Thunder-A Crew Awards

Revision as of 04:53, 21 January 2020 by Sky Blake (talk | contribs) (Needs attention)

General Awards
Rank Character Name Duty Post Award Year
Lt. Commander Tallis Rhul First Officer TOSMA I 2010
Lt. Commander Tallis Rhul First Officer The Neelix Award 2010
Lt. Commander Tallis Rhul First Officer The B-Plot Award 2010
Marine Captain Miles Unum Marine CO TOSMA II 2010
Marine Captain Miles Unum Marine CO The Silver Palm 2010
Lieutenant Harold Foster Science Officer TOSMA I 2012
Lieutenant William Tindall Chief of Security The Genesis Award 2012
Lt. Commander Nugra Chief of Sec/Tac The Neelix Award 2012
Lt. Commander Alucard Vess First Officer The B-Plot Award 2012
Lieutenant S'Kahh Rossh Chief Anthropological Officer The Silver Palm 2012
Lt. Commander Jaxon Mc Ghee Chief Engineering Officer The Sheathed Sword Award 2012
Commander Alucard Vess First Officer The Sheathed Sword Award 2013
Lt. Commander Nugra Deck Officer The Genesis Award 2013
Lt. Commander Hannibal Parker SO/Marine CO 3-Year Pin 2013
Lt. Commander Hannibal Parker SO/Marine CO TOSMA 2013
Lieutenant William Tindall Chief Security Officer 3-Year Pin 2013
Lt. Commander S'Kahh Rossh Chief Science Officer Nebula Bar 2013
Lt. Commander Jaxon Mc Ghee Chief Engineering Officer The Scotty Cross 2013
Lt. Commander Paul Sharpe Chief Tactical Officer The B-Plot Award 2013

Special Awards
Rank Character Name Duty Post Award Year
Lieutenant J.G. Xoet Twelve Chief Science Officer Xalor Clan Xifilis Award 2004
Lieutenant J.G. William Tindall Security Officer Xalor Clan Xifilis Award 2010
Fleet Captain Toni Turner Commanding Officer The Boothby Award 2011

Duty Post Awards
Rank Character Name Duty Post Award Year
Lt. Commander Tallis Rhul First Officer The Strange Medallion 2010
Marine Captain Miles Unum Marine CO The Nebula Bar 2010
Major Heath West Marine The Semper Fidelis Award 2011
Lt. Commander Nugra Chief of Sec/Tac The Natasha Yar Pin 2012

Staff Awards
Rank Character Name Duty Post Award Year
Fleet Captain Toni Turner Commanding Officer The James T. Kirk Cross 2010
Fleet Captain Toni Turner Commanding Officer Staff Member of the Year Award 2011
Fleet Captain Toni Turner Commanding Officer The Christopher Pike Pendant 2012