Reporter Issue 42
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From the Admiral's Desk
Fleet Admiral Tristan Wolf
Hello again, fellow members.
::Puts on Editor cap.:: Yes, what you're seeing is actually real: We've finally put together the next Reporter, and it is really online. We've taken a different direction with this month's Reporter, as you will notice below. The focus for this month, instead of a specific ship, will be Relationships - in honor of Valentine's day. There are a lot of great articles on how love works into the Star Trek Universe, and of course, SIMming.
You'll find that the format of the Reporter will be changing again in the next issue. We've decided to split the monthly ship reports into their own seperate newsletter, called "Tactical Data Reports" (TDRs). The second TDR (the first having been sent out this past November) will be released near the beginning of May, and will continue to come out every month after that. The Reporter, on the other hand, will be released every other month, around the 15th.
While we haven't completely set in stone the new format of the Reporter, it looks like we'll be trying to take a more "magazine" feel to it all, by giving you more feature type articles whenever we can. Fleet Captain Adler Wong-Aquiss has stepped up to try her hand at editing the next issue, and hopefully many more after that.
In other news, I'll now put my Admiral hat ::switches:: and talk about some Fleet stuff: First, thankfully, we have completed a move to a new server. We are, in fact, still with the same provider, but we now have more resources at our disposal. A better Site Control Panel, more bandwidth, and more hard drive space will allow us to continue to grow. Unfortunately, it will probably be at least another week or two before we can get the website back in full working order. ::Cringe::
Second, I hope you all received the "State of the Federation" address last month, and found it informative. The Constitution requires that the EC send out one of those every year, and we are happy to oblige. It's nice to have an overall summary of where we're going, and where we've been.
Third, I am happy to again announce to the general membership that Rear Admiral Marlin has returned from his forever-long leave of absence. He has been welcomed back to the administration arm of the group, and is currently easing his way back into things. He has already been of much help in writing the CON "QuikGuide" - a shortened, condensed version of the Constitution for new members.
Fourth, and finally, I wanted to make mention of how well the Captains and Executive Councils are moving along lately. We're dealing with a number of issues, the most notable of which is a revision of Bylaw 2 - regarding the promotion of officers to Commander and above. That process has undergone some changes since the Bylaw was put into effect, and we are hammering out a suitable change to the it, to ensure it is both accurate and all-encompasing.
I hope you all enjoy this issue. I know it has been a pleasure to gather and read articles from some of the best writers in the fleet.
Oh, and before I forget: Please remember to vote in the Top SIMs Contest AND to find and submit some of the best SIMs of your fellow members for the next round!! Just head to the Top SIMs Page for more info.
FltAdml. Tristan Wolf
UFOP: StarBase 118 CinC