Discovery-C Staff Roster

Revision as of 02:08, 7 April 2012 by T.waltas (talk | contribs)

Insignia Rank Character Name Current Post
DS9style-cpt red.png Captain Tyr Jashin Waltas Commanding Officer
DS9style-cmdr red.png Commander Eden Redstone First Officer

Insignia Rank Character Name Current Post
DS9style-cpt black.png Captain Steve Lee McCall Director of Intel
DS9style-ltjg black.png Lieutenant JG Meng Ishkan Tian Intelligence Officer

Insignia Rank Character Name Current Post
DS9style-ltcmdr gold.png Lt. Commander Eric Lundrigan Chief HCO Officer

Insignia Rank Character Name Current Post
DS9style-lt gold.png Lieutenant Inarr Rogg Chief Engineer

Insignia Rank Character Name Current Post
DS9style-cmdr red.png Commander Rode Connor Mitchell Chief Tactical Officer

Insignia Rank Character Name Current Post
DS9style-lt gold.png Lieutenant Paul Sharpe Chief Security Officer
DS9style-ens gold.png Ensign Nicholas Luciano Security Officer
DS9style-ens gold.png Ensign Skar Dohan Security Officer

Insignia Rank Character Name Current Post
DS9style-blank teal.png OPEN OPEN Chief Medical Officer
DS9style-ens teal.png Ensign Tanneth Lyre Medical Officer
DS9style-ltcmdr teal.png Lt. Commander Raj Blueheart Counselor

Insignia Rank Character Name Current Post
DS9style-ltcmdr teal.png Lt. Commander John Valdivia Chief Science Officer

This list only consists of playable characters. NPC's can be found in the appropriate link to the right.