Brek is a diplomat on StarBase 118.

USS Columbia
Position Commanding Officer
Rank Commander
Species Ferengi
Gender Male
DOB 236011.11
Age 41
Birthplace Noi Village, Ferenginar
  • PNPCs:

Ensign J.B. Dakarai - Ara - Glutik

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(December 2014)

Awards General 3Year 2011.jpg
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  • Full name: Brek
  • Date of birth (Age): 236011.11
  • Species: Ferengi
  • Gender: Male
  • Hair color: N/A
  • Eye color: Brown
  • Height: 5' 1
  • PoB: Noi Village (Ferenginar)


  • Father: Vekkor
  • Mother: Idred
  • Siblings: Kreb (Brother)
  • Spouse: None
  • Children: None
  • Grand Mother: Ara (She is 90 year old, and also lives on SB118)

Physical Description

Slightly overweight and smaller than the average Ferengi.

Personal History

He was born on Ferenginar to a family that has acquired its wealth selling Ferengi memorabilia to tourists and expats (reputed to be attracted to anything that glitters like gold).

He was educated at the Korpa boarding school for young entrepreneurs, where he stayed between age 3 to 18. Following this long spell away from his native village, he felt estranged from his relatives and decided to leave Ferenginar altogether. After a few years, where he erred here and there, working for various mining operators, he developed a passion for geology and, aged 24, entered Starfleet Academy.

Prior to joining Starfleet Academy, he spent some time on Risa, where he lost an inordinate amount of money in their casinos.

Unfortunately, Brek wasn't really up to his father's standards and it is said among the family circle, that out of spite, he abandoned Ferenginar for StarFleet.

He now receives little news from his parents, and expects that Kreb, his younger brother, will one day inherit the family's financial empire. He used to feel bitter because of this, but now he thoroughly enjoys the freedom and sense of discovery that StarFleet has given him.

He is not entirely free of his family though: His 90 year old grandmother, Ara, lives on Starbase 118 and has a knack for disrupting his life.

Professional History

  • 2378: Spent 6 months working as a bookkeeper for FenixCorps Mining Operation
  • 2378 to 2384: worked in various mining operations in the Alpha Quadrant
  • 2384: Entered Starfleet Academy as a science cadet. Performed poorly and was advised to change his path. He opted for a career in diplomacy.
  • Specialization: Conflict Resolution and Inter-species Relations
  • 2388: Upon graduation from the Academy, he was transferred to SB118 to serve as a Diplomatic Aid (Rank: Ensign)
  • 238810.04: Promoted to Lt (jg) and Vice-Counselor
  • 238901.31: Promoted to Lt and Chief Diplomatic Officer
  • 238908.18: Promoted to Lt Cmdr

  • He works alongside his Aid :Jean Baptiste Dakarai (pnpc), an Ivory Coast native whose first language is French, and Emily Evprak (pnpc), an extremely shy secretary.
  • He started his diplomatic career working on the formation of the Thracian Alliance, and to this day, remains dedicated to the Thracian/Romulan cause.

Hobbies & Pastimes

He keeps a close eye on the financial market of the Sol System, to follow the numerous shares he has acquired over the years. Ever since his years at the Academy, he has developed a strong liking for Earth food, and can often be found in lounges and mess halls, eating copious meals.

General Notes

Although his relatives consider him to be a drop-out, Brek's utmost goal is to prove them wrong and, ultimately, create his own financial empire. He knows that money made by dealing with precious stones will be far more rewarding than selling shiny trinkets throughout the galaxy. In the meantime, he is 100% dedicated to his career within the Fleet.


- A group of terrorists had planted multiple bombs throughout SB118.

- While monitoring a commercial transaction between various species, Brek discovered that one of them was a terrorist.

- During the attacks, he witnessed the death of Commander Guy Hunt, who sacrificed his life to protect his colleagues.

- Worked under the guidance of Federation Ambassador Frazier.

- Met with the mysterious Mr Sen, an intel agent who gave him an insight into the dark world of secret operations.

- Participated in the negotiations that established the legitimacy of the Thracian Alliance.

- Encountered Senator Vreeya for the first time.

  • 238901: Echevar Shoreleave

- Spent his time exploring the resort island also bought various antiques and had a go at metal detecting.

- Sb118 was once again under attack. This time it was the target of a secretive Romulan faction called the Reikara.

- With the help of the Security Department, he tried to discover if there were any Romulan conspirators among the Diplomats posted on the Starbase.

- Worked alongside Ambassador Lily Ventu to continue to promote a strong and independent Thracian Alliance.

- Encountered Commander Kital Creena fro the first time.

- In order to keep the various Embassies at peace, Brek had to confront a group of disruptive Nausicaans. He also rescued a pet spider which had escaped from its vivarium.

- Following the invasion of several ‘Shadows’ who took hold of most of the senior crew, Brek and Counsellor Valyn monitored Freo, one of the two survivors from the USS Calgary.

- During the conflict that opposed a fleet of Klingons rogues to the Thracian Alliance, Brek, along with Ambassador Gavin MacLaren, played a role in the signing of the Thracian protectorate.

NPC Listing   ·   StarBase 118 Ops Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Commanding Officer
Gogigobo Fairhug
First Officer
Shar'Wyn Foster
Mission Specialist
Madison Marsh
Helm Officer
Sasch Kreshkova
Chief of Ops
Chief of Security
Security Officer
Samuel Woolheater
Corey Wethern
Medical Officer
Ryden Kel
Karen Stendhal
Science Officer
Vitor Tito
Director of Intel
Solaris McLaren
Intel Officer
Evan Ross
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