Zimedia Nijal
Zimedia Nijal is a Cardassian officer of the Federation Starfleet, currently serving as a mission specialist aboard the USS Octavia E Butler.
Nijal, who often goes by "Zi," was assigned as an engineering officer to the USS Oumuamua directly from Starfleet Academy. She served as a junior engineering officer on that ship through promotion to full lieutenant, at which point she was reassigned as a mission specialist at the request of Commodore Ossa V'Airu, then the commanding officer of the Oumuamua.
- Height: 157 cm (5 ft, 2 in)
- Weight: 55 kg (122 lbs)
- Hair Color: Dark brown
- Eye Colour: Dark brown
Personal Information
Zimedia usually goes by Zi, no matter whether she's in personal or professional circumstances.
Her favorite drink is gavaline tea, a drink from Betazed that she describes as having both a sweet and an astringent flavor.
As she was commissioned in the middle of 2399, Zi Nijal has little Starfleet history to speak of. She served as an engineering officer through her first two promotions, and was then assigned as a mission specialist on the 'Oumuamua before being reassigned in that same role to the Octavia E Butler with most of her crew.
She attended Starfleet Academy when she was old enough to do so, after having set her sights on becoming a Starfleet officer as a young person, as she grew up with Federation aid for Cardassia's rebuilding. Even with a few negative experiences at the Academy, she maintains a very positive attitude toward Starfleet.
She is one of the few fully Cardassian officers in Starfleet.