the ‘Oumuamua/the former crew of the Thor, who threw themselves into creating a new ship with an unusual name with enthusiasm and joy.
* Also, echoing everything Emma wrote about Brian (Karrod Niac, formerly Geoffrey Teller) and Matt (Addison MacKenzie) holds true for me, too! So many thanks for doing your best with the Embassy and setting first the Thor and now the ‘Oumuamua up for continued success.
* The other members of the Executive Council (Jordan, Emma, Rich, Jamie, Nick), all of whom are always around to offer guidance and assistance and a chat.

And that's a wrap on the 2022 Awards Ceremony! I hope that this Awards Ceremony has helped you feel special, welcomed, and recognized.
-FltAdml. Tristan Wolf

See Also: Forum posts